Did you know that no member of Congress has been allowed to look at the gold in Fort Knox for over 40 years?

  1. So what says:

    Did alfie change his name again?

  2. Marsh says:

    #33. Blow me chump.

  3. So what says:

    It would appear he kept the same IQ.

  4. nicktherat says:

    why cant we just get a few guys with cameras and scales and drills to go in and film testing out a few randomly chosen bar?

  5. B. Dog says:

    It’s something that comes up from time to time. The auditors gave the big banks a big OK until they were seen to be insolvent, which should give auditors the reputation of a pile of shit for the lifetime of anyone now alive. Here’s a story for you:


  6. DrDuran says:

    about the IMF gold:

    The IMF acquired its current gold holdings prior to the Second Amendment through four main types of transactions.

    First, when the IMF was founded in 1944 it was decided that 25 percent of initial quota subscriptions and subsequent quota increases were to be paid in gold. This represents the largest source of the IMF’s gold.
    Second, all payments of charges (interest on member countries’ use of IMF credit) were normally made in gold.
    Third, a member wishing to acquire the currency of another member could do so by selling gold to the IMF. The major use of this provision was sales of gold to the IMF by South Africa in 1970–71.
    And finally, member countries could use gold to repay the IMF for credit previously extended.

    so if they have gold from us they got it in 1944. We have never taken credit from the IMF.

  7. I found Rep. Maloney’s question about redundancy redundant.

  8. tomdennis says:

    I think we should print up some counterfeit money and pay China our debt since that is their favorite currency.

  9. Likes2LOL says:

    Uh, oh – is it really a good idea to ask these questions and pull back the curtain on our commonly accepted myths, such as “the United States’s gold is safe at Ft. Knox and the Federal Reserve” or “the emperor’s new clothes are beautiful”?

    I mean, if the public ever learns otherwise, the runs on banks and rioting in the streets is gonna be fierce.

    If ignorance is bliss, I know too much.

  10. rick says:

    Just because the gold is there, doesn’t mean its OURS.

    “Custody” is not Ownership. Note how carefully the auditor speaks in that regard.

  11. rick says:

    One more thing, I had to laugh out loud when the guy was claiming that confidence in the gold was reduced when people questioned that it existed at all.

  12. Cursor_ says:

    Marsh, Paul says things without fully thinking them through.

    From his stance on abortion to his desire to issue letters of marque to this lunacy.

    He is shooting from the hip. We don’t need flying by the seat of your pants leadership. We need reason and logic that benefits all citizens.

    Currently we have reason and logic that supports only the wealthy. But Paul would be a step back not forward.


  13. This has nothing to do with the mint or Ft. Knox or the physical gold in the vaults, but rather is an oblique way to get an investigation of the gold at the Fed in NY and whethter it is illegally encumbered or collateralized. Discovering this requires compelling more transparancy from the Fed, which when they won’t or can’t comply would give cause for a full audit of the Federal Reserve (One of R.P.’s issues)

    It’s hard to hear, but it’s there, listen up.

  14. Orion314 says:

    This idea that “no one” knows whats inside Ft Knox is as insane as saying you don’t know your own name or your own deep-dark-filthy-secrets…
    SOMEONE knows, but we don’t know who that someone is. That someone is rich, powerful, and most likely, no one that was elected….Also, after the 911 fiasco, there was a shit load of gold in the Fed reserve vaults underground in NYC that was never accounted for. The perfect bank robbery is one that the sheep don’t know about…

  15. rick says:

    If the gold standard isn’t important for our money, why do we have a gold reserve at all?

    If you watched the entire video, you will note that the “auditor” mentioned that government officials don’t actually audit the gold, private contractors paid for by the Fed do it.
    We’ve privatized counting our own gold, and we have to trust the results of a contractor that has no real loyalty to the USA.


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