The face of Jesus has been spotted – in a three cheese pizza. Restaurant staff at the Posh Pizza shop in Brisbane, Australia, noticed the manifestation after taking the pizza from the oven. Maree Phelan says: “Some people are already calling it the Cheesus Pizza…
After attracting 26 bids on eBay, the pizza sold for a tasty £98.
uhm i thought it looks more like this guy
# 21 bobbo, “Why don’t we use this as the actual real reason for pulling out of Afghan? Should the UN pull out for the same reason?”
Bobbette – I spent a little over seven years – the first two with the Taliban in power – and I have a love for the country and the people. In addition, I have numerous Afghan friends – a few that I love like brothers and sisters. Even I think it’s time we started getting out of Afghanistan. I’m not in favor of an abrupt withdrawal but let’s start pulling back. We’ve been training and arming their soldiers for years. Let ’em out. But, it’s not going to happen. Know why? Bagram Air Base. We have an FOB a few miles from the Iran border. We will never let go of that.
I can imagine the conversation at the restaurant.
Customer “Waiter, where is my four cheese pizza? It was supposed to be ready in twenty minutes.”
Waiter “We had to remake your pizza. It was an act of God. Couldn’t be helped?”
Customer “What happened?”
Waiter “It had the shape of Jesus in the cheese so we have to save it to sell on ebay.”
Customer “Just bring me my damn pizza so I can eat it.”
#32–Animby==you place me in a quandary. I respect your experience, insight, and perspicacity on all things FOB. I just don’t believe the FOB theory. We have all of Iraq. We have the Red Sea. We have tactical Nukes. You “might” be right about what our military leaders/political puppets may have in mind in which case I would then realize that YOU are wrong because THEY are wrong.
Now I’m no physician, but I have the same ego when it comes to thinking I’m never wrong. Thinking too far ahead of the curve is as close as I ever get to wrong.
With the looming shutdown of USGov, I wonder if it will be the iron fist of economics that finally gets us out of the rest of the world?
#33 Benjamin –
You’re a real wit.
That wasn’t half bad.
#34 – Bobbo – The thing is, with physicians, is not the we think we’re never wrong, it’s that we’re never wrong. It would be disingenuous of me to claim I’ve never made a mistake. Once. in medical school, I thought I was wrong about something…
Seriously, or thereabouts, I spent quite a bit of time at Bagram. In fact, I was going through a bunch of stuff the other day and ran across my old Bagram ID card. In any case, it was, you know, the major air base of the Soviets when they were the occupying force. Believe me when I tell you, those old Soviet barracks were shiver-inducing pieces of crap construction. The base has undergone a major renewal. The airstrips have been lengthened (I think it was about 2,000 feet but my memory is hazy) and major defenses have been installed. I’m sure the cost of these improvements was predicted at around $300 mil and finally topped half a billion. Not the sort of investment you plan to leave behind.
Saw the same thing in Kosovo. The equivalent was Camp Bondsteel except there, I believe, they started from scratch. It was ordered to be a temporary facility. Then they built a 12,000 foot runway and housing for almost 5,000 soldiers. Cripes. They even had a Taco Bell and Burger King. That turns out to be about the same size as our major installation in Turkey, Incirlik Air Base. Funny, a couple of years later, there was a big move to get us out of Turkey. It failed but, well you can see the tactical advantage of having a similar FOB already in the vicinity and in a country we control.
Ah, well. What do I know? I’m just a country doctor, Jim.
These ‘sightings’ are regular and sure proof that people will concoct things in their mind.
Go back many years ago….
Taken to the next level, some village opportunist claims special access to the magical face and hence the story unfolds.
Here we are in 2011 and it’s now an world scale pyramid of money, greed and control. A cottage industry of witch doctors, exploitation or the poor and on it goes.
Mein Gott! It is the face of my mother! On a trainload of bananas! And the train is going into a tunnel! And…
Oh. Excuse me. (snorts rail)
Next time we get one of these sightings (preferably a virgin Mary story) I will share a poem about such events that I wrote.
Face looks like the skull logo the Grateful Dead used to have.
Sigmund==”trainload of bananas”–Thank you. The image of the necessary tunnel was already in my mind.
animby–so the only open question is whether or not we will continue to FUND all these redundant FOBs. Sure we would “like” them, so put which FOB’s you want in descending order. I’m sure Incirlik will be way above anything in Afghan.
All them catlickers and other chrispians are always looking for ways to draw them in so what’s better than everyone getting a slice of the jesus pie
being a three times a week masser I dropped my suggestion in the box one Sunday..
the new doing communion would have wine (jc blood) cracker (jc body) and a Hersey’s Kiss (jc poop)
Thank you, admfubar – that’s the first place I went!! Che fer sure.
Maree Phelan says: “Some people are already calling it the Cheesus Pizza…I resently purchased a Timepiece AV with Clockworks software and there is no addendum in the manual and customer service sucks