1. Dallas says:


  2. akallio says:

    Just another hapless kid suckered into belief in the supernatural. It’s practically criminal.

  3. Zybch says:

    Its sad to see how low George Lucas has stooped to make a few extra bucks from the star wars franchise, by authorizing this kind of tripe.
    First the Ewok-teddy bears, next JarJar, and now this.

  4. natefrog says:

    @ #3;

    Oh, give me a break. Do you really think George Lucas came up with this commercial idea? Not likely. VW has an idea and Lucas may get a little money for use of Darth Vader.

    John Williams probably got more money for use of not one, but two of his songs.

  5. Shubee says:

    I’ve seen better stuff on youtube and this was a high dollar Super Bowl commercial?

  6. God, Allah and other monikers says:

    And I give you… the President of the United States of America, 2032!

  7. Brian says:

    No contest, the cute blond getting nailed in the head with a Pepsi can was way better.

  8. No No No, I loved the parking monkeys. Man I swear they are real. Why can’t people park IN BETWEEN parking line spaces????!!!

  9. brm says:

    Agreed. This was the best one.

  10. usa1 says:

    The VW was cute, but ultimately touted a feature available on any car. No sale for VW.

  11. IamKnuckles says:

    It was cute, but why should I buy VW because of this? Are they flaunting that VW now has remote start? Cute, but no point. I too like the pepsi ad with corked blond. Pepsi Max, you can take out a dumb blond with one. Very helpful.

  12. chris says:

    #7 Agreed, the Doritos/Pespsi ads were outstanding.

  13. brm says:


    “It was cute, but why should I buy VW because of this?”

    You’re missing the point of modern advertising.

    Notice what company we’re all talking about right now…?

  14. Howard Beal says:

    I guess it did not work for many but I liked the “Tommy” Chevy Silverado add I’m not a big fan of big trucks and have never owned a Chevy but the the Tommy Silverado/Timmy Lassie spoof worked for me.

  15. Floyd says:

    I liked little Anakin Vader… “Use the Remote, Luke.”

    I didn’t watch the Superbowl, so I didn’t see the commercials during the game. It was kinda cool that the Pack is Back, though.

  16. So what says:

    So remote starting a car leads to the dark side. Wow where do all those human sacrifices lead me? Cute though.

  17. Exophrine says:

    A child dressed as a fictional character based on the image of Adolf Hitler for a commercial of a car company founded by the German Labour Front, the Nazi trade union, and got its name from Adolf Hitler himself…

    …has it gone full circle?


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