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And for anyone that understands this mess..
Its a giant pyramid scheme.
Only those on the top are making ANYTHING..
Something you may not see/understand..
Look at What happens to nations that are self sufficient and have NO NEED of interference. Under developed nations. Look close at past history. Look at the backgrounds. During WWII, look at the nations NOT INVOLVED and what happened.
NOW back to food.
Look up a link to FOOD as a weapon. And remember that the USA supplies about 30% of the food world wide. WE undercut the farmers. Those nations FORGET about farming and Millions head to the large cities for FOOD/WORK.. Within 10-20 years we have CONTROL over that nations food.
Then look up MONSANTO on the net, for other nations. THEY SELL SEEDS.
Hey, Mark T. !
Thanks for that link to “The Money Masters”.
There was stuff in there that even I didn’t know!
You’ll never grok how _rare_ a pleasure that is for me.
I love just how he glosses over the simple fact that the “victim” here didn’t pay his mortgage. That is why he lost his house. No one forced him to take a mortgage. He could have continued to rent. Or paid cash for his house.
I’ve been thinking about this video. It is pure rubbish. There are so many things wrong with it I don’t even know where to begin.
The concept of creating inflation, and then taxing the appreciation in order to take what is yours is interesting. But… there is a serious problem with this theory…. they forgot to tax it.
(1) The largest asset most Americans own is their home. And the appreciation on that, that is capital gains, is tax free. It used to be taxed, but that was a long time ago. So why would the Fed allow Americans to pay taxes on their largest appreciating asset if this was true?
(2) The interest Americans pay on their home mortgage is tax free. Again, more dollars slipping past the grip of the IRS.
(3) The second (and should be largest) largest asset the average American owns is their IRA/401k. Guess what? Those are tax deferred. They are allowed maximize their growth potential by not letting the IRS, Fed, Rothschild’s have one thin dime of it for decades. And then when you take distributions, you can time it to minimize the tax hit.
So there you go… asset appreciation for the average American with no or deferred taxes. So how do the Rothschilds make money again?
Ironically, if you invested all your money in gold, versus your own home with mortgage and a 401K, the capital gains on the gold are fully taxed. No exemption.
In fact, I’m willing to bet all this anti-FRB crap like this is driven by gold speculators who want to scare people into investing in gold, and paying out the nose in taxes for doing so.
And this crap is driven by the same lame brained idiots who believe in zero-sum game theory, like communist. I’ve lived in dirt poor countries where communist gain a lot of traction by peddling this crap. They convince the poor that there is only so much money, and therefore the rich get rich by taking a larger slice of a fixed sized pie.
The truth is the we all get richer with lending, borrowing, and capital investment. That is what makes M1, the money supply (or pie) larger. That is what creates the wealth that allows you to buy a house, car, and have a job.
Please. Before you start believing this crap, go take a semester of basic economic theory at your local community college. This garbage belong in Kentucky with the creationist museum.
You can NOT OWN property..thats what the TAX IS FOR.. If you let it SIT the state can TAKE IT. that is not ownership.
401k/retirement is DEFERRED..yes..look at the WORD..DEFERRED.
Basic econo?? you are a fool. I asked my assistant boss’s IF College course helped get the job, and they said that the company they worked for was the EXACT REVERSE of what they learned. I wish we lived by the OLD RULES.
Maybe you should watch the adult version: “The Money Masters”.
I love just how he glosses over the simple fact that the “victim” here didn’t pay his mortgage. That is why he lost his house. No one forced him to take a mortgage. He could have continued to rent. Or paid cash for his house.
Many people have lost their jobs due to the banker’s manipulation of the economy. Your argument is invalid.
(2) The interest Americans pay on their home mortgage is tax free. Again, more dollars slipping past the grip of the IRS.
INTEREST payments go straight to the banker’s bottom line. They don’t need the IRS to squeeze that out of you.
(3) The second (and should be largest) largest asset the average American owns is their IRA/401k. Guess what? Those are tax deferred. They are allowed maximize their growth potential by not letting the IRS, Fed, Rothschild’s have one thin dime of it for decades. And then when you take distributions, you can time it to minimize the tax hit.
So there you go… asset appreciation for the average American with no or deferred taxes. So how do the Rothschilds make money again?
In Europe right now, countries that are being forced to take “austerity measures” as part of their bailouts are now seizing private retirement accounts and giving that money to the banks. So, the paltry tax deferments are more than paying for themselves in terms of the efficiency of the seizure process.
Ironically, if you invested all your money in gold, versus your own home with mortgage and a 401K, the capital gains on the gold are fully taxed. No exemption.
Ironically, gold doesn’t really appreciate. The apparently spectacular out-performance of the stock market is an illusion caused by gold doing what it does. Holding its value. The fact is, it is the dollar that has changed in value, not the gold. So taxing “capital gains” on gold is obviously immoral.
And as things stand right now, 50% of residential real-estate is now owned by the banks. They are suffering a bit of indigestion right now because of the property taxes that they should be paying (but aren’t quite yet), and because the market wants to let housing prices fall to their true level which would force the banks to admit that they don’t have the legally required asset levels. But in spite of that, they have managed to get 50% of the homes as were planning all along to become the slumlords of the American people.