It’s that time of year again when every brick & mortar store looks like an Apple store about to release a new [insert latest anything Apple] at 3am with lines around the block. Are you one of them? Will you be doing your part to help our ailing economy by shopping till your dropping? Or are you a cyber Monday kinda person who calmly clicks their credit card into oblivion? Are you above all this craziness and don’t indulge in it all? Or has the economic ‘recovery’ passed you by and finding how to pay for food is a tad more important?
Despite the down economy and some unfavorable weather in some parts of the country, bargain shoppers in Boston and nationwide began showing up before dawn today to take advantage of Black Friday deals that included flat-screen TVs and e-book readers.
Retailers kicked off the busy holiday shopping season with expanded hours, deep discounts, and online deals to entice bargain-hungry shoppers. Turnout appeared to be strong following a weeks-long push by retailers to get shoppers to open their wallets with early deals.
There were more than 400 people in line at the Toys R Us.
“It’s like we’re here to see the President,” said Marla McRae, standing behind themed-park like metal grates with her teenager daughters, 16 and 17, this morning. “This is ridiculous.”
Last year I got a 40″ 1080p TV for $399.
I don’t see any reason to go back this year and buy another one for $299.
About 5 years ago I woke up early for a Black Friday laptop deal at Best Buy. When I got there the line went down the street and around the corner. I kept driving. That was my 1st and last attempt at Black Friday.
It’s also “Buy Nothing Day.”
I’m going to join Reverend Billy in this one.
All this capitalism is getting me sick.
I don’t stand in line fo shit. Gots no money anyhow.
I announce I’m Buddhist, and save a lot of cash.
I picked up a 22 inch TV for 99 bucks and only waited 20 minutes in line for it.That is about 4 dollars a minute in savings.Well worth the cold weather and 6:00 a.m. trip to Menards.They had 200 to sell and sold out in 15 minutes.
I don’t like the in-store events. You are committing yourself to a specific set of deals, and it isn’t fun to deal with all those people.
Still think the best sales were 2 years ago when everybody thought the world was ending. This year it seems like mostly low-end TV sets, and only a minor sale on the rest.
Computers seem oddly expensive to me this season. Not comparing features to features, just the base offers seem higher than in years past.
I think vendors assume a better season this year and are holding back.
I don’t do Black Friday. Never have. The 1 person who does get something for Christmas gets a Kindle per her wishes. Everybody else gets a card from a bulk pack of 50 that I paid $9.95 for.
All I can say is.. buy more Apple stock. I’m falling deeper into their orbit, I’m afraid.
Yeah I’ve done black friday in the past and it sucks. You need to shove everyone and learn to be a greedy bastard just to get a chance at anything. I’m sick of it. I’m sick of greedy capitalism also. Who needs more crap that badly?
You used to be able to get good deals on Black Friday. Now it is just another day to fleece the suckers. Any shopping I do will be considered and researched and I will find the best deal possible
Black Friday is mostly “lost leader” and “bait n’ switch” anyway. Given the economy and the uncertainty of the jobs market, I’m thinking that retailers will be cutting prices even further as the season progresses.
Agreed. The retailers will flinch before the consumer does. I will be re-gifting and giving cash (the ultimate gift certificate) this Christmas. The only thing I am buying for myself for Christmas this year is a new 32GB USB flash drive … but I can wait as long as necessary.
While we are on the subject of shopping I would like to give a plug for my favorite shopping add-on for Firefox: InvisibleHand. Google it and get it. It will tell you were to get the best on-line deal for a particular product.
In my underwear.