From the Winston-Salem Journal comes this charming story about an elderly fellow, Bill Johnson, who has discovered the image of Jesus in a tree limb that fell in his front yard. He believes it to be a “robed image of Jesus with an outstretched hand. The head is near the center of the limb where the rings of the tree are lighter, giving an almost halo appearance.”
And he’s milked this observation in newspapers and TV… but seriously. Halo, or no halo, that’s not Jesus.
That’s a Dalek.
The two differ in a number of ways. One is the saviour of the world, the Son of God, who died and is risen and will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead. And the other is a mutated Kaled life form from Skaro, bred to believe in its own genetic superiority with a desire to destroy everything else in existence, and a propensity to scream “Exterminate”.
You can work out which is which yourself.
Its a Dalek… how is jesus meant to burn his image into wood, he has no laser shooting eye!
A Dalek would exterminate trees too.
It is definitely a dalek. Perhaps that chap is an elderly original Dr. Who.
WWDD? Exterminate all humans, I say.
Looks like a Dalek to me… of course with a little careful wood burning…
exterminate the sinners!!! Exterminate The Sinners!!! EXTERMINATE THE SINNERS!!!!
It looks Bugs Bunny in an Aunt Jemima costume.
But we need a closeup of the “image.” Did I miss that?
Why would Jeebus have one arm outstretched, again?
Did Jeebus gain weight? Oh noes.
So if Jesus was a Dalek do you think they would have crucified him?
I see his blood upon the rose
And in the stars the glory of his eyes,
His body gleams amid eternal snows,
His tears fall from the skies.
I see his face in every flower;
The thunder and the singing of the birds
Are but his voice—and carven by his power
Rocks are his written words.
All pathways by his feet are worn,
His strong heart stirs the ever-beating sea,
His crown of thorns is twined with every thorn,
His cross is every tree.
by Joseph Mary Plunkett who gave his life for ireland’s freedom.
freedom is where you find it. we piss on it. and soon enough we will wish it again. we will dream it and pray for it. its coming…our time is coming…
Chunky Jesus was a parody of Chucky Cheeses I did back in the mid 80’s. A Chucky Cheese style place for christian kids. The animated robots were the the disciples and they had a version of whack a mole but with satan’s head popping up. Ergo Whack A Satan. All other games were christian themed as well.
My depiction of the christ in it was also rotund because you had to make the costume large enough to get a worker in it. Hence Chunky.
The five minutes of my life it took me to read this article, lolz.
Daleks: The new Jesii.
“Bill Johnson gets a supernatural woody.”
Looks like a wizard to me…about to cast some spells!
How obvious does it have to be? It’s Aunt Jemima! “Exterminate superstitious nonsense, Y’all!”
I’d like some of that Jesus firewood.
It’s obviously Zombie Jesus.
That is not Jesus. That’s KKK clansman. Or a Freemason priest.
Or it could be the profile of a DoDo Bird …
I worked with a guy who reminded me of Davros. He rolled around in a powered scooter and everything.
Is a Dalek. Jesus could walk up stairs.
Being a Christian and DW fan
this is just a LOL