U.S. government medical researchers intentionally infected hundreds of people in Guatemala, including institutionalized mental patients, with gonorrhea and syphilis without their knowledge or permission more than 60 years ago.

Many of those infected were encouraged to pass the infection onto others as part of the study.

About one third of those who were infected never got adequate treatment.

On Friday, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius are expected to offer extensive apologies for actions taken by the U.S. Public Health Service…

The episode raises inevitable comparisons to the infamous Tuskegee experiment, the Alabama study where hundreds of African-American men were told they were being treated for syphilis, but in fact were denied treatment. That U.S. government study lasted from 1932 until press reports revealed it in 1972.

The Guatemala experiments…were discovered by Susan Reverby, a professor of women’s studies at Wellesley College, and was posted on her website [.pdf].

According to Reverby’s report, the Guatemalan project was co-sponsored by the U.S. Public Health Service, the NIH, the Pan-American Health Sanitary Bureau (now the Pan American Health Organization) and the Guatemalan government.

What will be exposed, say, in 2070 about what politicians are doing to exploit ordinary folks today?

  1. Bob says:

    You clueless non-thinking morons that cry “Less government and lower taxes” can’t give any exapmles of what to cut.

    The right wing nut jobs would “privatize”(give away) everything if given the chance.

  2. Rick Cain says:

    Just one of many unethical experiments done on American citizens and foreigners, presumably to keep us safe from the bad old Soviets.
    Syphilis for blacks, rabbit fever for soldiers who refused to fight in WWII for religious reasons, dusting subway stations in NYC with bacteria to see how fast it spread, and hiring the japanese doctors from Unit 731 to do experiments rather than having them swing from a rope like they were supposed to.

  3. deowll says:

    Something similar was done down in Alabama to some blacks.

    Wonder what Obama and his aids have in store for seniors?

  4. No More ETard says:

    Boy! I see that your post is CHOCK full of fine examples! Sorry, my mistake. Oh, by the way, I can give you PLENTY of things that need to be cut but that wasn’t the point.

  5. BailOutBob says:

    My POINT, althought you seem to prefer to ignore it and help me make my point, is that all I hear from the right is cut spending and taxes for the rich. Do you actually need examples as this is all the right has. Nothing more and nothing real or new. No changes what-so-ever. I am waiting to hear word one about exactly what,where, when and how other then doing away with SS, medicare and unemployment. do away with minimum wage and every way to encouirage job growth.

    Do you have anything meanful to add?

  6. BailOutBob says:

    If you are totally clueless I can provide all the examples you need. The rightwing mantra is as simple as I posted. Cut spending with no examples of what will be cut other then SS and all other social programs while blocking programs to create jobs. Cut taxes for the top few percent even if it means increased borrowing and send us into further debt. Quite hypocritical but nother new there.

  7. m.c. in l.v. says:

    Wow #1, you’re really suffering from Obama Derangement Syndrome. Next you’ll be blaming President Obama for Adam & Eve being banned from the Garden of Eden. Take your meds dude, seriously.

  8. No More ETard says:


    Typical. Call names and refuse to discuss the issues. Nice. Welcome to the third grade dude.

  9. No More ETard says:


    I have to apologize. I just realized that you are simply afraid that some one might come along and reduce the amount of welfare and food stamps you are getting. Doh! Sorry about that!

  10. BailOutBob says:

    So you have nothing. I am not surprised. You rightwingnuts never do.

    Do try to grow a brain and get back to me when you have a point.


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