He done blowed up real good!
I love the last part of this:
Qari Zafar, a commander of Pakistani militants, has accidentally punched his own one-way ticket [he blew himself up] to Paradise.
All you ever hear is “If you die while committing jihad, you go to paradise and get 53 or 72 or 99 virgins (or whatever today’s number is). But we never hear them say “beautiful virgins.”So we have a question about the whole virgin thing. What happens if you blow yourself up, get to Paradise and find out the reason your 99 virgins are virgins is that they’re so fat, ugly and repulsive that no one wanted them?
#28–Cursor==I welcome all criticism. To me, its not important who said what, rather the logic of what was said is important. Now, as a side issue, its “interesting” who said what when and I must admit I am enamored of the Greeks. They are a constant reminder that what it is to be human has not changed in 3000 years. My source was the internet, the first version of the logic trap I came across. I assume there are others phrased slightly differently.
Why didn’t you source your own quote?
My only point: humans should not give up their common humanity when contemplating “issues.” Receive a message from God to kill your first born?===reject it, as I know Greg would. This infantile argument from no other choice that god “should be” believed in even though he makes no sense at all will FAIL for 95% of the believers if ever put to a real test instead of mere blogging among strangers.
And that goes for anything else your “heart” and “brain” tells you is wrong. Our own humanity draws limits on god making the anti-theist position the only one that hits the middle course of what can be proven, what is logical, and what maintains our humanity.
Thus have I spoken, yea verily shall it be. ((hah, hah!)
I’ll try and explain a basic principal. If you don’t have at least the option to be to do bad things then there is no virtue nor is there any reason to hold anyone accountable for anything.
The Romans seemed to grasp the idea at least under the Republic that people should be judged based on virtue shown. They of course had their own yardstick to measure virtue.
It does seem to exceed the intellectual limits of some that life might be a time of testing and refining.
You save the wheat and burn/discard the chaff. Since this is a pillar of Judaism it is a pillar of the faiths derived from Judaism along with many faiths that have nothing to do with Judaism.
Who wants a virgin? I want a girl that knows what she’s doing.
And what do females get rewarded with? 72 male virgins? Where are all these virgins coming from?
I’m really starting to see some holes in the whole muslim storyline.
#34–do-ill==exactly. and that is why sheep are required to turn their brains off lest their own innate humanity finds god lacking. Can’t have that–must believe unconditionally==no options there.
Lets see. Why might I prefer a virgin?
Many people believe that having sex with a 14 yo or younger virgin is a cure for aids. Now, I don’t believe that, and I don’t think it makes any sense, but if you have that faith dogma, well then, you have to respect that person’s religion====right?
The virgins in question are not beautiful, but they all have really great personalities! 😉
On a more serious note, Jews and Muslims have always been very concerned with virginity, especially in young women. Another good example is straight out of the Old Testament. When the Israelites attacked the people of Midian, Moses was angry that they returned from battle having captured the women and children alive. He then decided who would be allowed to live and who would be slaughtered. On Moses’ order, all the Midianite boys were killed, and all the Midianite women who had slept with a man were also killed. The only captives from that battle allowed to live were the virgin women, who were then divided up among the Israelites along with the livestock and other plunder.
Virgins have a special place in God’s heart, because he is apparently very concerned that women protect their vajayjays from invasion.
and so the blog slowly turns to virgins huh?
Say Pedro: any truth to the notion that several centuries of the Mayans and Aztecs sacrificing the villages prettiest virgins lead to the Mexican people being so ugly?
Would seem to have a scientific basis event he infusion of spanish blood has not yet overcome. Selma Hayak being a supreme exception.
# 28 Cursor_ said, “No source reveals that this is indeed Epicurus.
It is considered poor debate form to use unsourced quotes to bolster one’s argument.
“Don’t fear god,
Don’t worry about death…
That is a properly sourced quote of his. And it does show that he believes in idea of a theism…”
Cursor, if that is indeed your real name, I think Bobbo’s logic argument holds up by itself whether or not it’s correctly attributed. Your’s however, does not show Epicurus was a theist. I assume you mean because he says to not fear god. As a non-theist, I also tell people not to fear god. I sometimes tell them not to fear trolls, goblins and other fairytale creatures. Does this make me a Grimmist?
By the way, if you go to Google Books and search for the first line of Bobbo’s quote, you can find 30 reputable references attributing the quote to Epicurus. But, as I said, the logic argument stands whether uttered by Epi or Bobbo.
the better question here is “do you still get the virgins even if you go solo when you blow up?” is it the thought that counts?
#41–ha, ha. Pedro==you crack me up. You zoned out on Salma and forgot to insult anyone.
I guess maybe you are a heterosexual? Course, Salma would do that to anyone.
#43 Bobbo – Don’t give up on Pedro: I have a very gay friend who thinks he might be able to go straight for Salma.
#44–Animby==we are on the same page. I’m not gay, but I’m here for Pedro, no matter how yappy and annoying he is. Its a measure of our own humanity when we reach down to help those such as him.
But just imagine: Salma Hayak. For me, if she were only a bit “taller.” Pedro might wish she were a little hairier? ==== and the objectifying begins! Hah, hah.
I dated a ballerina once. As close to Hollywood as I ever want to get.
# 45 bobbo said “I dated a ballerina once. As close to Hollywood as I ever want to get.”
My first wife was a dancer on TV. Boy, did you luck out.
Of course, the dancing she did was not as classy as ballet but it was a step up from a strip club.
Ahhh, Bobbo! He cares about you. He worries about you. I think this may be the start of something wonderful!
Pedro–didja ever hear the joke “My Mom doesn’t understand that calling me a son of a bitch says something about her?”
And just what (err – who?) is the pond in the scenario you create?
Ha, ha.
I’d much rather talk about Salma Hayak or doing Kegel exercises with a dancer, than getting any closer to Pedro’s imaginary sex life.
they’re fat, ugly and repulsive American gals that look like Cheney and Meg Whitman!
Oddly enough, there is a theory that it is encoded information. Supposedly the number 72 creeped into multiple mythologies (or religions, depending on your viewpoint) as it has astronomical significance. For example, man was split into 72 languages after the Tower of Babel. Also see Egyptian Osirus’ conspirators (numbering 72).
72 happens to be the number of years it takes the Earth to precess 1 degree.
Alix, yes.
The shift is 1 degree in 72 years, where the angle is taken from the observer, not from the center of the circle.
Discovery of the precession of the equinoxes is generally attributed to the ancient Greek astronomer Hipparchus (ca. 150 B.C.).
Yup, Hipparchus discovered it for our times. That does not mean that it was not known before.
@Bobbo… sorry I missed the on-going discussion.
God allowing evil does not make God less than good. The Biblical God (and even the Greek gods) wanted people to honor them (just with different reactions to those who dis/honor them.) The Biblical God does not make us to be, or expect us to be, robots, and you are an example that! If humans were good because they were compelled, or if some supernatural occurrence forced them what would that prove? We are free to choose; belief in God or not, being good or not. Two points: God can handle whatever choices we make. Our choices do not make God good or bad. Epicurus is wrong in saying that because evil exists, God is either enjoying it, ineffectual or incompetent. Did Epicurus expect a God to change brain cells to prevent even the evil intention? a God to stop the tidal wave, the earthquake, the volcano, the hurricane? God seeks change, that evil can be changed to good. Oh, and the wave, hurricane and other natural “disasters” are only seen as evil from our perspective. The hurricane, for example, is a balancing act, transferring the heated tropical air into the higher latitudes. It is only evil when it floods our home.