Since the point is advertising or drawing attention to a place, this is quite a leap from using old, boring searchlights.

NuFormer Digital Media develops state of the art 3D projections. These 3D projections will be custom-made to fit any specific building regardless of size. Every customer its bespoke performance!

The walls (facade or sides) of any building can be used. The projection is a digital re-creation of the architecture of a building. Architectural features of buildings are often used to fantastic effect. Due to the impressive size of the projection a spectacular visual experience is guaranteed. There are no size limits whatsoever.

  1. chuck says:

    The “collapsing building” effect was interesting. I think they used the same technique to fake the WTC attacks.

  2. thefreakytiki says:

    Didn’t Dvorak Uncensored show this same clip about a year ago? There were 2 different examples of this technology within that post.

    the Tiki

  3. Uncle Dave says:

    #2: It’s possible. My memory isn’t what it used to… what was I saying?

  4. Meatball says:

    I would love to have one designed for my house to scare the neighborhood kids at Halloween, something like the house being ripped open and a monster emerging. Yeah, as soon as I win the lottery, I’ll do that. 🙂

  5. deowll says:

    If they don’t have zoning laws for this they will.

  6. sargasso says:

    Totally cool. I’m reposting that link to guys at work. Thanks.

  7. Jeff Little of Troy Ohio says:

    >I think they used the same technique to fake the WTC attacks.

    Chuck… are the feds out to get ya too… I think that’s them knocking on your door.

  8. hhopper says:

    Every customer its bespoke performance??

  9. Bob says:

    This is one of those things you feel like an idiot for not thinking of it first. Its really a simple technology, and when you see it, it makes perfect sense. Kudu’s to the people who implemented it. Almost makes me want to break out the digital project, 3d program, and make one for my garage.

  10. HeeHee says:

    Obviously the work of the devil.


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