Being that Maher is 54 and white, he’s probably right on this if he’s pointing the finger at himself:

  1. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    Animby–the coffee thing is weird. I have taken many tasting classes: wine, cheese, tea, beer, olive oil, herbs, spices, chocolate and while all categories have my favorites and can’t stand, it has been coffee that has captured my taste buds trying to select, roast, grind, tamp and brew my own cup. For some reason, making my own cheese and beer left me quite happy with store bought. Why do I have to make my own espresso?

    Its a darn bother when your actually develop a taste that makes the pedestrian unacceptable.

    When my machine broke, I got by (almost) with a double shot from a French Press. I made do with it.

    Gosh–if espresso really isn’t available in Mai Chang (?) ((I thought you were a member of an espresso club?)) that would strike me as a great hobby to pursue.

    Or not as your pleasure dictates.

    Hah, hah. I just read that again: Just the spelling and definition. Nicely veracious.

  2. goreacle says:

    maher is a dickhead

  3. Animby says:

    # 67 bobbo, said, “Gosh–if espresso really isn’t available in Mai Chang (?) ((I thought you were a member of an espresso club?)) ” Oh, so sorry to insinuate I could not get a cup of coffee worth it’s egg shells here in Chiang Mai, my home base. There are some very fine beans grown by the hill tribes in the north. The roasting leaves a little to be desired but… I am not a member of an espresso club and can’t think what I might have said to suggest it. Thailand is awash in coffee shops ranging from street carts to national chains. Even Starbucks. I tend to hang out at a small cafe cum bookstore that gives me excellent coffee and a nice wifi connection.

    I’m a little jealous of your “tasting” experiences. I’ve only had the chance to do three: coffee, cheese and Scotch whiskey in Aberdeen. Though I have some trouble remembering much of that last one.

  4. brm says:

    #56 bobbo:

    ‘too general. Again nothing specific.”

    He’s a fucking entertainer.

    My explanation is as lengthy as he is relevant.

    This would be like asking you to be real specific and thoughtful about why Sean Hannity sucks.

  5. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    Easy to be specific about Hannity:

    1. He asks questions and then interrupts an answer if it goes against his preferences.

    2. He is completely hypocritically partisan using a set of responses depending on the party invovled: Eg–Obamn is responsible for what he does, don’t blame Bush. Othertimes: Don’t blame Bush, look at what he inherited from Clinton. Pure BS artist, without much art.

    3. He will continue using old statements even when guests inform him he is wrong. Eg–Obama is taxing us to death. Fact: Obama gave a tax reduction to 95% of American. Response: Obama is taxing us to death.

    I could go on. Hannity is an idiot and so are the people who drink his Koolaid. About as smart as people who think avoiding a question satisfies it. Think of the question on its merits for YOUR OWN BENEFIT. I know thinking is hard, but over time, it can become a habit.

  6. brm says:


    “Think of the question on its merits for YOUR OWN BENEFIT. I know thinking is hard, but over time, it can become a habit.”

    If I had a bunch of tapes of episodes I’ve seen, and a lot of extra free time, I *could* write pages about why I don’t like Bill Maher.


    It’s not that I’ve never ever thought about it. And you’re annoying for basically arguing that I need to write a well-researched legal brief about Maher in order to say “I don’t like the guy.”


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