So, how soon will someone who’s allergic to the swabs (there are people who are allergic to anything) sues? If someone can decline on religious grounds what do they do then?

To the list of instructions you hear at airport checkpoints, add this: “Put your palms forward, please.”

The Transportation Security Administration soon will begin randomly swabbing passengers’ hands at checkpoints and airport gates to test them for traces of explosives.

Previously, screeners swabbed some carry-on luggage and other objects as they searched for the needle in the security haystack — components of terrorist bombs in an endless stream of luggage.

But after the Christmas Day attempted bombing of Northwest Flight 253 over Detroit, Michigan, the TSA began a program of swabbing passengers’ hands, which could be contaminated by explosive materials, experts say. The TSA will greatly expand the swabbing in the coming weeks, the agency said.

But suppose you just smoked a fatty or snorted a nosefull…

Swabbing also should not be used to test for nonsecurity-related contraband, such as drugs, he said. “Under the Constitution, searches in airports are only for the purpose of protecting the security of airline transportation; they are not general law enforcement stops. And so it wouldn’t be permissible for the government to use these trace portal detectors to look for drugs,” Stanley said.

So you can now bring all the drugs with you you can carry since they can’t test for them? Sounds like a business opportunity to me!

  1. Bubb says:

    I have to wonder as someone involved in shooting sports, would I test positive for explosives and if I didn’t that would bring up lots of questions. Anyway let the theater of the absurd continue.

  2. chris says:

    You might test positive on the swab test if you use the wrong kind of soap.

    Drug mules will adapt fine. They will just wear latex gloves while being fitted with their cargo. It’s funny that security types are worried about that aspect, because any honest analysis shows that highly profitable smuggling always defeats any countermeasures put against it( aggregate, not individual results obviously).

    I’d suggest the Israeli method of profiling and having trained personnel play quiz-master. It works awfully well, and requires no gadgetry.

  3. roastedpeanuts says:

    Well… what happens if you get someone else to pack the bomb in your bag for you?

    OH wait, they ask you “did you pack your own bag?” Man these security people are a clever bunch.

  4. Uncle Dave says:

    #3: They no longer ask that. Haven’t for a couple of years.

  5. Macbandit says:


    I use to use my back pack for traveling and when it wasn’t being used for traveling I used to carry ammo and my gun to go out shooting on a regular basis. Even after 9/11 they never once stopped me because of it and they would swab it every time.

  6. Maidaa says:

    I was at the airport, checking in at the gate when an TSA officer asked, ‘Has anyone put anything in your baggage without your knowledge?’ To which I replied, ‘If it was without my knowledge, how would I know?’ He smiled knowingly and nodded,

    ‘That’s why we ask.’

  7. bwjunior says:

    If someone is allergic to paper (what trace machines use for sampling) than you allergy concerns might be an issue but I have yet to come across someone with that allergy and if someone was, I am sure the TSA would have a plan B.

    #3 sorry to disappoint you but 100% of all checked bags are checked for explosives and all carry on’s are xray’d so your sarcasm is meaningless.

    #2 yes if your soap contains nitrates which many do, it would alarm but considering nitrates are used in bombs one would hope an alarm would happen because that is what the machines do and of course drug mules still needn’t worry because the explosive trace machines still aren’t setup to detect drugs at airports.

    And finally, as for the Israelis, they have only one major airport to secure so many of their processes wouldn’t be quite as easy to implement here as you seem to imply considering the US has 420 plus airports and 10’s of thousands of more passengers a day…

  8. roastedpeanuts says:

    #4 Ah crap. You’re right. They better fix that loophole ASAP.

  9. Ah_Yea says:

    “Under the Constitution, searches in airports are only for the purpose of protecting the security of airline transportation”

    What??? I guess all those drug sniffing dogs were only for show.

  10. chris says:

    #7 Security is never easy, but nothing worthwhile is, right?

    Say 50 questioners per airport (for easy math sake). So for 400 airports (same) you’d need 20k ppl. That’s not easy, but it isn’t exactly impossible either.

    Focus on the most likely people and put them face to face with the most trained screeners. Random human element vs. random human element.

    I’d bank on that rather than some gizmos that every security maven looks at and posts their workarounds on the inet.

  11. Glenn E. says:

    Most Islamics are very particular about being clean. So any terrorists probably would have washed their hands multiple times, since working on some bomb device. But I can see a lot of false positives resulting from various nitrogen compounds triggering it off. Especially around July 4th, when a hell of a lot of people will by flying after touching some fireworks. And somebody could sabotage the tests, by painting the airport door and turnstile handles with a clear nitro compound. Just too many ways to defeat this test, that I can think of off the top of my head. And I’m not a determined terrorist.

    This is simple more security theater, by the TSA. Hopefully they’re not working their way up to testing folks at home, before they reached the airports. Yeah, I can see them trying to justify searches at home, to ensure the safety of flights. Aerospace is sacred cow to the western world. That’s why the Islamic terrorists have chosen to bomb them.

  12. commenting cvorak says:

    It doesn’t matter to which article of Dvorak I leave this comment because it would fit anywhere: Dvorak, I’ve never read so much bullshit from one person in one day than you. You’re the prototype of the dislikable american that thinks he’s always right…The day you stop writing I’ll light a candle to celebrate! Yeah!:)

  13. chris says:

    #12 It’s called an opinion. Don’t feel bad, some are bigger than others.

    For a hot second I was hoping you were talking to ME.

  14. Ron Larson says:

    Yea… regarding that idea that the TSA is not allowed to act like law enforcement for drugs. So why do they confiscate cash and demand to know where you got it? Why was it last month the TSA was testing detecting drugs when one of them decided to play a joke on a passenger and planted the sample drugs in her bag? It sure seems like they have decided that they now work for the DEA.

    Regarding the swab test. What happens if you test positive? Do they arrest you? Do they refuse you entry? 99.99% of the time it will be a false positive.

  15. bob says:

    —The day you stop writing I’ll light a candle to celebrate! Yeah!:)—-

    …and yet here you are reading his blog and commenting on it. Way to hurt his feelings.

  16. Orange says:

    Just cuffem and stuffem on the plane. No trouble. Who can hijack a jet handcuffed?
    Total control.

  17. Orange says:

    TSA could put balls and chains on passengers. Would add too much weight to jet though.

  18. Benjamin says:

    Just wash your hands after reloading your ammunition.

    I always wonder if they still do a GSR test on people if their alibi was they were at the range.

  19. SparkyOne says:

    IEDs need not contain substances detectable by these swabbings.

  20. Father says:

    SparkyOne: exactly! Only the morons would put their hands into the rat trap. The “Terrorists” by and large are not morons, with a few exceptions.

  21. Mr. Fusion says:

    #19 & 20,

    Good answer. Only these procedures aren’t to catch any IEDs. It’s to make the public think the government is out to do all they can to protect them. It matters little how effective the new steps are or the inconvenience, as long they can point their stubby little fingers and say “Hey look, we’re doing more than picking our noses before touching your lunch.

  22. birdy nom-noms says:

    Airport security screenings are just another way that the ruling elites have to keep you scared and obedient. Think about it. Rather than being proactive and screen for suspicious behavior, they have become reactive and have used such incidents as justification for taking away more of your liberties. Take off your shoes, empty your pockets, throw away your liquids, control, control, control… be afraid.

  23. JimD says:

    Random RECTAL PROBES NEXT !!! “Drop your draws and grab you ankles, sir” – WE HAVE THE POWER (SAID THE TSA AGENT !!!) Well, there goes the Travel Industry down the tubes !!!


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