Mmmmm…. H1N1 flavored Hagen Dazs!

First, there was Pepsi Vanilla. Then there was Pepsi Lime. Now, exclusively at Walgreens, you can get the latest special flavor of Pepsi: Pepsi H1N1. It is also available in frozen pizza, Buffalo wing, and ice cream form.

Fortunately, if you’re not yet infected, Coke bottles offer the vaccine.

Yes, as if their outdoor billboards advertising “H1N1 NOW AVAILABLE” weren’t confusing enough, they’ve now apparently printed up stickers and started slapping them on every surface in the store with no sense whatsoever of how this could be just a bit incongruous. Nah.

  1. sargasso says:

    For the benefit of confused foreigners, Walgreens appears to be some sort of supermarket which offers customers flu inoculations against the H1N1 swine flu. Someone please correct me if I’m wrong.

  2. Tim says:

    Walgreens must have taken a bath on the H1N1 scam. They advertise everywhere. It’s the first thing you hear when you call them. It’s plastered all over their stores and billboards.

    I think they will be asking for a bailout soon.

  3. sargasso says:

    #3. thank you!

  4. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    Another thought. Aren’t we on the tail end of the flu season? And what happened to the doom and gloom predictions?

    Reminds me of the Y2K hoopla.

  5. soundwash says:

    “The Power of Suggestion is a wonderful thing”


  6. Joe Dirt says:

    They also charge $20 for a shot that can be obtained by your local city health dept. for free. You pay for convenience.

  7. Greg Allen says:

    This story tells more about the danger of hiring minimum wage workers than it does about the H1N1 outbreak.

    I’m fine with a mixed model of vaccine distribution as long as it is still easy and free/cheap for low income people to get vaccinated.

    It hurts EVERYBODY if the poor can’t afford to get vaccinated or treated if they get a communicable illness. … and they shouldn’t have to wait until is is so acute they must to go to the emergency room.
    This endangers us all.

  8. Greg Allen says:

    Oh, BTW. I also suspect his story is bogus.

    The photography seems too good.

  9. dewtheone says:

    “Listen to” stickers should go on right next to them.

  10. Gerald R. says:

    Believe me, this is not something that was directed by corporate itself. These “bullseye” stickers had to have been the idea of a District Manager or maybe an Area V.P. These are the kind of things that these people come up with to justify their jobs.


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