SOUTH Australian laws censoring anonymous political comment on the internet have sparked national and international outrage, with readers comparing the “draconian laws” to those in Nazi Germany and China.

Well over 1000 people had posted comments on the AdelaideNow website up to midnight last night – most vehemently against the Rann Government’s legislation which will force internet bloggers and anyone publishing a comment on next month’s state election to supply their real name and postcode.

A poll reveals more than 90 percent of readers are against the laws, which carry a maximum fine of $5,000 for media organisations who do not hand over such information to the Electoral Commissioner.

The SA Attorney General Michael Atkinson backed down the next day after the public outrage. Atkinson is the same joker who is stopping the R18+ rating for video games, leading to the banning of some games. What a maroon.

  1. Breetai says:

    Well… It’s inevitable. It’s sad to say the US is going to join them in our lifetime.

  2. TThor says:

    Totalitarianism always fits well with politicians with good intentions for the public, as the public don’t know their own good. That is the mantra.

    Per definition, a politician is someone that hungers for power, and when trusted with power loves exerting it. And with no restriction becomes a tyrant. In the process God given rights described in the Constitution is watered down and everything becomes adjustable to the good cause.

    Australia is well down that slope, the US indeed very close behind, and Europe… a lost cause.

  3. Rectal Dysfunction says:

    What’s the problem? I’m using my real name.

  4. Animby says:

    Seems like every day or two now, we hear about some such absurdity coming out of Oz. (Small breasts are illegal???) What’s going on down there? Has that hole in the ozone layer finally burned through their tender scalps?

  5. Aussie Man says:

    Yes Animby, some of our politicians need to be shot, at at least removed from office.

    Unfortunately i have neither the power nor the money to do that.

    If only i had the bribe money certain lobbies do….

  6. LDA says:

    It is nearly election time. Any other time they would not have backed down, and if re-elected I suspect it will come around again.

  7. Drongo says:


    What on earth is a maroon, you moron!


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