1. gquaglia says:

    One interesting piece of news is now Obama is planning to bring 45,000+ Haitians to the US. No doubt they will never leave.

    Of course, they represent tens of thousands of potential Democratic voters in the future.

  2. dg says:

    Don’t be silly… the upcoming ice age caused it.

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    #34, Dudd,

    Still making the crap up or did you get that from FOX?

  4. Mr. Fusion says:

    #39, Cherman

    Is that your excuse for posting a deliberate faulty headline?

  5. soundwash says:

    This is what happens when you rely on TV to teach you instead of your own research to “learn” the facts…

    Turn off your TV..

    Haiti was a man-made quake so we could establish a new military base right in between Cuba and Venezuela, to keep on eye on the Russians and the old underground sub-pens they had there many decades ago..

    Undersea warfare coming soon at theater near you. -another great “invisible” boon-doggle to suck tax payers dry with…


  6. MikeN says:

    Not unreasonable to think global warming could cause earthquakes. Glover said the failure to act at Copenhagen caused this earthquake; the planet is punishing us.

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