Last paragraph is the money quote:

Officials say security screeners at a Bozeman-area airport failed to spot a gun in a passenger’s luggage last month, but the man turned himself in when he realized his error.

Transportation Security Administration spokesman Dwayne Baird said in a written statement Wednesday that the unidentified man became aware that he had the firearm in his carryon luggage as he was boarding Dec. 13 at Gallatin Field. The gun was confiscated and the passenger was allowed to continue on the flight.

The incident occurred nearly two weeks before the alleged Christmas Day attempt to blow up a U.S. airliner reawakened widespread concern over airline safety.

Still, Gallatin Field Board Chairman Dick Roehm says he’s disappointed at the lapse and the airport is looking into turning to a private company to handle security at the airport.

How people trust these guys is amazing.

  1. Pikachu says:

    Icelanders reject debt slavery, that UK & Holland are trying to impose by forcing common Icelanders to pay off bankers’ debts.

  2. jmsiowa says:

    Wow, and the guy wasn’t arrested on the spot? must be nice to fly out of Montana.

  3. Phydeau says:

    Still, Gallatin Field Board Chairman Dick Roehm says he’s disappointed at the lapse and the airport is looking into turning to a private company to handle security at the airport.

    Which would turn around and hire the same minimum-wage workers that the TSA had hired. The only difference being the taxpayers will be paying not only for incompetent screeners, but the corporate profits for the company the screeners work for.

    Ain’t capitalism grand?

  4. Animby says:

    This is just one more way the TSA is varying it’s techniques to keep us on our toes. Oh, the horrors of an SOP.

    Just one question: did they at least taze him?

  5. Glass Half Full says:

    Er? Private security? Yeah, because hiring 20 year old minimum wage McDonalds fry cooks to manage security will work much better.

    Look folks, I don’t want to scare anyone, but just about 800 MILLION people flew last year (just US airlines, not counting rest of world). That’s 2 million a DAY! If you seriously think that little stories like this are some indication of serious problem because once a week we here about something that got missed…dude 14 million people boarded US planes this WEEK, one gun got through…or 4…or 10? That’s pretty FREAKEN good!

    I know ANY breakdown in security is bad. But most folks here are idiots and just not recognizing the SIZE and scope of the issue. Given the numbers, unless someone walks through security with a gun every 12.5 minutes, they’re still doing a pretty good job.

  6. Julia says:

    This is ridiculous. I came back from Europe last week. Airport security hassled me because I had a candle in my bag. Had to throw out my water bottle (it could be dangerous chemicals!!!). But they can’t even catch a gun?!

  7. Dennis says:

    Yeah …”All it takes is ONE”
    One – Drunk Driver
    One – Crazed Gunman who just got laid off
    One – Cop with a Tazer
    One – Politician who fears for his job
    One – Right Wing Evangelical

  8. AlanB says:

    @2 Phydeau- In addition, hiring a contractor puts a scapegoat between Gallatin Field Board Chairman Dick Roehm and the next missed weapon. ie. -We didn’t screw-up, we hired the best contractor out there. Were going find another contractor.-

    @4 Glass said “one gun got through…or 4…or 10? That’s pretty FREAKEN good!” – Rings true. And, if screening went back to the way it was before 911 ,which wasn’t nonexistent, likely only a few more guns would make it through. Mainly because the vast majority of people don’t carry weapons when flying. So we pay for TSA (and all the frustration) to gain a minuscule fraction of a percent based on the millions that fly. Just saying.

  9. amodedoma says:

    I don’t get it. Isn’t there anybody left that remembers the 60’s and the 70’s? Back then we used to have new skyjacking almost every week. So exactly why are we supposed to be more frightened now?! and don’t gimme none of that 9-11 BS – the failure in security that made that possible was fixed almost immediately. Don’t be such zombies, and remember, anybody that keeps reminding you that you should be afraid, is probably trying to manipulate you.

  10. Mojo Yugen says:

    Well at least they caught my headphone amplifier in an Altoids tin! It took four of them to determine that it wasn’t a bomb. One of them suggested that they keep the 9 volt battery “just to be safe”. I had to bite my tongue in order not to remind them that I could just buy another one in the gift shop a few feet past the security check point.

  11. jobs says:

    #2 What do you suggest they do? If the government can’t do it and a security company can’t do it then what. Would you prefer our armed forces checking peoples shoes?

  12. RBG says:

    What I find amazing is that their are actually people who believe there are things that are 100% foolproof.


  13. beigs says:

    How exactly do you forget that you have a gun in your luggage?

  14. Phydeau says:

    #10 I would say take a long hard look at the charter of the TSA and see if they’re really doing what makes sense. Giving people an illusion of security doesn’t make sense to me.

    #11 Exactly. There is no 100% security anywhere. People who try to achieve it will destroy themselves.

    As I said in another thread, terrorists cannot destroy America. They can only scare America into destroying itself.

  15. Benjamin says:

    The other passengers, not the TSA have stepped up whenever there was an incident. From the shoe bomber to the underwear bomber it was the passengers who tackled the bomber. The passengers were thanked by being treated like criminals on future flights.

    I say just ban the TSA and go back to the old way of walking through metal detectors. If a terrorist gets on board a plane, then the passengers can tackle him. Flights would return to normal. People know that since Sept 11, cooperating with terrorists will get them killed so now they step up when a terrorist tries to ignite a bomb in his shoes or underpants.

  16. bdgbill says:

    Well, at least it wasn’t something truly dangerous like a bottle of water or nail clippers. I’m sure they would have caught that.

  17. Phydeau says:

    The bottom line is: In order for us to prevent the truly dedicated suicide bomber from getting on a plane we’d have to do a full body scan on each and every passenger, to detect (for example) explosives swallowed or shoved up their rectum. Since that’s impossible, what can we do? Two things: 1. accept that occasionally a terrorist will successfully blow up an airplane. And 2, look at what we’re doing in the world and see if we can limit the things we do (like blowing up wedding parties with Predators) that inspire people to become suicide bombers.

  18. Dallas says:

    #15 LOL. Ain’t that right. I once tried to get away with a 3.5oz of expensive lotion instead of the approved 3oz.

    Nope. They caught that puppy and scorned me. When I mentioned it was half full, they called backup. I told them it was theirs and politely asked for forgiveness.

  19. Breetai says:

    No doubt everyone in management involved in this will be reprimanded with promotions.

  20. Brian says:

    I really don’t think that TSA is paid minimum wage, though I seriously do think there is a cap on their IQ requirements – no one with triple digits allowed.

  21. The Watcher says:

    As somebody who occasionally travels with a handgun I need to ask:

    Was this weapon in checked baggage or in carry-on?

    If the former the only risk to ANYBODY (let’s assume the guy could legally possess the gun at both ends of the flight – required by federal law) would have been if the TSA screeners would have found the gun in subsequent secondary screening. He’d get arrested etc.

    If it’s in carry-on then we have a major TSA screw-up. So what else is new about that?

    THAT we need to deal with…. But the real issue here is strip-searching an eight-year-old doesn’t help nearly as much as keeping a Muslim off a flight if his name turns up on somebody’s list…. Problem lately is that the lists are secret….



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