Sen. Harry Reid’s comment about Obama being a viable black candidate because he was “light-skinned” and didn’t speak with a “Negro dialect unless he wanted to have one” got a lot of play on the MSM yesterday. Here are a couple of items about the VP candidates from the book, “Game Change,” about the election from this article. Looks like quite a doozy of a book.

The relationship between Barack Obama and Joe Biden grew so strained during the 2008 campaign, according to a new book, that the two rarely spoke and aides not only kept Biden off internal conference calls but refused to even tell him they existed.

[…When] Biden, at an October fund-raiser in Seattle, famously predicted that Obama would be tested with an international crisis, the then-Illinois senator had had enough.

“How many times is Biden gonna say something stupid?” he demanded of his advisers on a conference call, a moment at which most people on the call said the candidate was as angry as they had ever heard him.
Frustrated over the campaign following her disastrous interview with Katie Couric, Sarah Palin said she regretted accepting the Republican vice presidential nomination. “If I’d known everything I know now, I would not have done this,” she said. McCain’s high command, already worried about her lack of eating and drinking and fearing that she was suffering from post-partum depression, convened a conference call and discussed whether she was mentally unstable.

Your Uncle Dave still thinks the Republican controllers threw the election by nominating ancient McCain and idiot Palin so the Democrats would win and have to deal with the impossible to fix mess Bush & Co + Congress left so they can win it all back in 2012.

  1. Somebody says:

    “Your Uncle Dave still thinks the Republican controllers threw the election by nominating ancient McCain and idiot Palin so the Democrats would win”….

    You can borrow my tin-foil hat.

    I wonder how many loyal Rush fans remember that he was pro-Obama during the Democrat primaries and was running anti-McCain “parodies” up until the election?

    Most people don’t have the stomach for going that far down the rabbit-hole to where Obama and Limbaugh are on the same team. When I was younger I thought I wanted to by cynical enough to understand “the system”. Now I’m afraid to go that far for fear for my sanity.

    But yes, “they” wanted Obama to win but not for the sake of the Republican party any more than for the sake of the United States. Remember that scene in the white house where all the living former presidents got together to say that they hoped “he succeeded” while coyly passing over what exactly they hoped he succeeded in doing? I have a bad feeling about that. Given the impeccable “New World Order” credentials of those men, you don’t need a degree in political science to guess how it is that they hope he succeeds.

    Consider this: Obama is the leader of the free world. He’s the first American president to chair the UN Security Council. The most powerful “Christian” leader and the most powerful Muslim leader in the world as well. He is also the “Prince of Peace”. Oprah declared him “The One”. Children sing hymns to him.

    “For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given, and the government shall be upon His shoulder; and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.”

    In short, if God dies, Obama is ready to take his place. That is phase one and it is basically done.

    Meanwhile, in Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad cherishes the innocent wish that the modern state of Israel will soon be blasted off the face of the Earth. He is bolstered in his hopes by his simple and touching faith in Allah and his slowly massing nuclear arsenal. It has been observed that Israel’s enemies only have to win once. It is less frequently observed that Iran’s true and unaccountable leaders are a bunch of ancient religious fanatics that aren’t long for this world in any event. They might be itching to go out with a bang, so to speak, and win a long standing argument about Allah and Yahweh. That argument being which one can kick the other’s ass. Clearly, the vaporization of the modern state of Israel would be a TKO.

    Now, the backbone of the conservative movement, the Christian right knows within the deepest fibers of their being that this is impossible. The psychological shock of such an event would effectively destroy all serious opposition to the coming global totalitarian empire. This New World Order promises to be a regime of such pure evil that if it is not in fact ruled by Satan, it will make little difference to those who are lucky(?) enough to live to see it. If you can imagine the worst of Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot, you will have some idea what a world ruled by bankers and their pet technocrats will be like.

    I know a lot of you reading this will be saying that it is in fact impossible for Israel to be wiped out because God won’t allow it. By that logic, the Holocaust would never have happened either. Either way, this will be taken as the start of the events foretold in the Book of Revelation so most Christians will be literally heading for the hills and not a few will be freaking out over the fact that they are still on Earth and have perhaps missed the “Rapture”. Which means they won’t be much good resisting an evil the victory of which they believe was foretold by God.

    That’s phase two and you would have to be in an underground lab somewhere in Iran to know how far along that is.

    So, yes, “they” wanted Obama to be president and the Republican were just following orders.

  2. Uncle Patso says:

    # 31 Somebody:
    “Now, the backbone of the conservative movement, the Christian right knows within the deepest fibers of their being that this [the nuclear destruction of Israel] is impossible. The psychological shock of such an event would effectively destroy all serious opposition to the coming global totalitarian empire.”

    So I guess it’s up to us atheist (or pastafarian) liberals to resist the totalitarian empire. But don’t worry — we’re up to the task because we know Keith Olbermann is on our side and the ghost of Molly Ivins will sustain us!!!

  3. Somebody says:

    So we’re doomed then.


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