1. R.O.P. says:

    Yep, this is exactly what the “free market” health care system has given us. Is it any wonder that people might be willing to try single payer/Government options a chance? No Government official will get the pay/golden parachute that United Healthcare’s William McGuire received.

  2. Corsair says:

    looks like he’s gonna sing.. i’m out

  3. mike says:

    I thought this would be in reference to Govt., 1 payer system? You obviously have never actually worked in a govt. job. Can you say Homela..CIA.FBI…ity.

    Good news is just to our north the have both Govt. healthcare and Govt. air travel. Fortunately, I have only had the “pleasure” of using their Govt. travel… Air Canada. Which is basically the only Canadian Airline.

    To clarify…I agree no “single” politician will get the golden parachute… most likely they all will. At least I have a choice not to use United Health Care… for now.


  4. Ah_Yea says:

    This healthcare bill much go away.

    This well thought out article has lots of information why.

  5. Derek says:

    Hmmmmmm… Government is what made healthcare so convoluted in the first place! We need tort reform, but then the politicians wouldn’t be getting blow jobs from lawyer lobbyists anymore. And god forbid we allow competition across state lines! Then they wouldn’t get their salad’s tossed by the insurance lobbyists.

    Honestly people… How entrenched in your lives do you want government? Government is not the answer, it’s the damn problem.

  6. Awake says:

    Government managed healthcare:
    a) Call the doctor of your choice to make an appointment.
    b) Visit doctor.
    c) Paperwork? What paperwork?

    It’s called Medicare, and yes, that is exactly how it works right now.

    I would be very happy to join the Medicare system as my own private insurance carrier and pay comparable rates. It would be cheaper and more convenient, and for people in “non-elderly” age group would add virtually nothing to the overall system costs, and probably even reduce the tax burden on the overall population.

  7. ArianeB says:

    Saw this on a blog:

    what would happen if the Federal Reserve and the TSA switched roles:

    “If a bank failed at 9 a.m. one morning and shut its doors, the TSA would announce that all banks henceforth begin their business day at 10 a.m.

    And, if a terrorist managed to get on board a plane between Stockholm and Washington, the Fed would increase the number of flights between the cities.”

  8. Ah_Yea says:

    BTW, the above article is written by HOWARD DEAN, “Former chairman of the Democratic National Committee and governor of Vermont from 1991 to 2002”.

    He specifically states “I know health reform when I see it, and there isn’t much left in the Senate bill. I reluctantly conclude that, as it stands, this bill would do more harm than good to the future of America.”

    I never thought I would agree with this guy on anything, but he is absolutely right.

  9. Ah_Yea says:

    The Supreme Court will probably strike down critical provisions of this health care bill as unconstitutional anyways.

  10. Ah_Yea says:

    This is also a good analysis of the current Democratic situation.

    Wall Street Journal:
    “Passage of the health-care bill will be, for the administration, a catastrophic victory. If it is voted through in time for the State of the Union Address, as President Obama hopes, half the chamber will rise to their feet and cheer. They will be cheering their own demise.”

  11. Dallas says:

    This video exactly shows the dysfunctional and incompatible state of the heath care system.

    The obvious flaw in the video is the operator needs to be writing all this on a paper pad and handing in over to some doctor to write the airline ticket illegibly.

    This is why electronic medical record standards need to be enabled by the government- exactly what Prez Obama is doing.

  12. qb says:

    #3 Mike said “Fortunately, I have only had the “pleasure” of using their Govt. travel… Air Canada. Which is basically the only Canadian Airline.”

    Um, have you actually been to Canada?

  13. Personality says:

    #12 shhhhh. You’ll scare the wingnut pukes with that foul language.

  14. Richard says:

    Awake #7 – You have obviously never had to take someone who uses Medicare to the hospital or doctor’s office. Medicare patients have to fill out the complete medical paperwork like everyone else.
    You know that Medicare is largely paid for by the tax payers, not the users? So how could adding a lot more people to it reduce the cost to the tax payer?

  15. tpressman says:

    looks more like a priceline or hotwire experience.

  16. tcc3 says:

    And only a fool would believe its a good idea to allow corporations whose job it is to *not* provide health care determine our health care needs.

  17. Awake says:

    #12 Richard.

    Having taken care of my mother for 10 years, until she died last year at age 90, I know EXACTLY how medicare works. It works very, very well, with virtually no paperwork after the initial setup. My experience covered the time from simple doctor visits, through 911 calls a couple of times due to falls, through her final couple of months in a nursing home.

    It is you that obviously has no experience with the system and is just talking the corporate line. There is a reason that Medicare has by far the highest satisfaction rating of ANY healthcare provision system, and that is that it work so well.

    Medicare treats the most likely to be ill, and therefore is very expensive. There is no private insurance company that would include anybody in the age group that Medicare covers. If the younger and healthier population were included in the program and paid in even half of what the commercial insurance carriers currently charge, my guess is that we would see a DECREASE in the funding needed for those over 65 that commercial insurance carriers would reject for coverage.

    For the general population we have THE most expensive and ineffective health system in the world. That is a fact. Pay more for less, and deal with an insurance industry that will screw you at every opportunity.

  18. Low Reimbursement says:

    “Government managed healthcare:
    a) Call the doctor of your choice to make an appointment.

    It’s called Medicare”

    Ha! Unless the doctor of your choice is one of many who don’t accept Medicare because it doesn’t even pay enough to cover many of their costs.

    Great example champ.

  19. tcc3 says:

    21 – you mean how insurance lets the patient see any doctor they want? As long as they get a referral, and as long as hes on the preapproved list, and as long as he doesn’t cost too much…

    Way to call the kettle black, champ.

  20. chuck says:

    I almost forgot:
    f) pay only $60/month/person for health-care “premiums”, then pay 20% income tax.
    g) depend on the US for most military defense (thanks) and if you want to skip the waiting list for the hospital, drive to the nearest US hospital and hand over your VISA card.

  21. qb says:

    #24 Chuck

    Salut mon ami. I wasted about three hours last month fighting with Great West Life and SunLife over health claims. Sometimes it’s almost better to pay it yourself.

  22. FRAGaLOT says:

    wow that’s quite an eye opener, and I love how the man just sums up the insanity at the end there.

  23. Lavi says:

    If I were a BUM, I would get to fly for FREE on Air Healthcare…

  24. deowll says:

    #1 I’m not actually familiar with free market health care. According to my mother it used to work pretty well. The prices were reasonable and everything. They did away with it about the time I was born. Where did you see it?

  25. rr says:

    “e) Need hospital care? Ok, we’ll have that operation ready for you in 18 months.”

    Source the statement. Median wait times for surgery are 4 weeks. There are no waiting times for emergency surgery.

    Medicare is going bankrupt because people don’t want to pay for the commitments they make. Americans have chosen to pay whatever it costs to delay the death of the elderly, if those people so choose. However, Americans refuse to pay the cost for that decision in the form of higher taxes.

    This is why the ignorant “tea bag” right is destroying the country. They demand an unlimited right to end of life care for the elderly without the commitment to pay for it.

  26. topiwale says:

    Sato Travel is full service travel management company specializing in cwt sato travel for active-duty and retired military, Civilian DoD and Federal Agency employees.

  27. Muhammad butt says:

    Health is the big problem and Government must pay intention of it and make the country health and sound.


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