U.K. Covered in Snow
Source: University of Dundee. (Credit: NEODAAS/University of Dundee)

  1. Glass Half Full says:


    (sigh) Of course it’s covered in snow, it’s the coldest week of the year, in winter. Jesus folks. Might I remind you they had the HOTTEST temperatures in history in London last year? Extreme climate shifts (hotter and colder) with the average of temperatures for the whole year being hotter…golly, sounds like something we’ve been talking about? Weather being more dramatic and extreme (highs and lows) with the sum temps trending up. Shocking.

  2. Mr. Fusion says:

    Ah yes, Ireland looks quite green. It must be all those cold hearts in Britain.

    But then I guess it has never snowed in England before.

  3. Glass Half Full says:

    Lets just do this IN CASE. If global warming turns out to be caused by humans (69% likely by the best science I’ve seen)…then only Republicans pay the tax to fix it. If they want to ignore it, not because of science (which they don’t believe in anyway, re: creationism) then if it turns out to be true ONLY Republican will be taxed to help deal with it. Sounds fair. Nothing to lose for them since like evolution, they don’t believe it’s true.

  4. Mr. Fusion says:

    #32, Loser,

    It figures that you would really want to know why something that isn’t happening is happening. Typical tea bagger bullshit.

  5. B.Dog says:

    Howdy pilgrim#14,

    I took the time to view all 6 videos in the series, and it was worthwhile. There was an amazing amount of science from different disciplines involved. The production values of the video were first rate. Tying the temperature on Earth to the Earth’s travels through the spiral arms of the Milky Way is a fine example of what is exciting about science.

  6. LibertyLover says:

    #39, Typical response from those who only believe what they want to believe.


    BTW . . . I’ve been scouring this blog looking for your answer. I still haven’t found it. I can only guess it is somewhere else because you know you aren’t allowed to talk to me until you post your answer for all of us to see.

    Why would you sacrifice others to save your wife?

  7. jccalhoun says:

    Recently, there have been some suggestions that “global warming” has been observed on Mars. These are based on observations of regional change around the South Polar Cap, but seem to have been extended into a “global” change, and used by some to infer an external common mechanism for global warming on Earth and Mars. But this is incorrect reasoning and based on faulty understanding of the data. http://realclimate.org/index.php/archives/2005/10/global-warming-on-mars/

  8. Dallas says:

    #32 Not read anything about Mars and I really don;t care.

    Shouldn’t you be more concerned about our little air bubble on earth than what’s happening on Mars? Sheesh, where are your priorities, Goldie Locks?

  9. LibertyLover says:

    #44, I am concerned. I’m concerned that you can’t see the forest for the trees.

  10. LibertyLover says:



    “Global warming on Neptune’s moon Triton as well as Jupiter and Pluto, and now Mars has some [scientists] scratching their heads over what could possibly be in common with the warming of all these planets … Could there be something in common with all the planets in our solar system that might cause them all to warm at the same time?”

  11. Chuck Field says:

    I’m not sure I believe this image. Why is Ireland green everywhere you can see around the cloud cover and its bigger partner entirely white from top to bottom?

  12. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    We come from the land of the ice and snow… I never believed him, but Robert Plant was apparently right.

    Pedro: Climate is what you expect, weather is what you get.

  13. Faxon says:

    #44. You, obviously, don’t understand. Try this. On a clear day, about noon, look Southward and about 45 degrees above the horizon. See that big roundy thing?

  14. MikeN says:


    Near the end he says that the Met Office models predicted a flattening of temperatures for the last decade.
    Somehow this never got into their press releases.

  15. Dallas says:

    #49 Yes, I see your Sun God.

    Now for you, look here:

    You see that? Now multiply that by 60 years back (how long we’ve been burning oil).

    Wait, it gets worse. Imagine every 3rd world nation doing firing up to “catch up” to industrialized nation. You see the problem or do we want to blame the sun?

  16. Skeptic says:

    Both climate AND weather are constantly changing, but on different time scales.

  17. LibertyLover says:

    #51, You see the problem or do we want to blame the sun?

    If that is the problem then yes.

    Or are you suggesting we blame something else, in an outright lie, to get other countries to do things you think they ought to do?

  18. Skeptic says:

    Re:#51, Dallas… typical alarmist nonsense. First, I didn’t cause any of that, so don’t try and make me feel guilty for it. Second, China will probably solve it’s energy issues before North America does. Third, fourth and fifth, there is no proof that we are the main cause of global warming, there is no proof that there is a sustained warming trend, and any discrepancies to AGW in the ‘official’ reports from the IPCC that have been issued, have been refused or edited out. All these are documented and have been discussed ad nauseum on Dvorak.

    Add to that the conflict of interest of key players in AGW making tons of money off it as though it were a scheme… AGW pundits no longer have any credibility whatsoever. You seem to think that climatologists are gods just because they can be labeled scientists. They are as fallible as any other human and are subject to the same weaknesses. By all appearances, both you and many of them have been hoodwinked.

  19. Dallas says:

    #53 OK. Clearly we disagree and it is evident it’s a philosophical “evil people” argument with you guys and not a scientific one.

    I can’t imagine how a rational person, including you, can ignore what you see happening in places like China as indicative of a colossal human induced disaster that may be mitigated.

    Few argue the broad ecological effects caused by DDT, CFC’s and other things spewed into the environment. However, the effects of burning fossil fuels 24×7 for nearly 100 years. Nope, that one is just fine.

    I’m hopeful the collective brain trust of world leaders do the right thing. I’m not entirely sure you even agree with that as you’re battling a philosophical argument.

    Reminds me of the religious wars. Most people don’t even know what they’re fighting about anymore.

  20. Skeptic says:

    #53, the skeptic argument is scientific. The AGW argument that is mired in dishonesty and secrecy is not. Make the original data freely available for scientific scrutiny. Don’t tell me it’s being scientific to hide that data… or “lose ” it. That is really disappointing, embarrassing to scientists with actual moral fibre, and rather pathetic to the average joe who can see right through the debacle.

    The only actual fact that we can TRUST so far from the AGW pundits is that we’ve been burning fossil fuels, and that it produces CO2. The pros and cons of that byproduct have not been established as fact… by a long shot.

    Science? You fall for terms like “the warmest year on record” like it meant something. We’ve been recording temperatures for as long as we’ve been burning oil… and that’s not very long. The REAL science is being done now by scientists who are trying to reproduce results, and trying to verify data, not by those who manipulate and contrive to stay popular.

  21. Mark T. says:

    It must be a real photograph because it doesn’t have a single Photoshopped hurricane in sight.

    But I am sure Al Gore can invert the image to make it look like the UK as a brown desert.

    Good to see that the Emerald Isle is still green! Must be all those Guinness farts.

  22. LibertyLover says:

    #55, I’m not entirely sure you even agree with that as you’re battling a philosophical argument.

    You finally have it figured out.

    It is NOT scientific issue.

    It is a philosophical issue.

    Now — do you really want our government to start making scientific policy based on a philosophical argument?

    #56, I assume you were directly that at #55. That being said, Good Post.

  23. Faxon says:

    Me? I make it a point to BURN on NO BURN days.

  24. Skeptic says:

    Re #58, LibertyLover… “I assume you were directly that at #55. That being said, Good Post.”

    Yes I was… and thanks.

  25. Dallas says:

    #58 The problem is the philosophical battle your fighting is all in your head of a preconception that Al Gore is out to getcha.

    It’s like Galileo explaining to the pope the earth is round by scientific observation. The pope had him imprisoned for life for going against the philosophy of the times.

    Perhaps we at least agree the earth is round or at least close to being round? I’m not sure if that was officially approved by the pope yet.

  26. deowll says:

    #14 thanks that was informative.

    #15 You may be used to this but we’ve had week of temps almost that cold. I’ve seen subzero temps at my residence and I’m south of the Mason Dixon line.

    #25 I’d have to say you are wrong about that. Climate and weather both are constantly changing.

    #31 I hate to say this but I don’t think England has enough exports to pay the bill.

    #42 If Mars is more or less in time with Earth and the Earth has been cooling for the last several years then Mars is no longer warming either. Anyone who thinks we understand Mars weather and climate at all well is an optimist. We don’t understand Earth weather and climate at all well and we have much better data on it.

    #50 No duh. So why am I supposed to believe this guy can predict long term climate again? Oh, he says so.

    #56 Good post.

  27. JimD says:

    Kinda looks like a NEW ICE AGE !!!

  28. Canuck says:

    If you zoom in to the East Anglia College version of the photo you will see peer reviewed palm trees everywhere.

  29. LibertyLover says:

    #61, Again, you are making assumptions based on feelings and not facts.

    And you need to read up on your history if you are going to use it to defend your stance on using philosophy to prove facts.


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