From the Australian ‘The Age’:

A FREEZING cold front swept over much of northern China on Sunday with snowstorms snarling traffic and air travel, while some of the coldest temperatures in decades were forecast for coming days.

Gale-force winds sweeping down from Siberia could result in temperatures as low as minus 16 degrees in the capital today, the Beijing meteorological station said.

Such temperatures are believed to be the coldest in the capital in 40 years.

  1. al gored says:

    Aaaand the world didn’t end in 1970 either.

  2. Barack McCain says:

    Glo-bull Warming.

  3. Awake says:

    When will people finally understand that weather is not equal to climate?????

    You can have some record cold days and still end up with a warmer than normal year. The real question should be why, if the temperature trend is upwards in China, there are record down days? Could it be that the climate is changing and weather patterns are changing? Noooooo…. that is not possible… it has to be that there is some kind worldwide scientific conspiracy.

  4. qb says:

    A single point measure? Did you guys pass Math 10?

    Look at the global averages over land and water. Even that can be misleading but it’s more representative.

  5. Father says:

    When you say climate data, you mean the data that documents the last four Ice Ages?

    Refuting this page shouldn’t be too hard with the millions of dollars of data that where analyzed in the last 15 years.

  6. AdmFubar says:

    we’ve been shoveling climate change here in the cleveland area for that pst couple of days… and for the rest of the week as all that cold air of climate change will be hanging around…

  7. Lou Minatti says:

    Yep, we shoveled some global warming last month in South Texas, and we’ll be shoveling some more global warming later this week. Never in my lifetime has it snowed so much in South Texas or been so cold for so long.

  8. qb says:

    And why do you get more snow in the winter? I’ll give you a hint, think about water. I’ll wait…

  9. Skeptic says:

    Awake, re: …”Could it be that the climate is changing and weather patterns are changing?”

    Climate is always changing. Weather patterns are always changing… always have and always will.

    … “it has to be that there is some kind worldwide scientific conspiracy.”

    There is no suggestion of a scientific conspiracy, just corrupt governance leading to bad science.

    qb, re: “A single point measure?”

    Not just a single point. From the article…

    “Freezing temperatures have also hit Britain, which is bracing itself for one of the coldest winters for a century.”

    “Parts of Scotland have been under snow for nearly three weeks and temperatures are expected to drop to minus 16 degrees.”

    “Paul Michaelwaite, forecaster for, said: “It is looking like this winter could be in the top 20 cold winters in the last 100 years.”

  10. god says:

    Great meteorology source there. You could also quote the Catholic church on the effect of DDT on falcons.

  11. Reader1 says:

    @#8 , i get what you are trying to say , but that should result in RAIN not SNOW , since it is getting so HOT ,

    the Global warming nuts have one less thing to complain about “ohhh what happen to the glaciers , look they are melting” , is this enough glacier for you now?.

    BTW have you all noticed the media (CNN, BBC) are not talking about Global Warming as much nowadays , why is that ? are they going to wait for next summer to start again or what?

  12. Skeptic says:

    The Catholic Church agrees that DDT caused deformities in falcon eggs. They got their information from scientific sources, much the same way as Wikipedia has referenced all its scientific sources.

  13. Buzz says:

    Well. That proves it then. Global warming is a hoax. All that melted ice in the arctic needs to get with the program.

  14. deowll says:

    Right now much of North America, Europe, and China are in the freezer. Usually this is caused by the jet stream moving south in one location and north in another but right now most of the Northern hemisphere is in the cooler. I haven’t checked central Russia but at that location in the center of a Continent I’d be shocked if they weren’t dealing with their normal extremely cold temps. The west coast seems to be okay.

    Sun spot activity is way down. We may not know exactly how because the sun isn’t giving off much less heat but the astronomers are sure that turns down the heat planet side. The little ice age wasn’t warm.

  15. Rick Cain says:

    China loses land every year so desert due to deforestation. Deserts are cold at night and present no natural barrier to weather fronts.

    We had similar problems during the dust bowl when we over-farmed the heartland of America. Intensive heat in the summer, bitter cold in the winter.

  16. qb says:

    #18 pedro

    Apparently you slept through Grade 6 Science lessons too. 😉

  17. deowll says:

    I’ve already posted this once. Maybe this time it will stick.

  18. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    I thought China controlled the weather. You know, like they did for the Olympics.
    So they probably have a very good reason for making it extra cold this season. I for one welcome our weather overlords.

  19. The0ne says:

    The reason is because of stupid humans depleting everything and even changing weather. For example,

    1. Geez, that mountain and range of forest would make good use for new apartments. Down they go, yea!

    2. This water is too clean, lets pollute more so it’ll look like puss.

    3. The air is too clean to breath and sky too blue as well, lets pollute even more so we have more of a reason for weather changing “weapons”.

    In fact, this stupid door is blocking the air circulation. Lets take it down and….burrr…damn it’s cold now, I wonder why 🙁

  20. Buzz says:

    Which is more likely?

    Scientists are very close to being right.

    Cherman is very close to being right in spite of scientists.

    Birthers bear no conceptual relationship of irrational denial to Coolers.

  21. Glenn E. says:

    Whenever some part of the world experiences record cold days. The Global Warming advocates tend to counter with something like, “weather is not equal to climate”. Which means WHAT, exactly? Since they’re always doing the very same thing, whenever some place has record hot days. Apparently a very hot dry day in Texas (which is HARDLY that unusual), always equates as evidence of Global Warming. But record snowfalls in multiple cities and countries, is explained away as “It’s just a fluke. So please return to believing in the end of the world, as we’ve predicted it.”

    Never has anything managed to stand up against (or be defended from) so much hap-hazard and inconsistent evidence, as how the world “climate” will be in the next five decades. Based primarily on the same kind of model forecasting, as what Wall Street and the big banks used to get us into so much financial ruin. How are climate models, any more immune to human stupidity and tampering, than what the big financial institutions have been using?

    What the GW advocates are really saying is, “pay no attention to the coldest days of the year. Only the hottest days of the year count.” Sounds rather BIASED and one-sided, doesn’t it? But then I guess they have to be to prop up a lost cause.

    And it’s getting increasingly hard to convince the general population that it should starve and shiver some more, while they’re already half-starved and shivering. In order to preserve the future climate from being slightly warmer. Assuming (major time) that humans have anything to do with it, and can DO anything to influence it. Neither of which the AGW climate predictors have proven. They just hope we’ll all be dazzled by the “hockey stick” graph and all, to not notice that.

  22. Glenn E. says:

    “Since 1970”? I remember that decade. When the US experienced some bitter cold winters. And Hollywood went as far as to make a movie or two about the world freezing solid (see Paul Newman’s “Quintet”). And there was talk of a returning Ice Age, by that decade’s climate scientists. Then a decade or so later, they all changed their minds, and jumped on this “Greenhouse effect” bandwagon. Right after the “over-population” scare also failed. When Global Warming finally falls on its face. I guarantee you, they’ll think up something else to scare the world into shell out money to prevent.

    They’re all not much better than the fortune-tellers, who make most of their money with the “curse removal” scam. Only this “curse” is about the earth’s possible future climate. So pay them NOW, and they’ll magically make the curse go away.

  23. RBG says:

    # 14 Buzz “All that melted ice in the arctic needs to get with the program.”

    All that melted ice in the Arctic needs to protest all the black soot falling on it from China.


  24. Kneejerk Optimist says:

    Aw jeez, and here I was looking forward to some milder GW winters here in the Northeast USA. Now it’s blowing goddamn snow and frigid winds again.

    Sorry if GW would mean hotter tropical temps…but hey, my friends down there could come up to hang out around Woodstock and the Catskill Mountains, if they were into it. I would’ve enjoyed their company.

  25. The0ne says:

    Definitely, Global Warming or for the news savvy poeple GW, is so screwy. Global warming means GLOBAL warming. It does not mean warming here and there, it means GLOBAL.

    Therefore, to hell with anything logical or even remotely scientific that one should realize because if it is getting warmer or colder that the ENTIRE earth is going to hell or freeze to hell.

    When my oven is oven it’s definitely GW all over. And when my AC is on it’s the start of an ice age. No one is going to tell me it is or it’s not warming/ice age.

    We must stick to our one track way of thinking people. If it’s hot than it’s hot all over, if it’s cold it’s cold all over. Who’s with me! Damn logic, science and especially Nature! That Mother is a Mother-fcker anyway.

  26. Uncle Patso says:

    “Them collidge boyz think ther so smart! Ther awl a-lyin to yez… Why, fer awl yew know, we maht not even be speakin English! They maht have secretly bin teachin us Chinese our entire lives! ‘At’d be jist lahk ‘em!”


  27. Somebody says:

    “Could it be that the climate is changing and weather patterns are changing? Noooooo….”

    Not in a proper Communist country. Since they already run China the way environmentalist insist the whole world should be run, the climate there should NEVER EVER change!

    Otherwise, the one and only academy-approved nostrum is a farce.

    We aren’t the deniers, we are the debunkers.


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