Federal workers owe more than $3 billion in income taxes they failed to pay in 2008. According to Internal Revenue Service documents, 276,300 federal employees and retirees owe $3,042,200,000.

The IRS tracks the voluntary compliance rate of federal employees and retirees each year, and each year feds come up short. The one bright spot in this year’s report is that after several years of a steady increase, the amount owed by feds is down from the previous year. Federal employees and retirees owed $3,586,784,725 in unpaid income taxes in 2007.

  1. conrack says:

    The ’science of global warming’ can be easily illustrated:
    4 am. – it’s dark outside.
    6 am – Brighter than 4
    8 am – Brighter & warmer than 6.
    10 am – It’s very bright outside now.
    12 am – Wow, its really bright and warm.
    Hypothesis: It’ll get warmer & warmer, brighter & brighter exponentially until we burst into flames and DIE!! We MUST do something!!
    4 pm – oh wait, its cooling now…
    6 pm – hey, its getting dark
    NEW Hypothesis: It’s going to get colder & colder, darker & darker…

  2. dusanmal says:

    Now we know who real fat cats are. Earning in average twice as much as the rest of population, producing nothing and tax cheats.

  3. jealousmonk says:

    I never realized it was optional. Good to know.

  4. Steve S says:

    Well, after all, Federal (and State, and County, and City, etc) Workers are God’s chosen people and the rules that us ordinary people have to follow should not apply to them.
    If you think about it long and hard, that is really the way it should be.

  5. Special Ed says:

    WTF, these IRS asshats have been on me like white on rice for a measly 90 grand. I paid them 15K a month and they still took money out of my checking account. And they wonder why people mail them turds…

    /yeah, I fucked up and gave more than I could account for to the church.

  6. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    #5 Special, that is so nice of you to donate even if it wasn’t the full amount – it is the thought that counts. Most of these douche bags claim a deduction and didn’t give ANY money. How the fuck are we suppose to worship god without money? The priests work so hard too. One told me that he hasn’t had as much sex since he was a Boy Scout leader.

  7. FRAGaLOT says:

    Hasn’t it been said that there is no LAW saying we must pay income taxes anyway?

  8. LibertyLover says:

    #7, It’s been said. But no judge in his politically correct mind will allow such evidence to be presented.

    It’s kinda funny, actually. You are supposed to report your own income. You are supposed to sign the income tax form. Now, technically, doing so waives your rights under the 5th amendment. If you just don’t send in a tax form, the IRS has to prove you didn’t. And since it can’t prove that, judges tend overlook that little fact and force the defendant to prove he did, thus negating his fifth amendment right.

    It is actually a whole lot more involved than that, but you get the jist of it.

  9. The Aberrant says:

    #8 said,
    “If you just don’t send in a tax form, the IRS has to prove you didn’t. And since it can’t prove that, ”

    Actually, it’s incredibly easy under the Federal Rules of Evidence to prove you *didn’t* send in a tax form this year. All they have to do is have someone from the IRS, called a “Keeper of the Records”, and say that “So and so, who has federal tax ID XYZ, never filed a tax return this year”. The slightly more difficult question is linking so-and-so to the defendant on trial, but that can be done through any number of things linking your SSN to your picture (like, say, your driver’s license.) (It’s a little specious to argue that getting a driver’s license is against your 5th amendment right not to incriminate yourself.)

    The much harder case to prove is if you *did* send in your tax return, but it’s missing digits. Then you gotta call in the banks, get your credit information… it’s a hassle, but when the Feds want to make the case, they actually do a damn good job of making the case.

    So my point is, there’s very little fifth amendment violation going on. In theory anyhow – your individual experience will, undoubtedly, vary.

  10. clancys_daddy says:

    Actually in Missouri if a State employee fails to pay his or hers state income tax they lose their job No BS. You get one warning, they send a notice to you boss. Pay up or bye bye.

  11. LibertyLover says:

    #9, This is the point I was trying to make. It is their word against yours and theirs is taken for granted while yours is not. It matters not whether the “Keeper of the Records” is competent or not and perhaps lost your tax form. All he has to say, “Never got it,” and you’re f***ked. No proof, nothing.

  12. MikeN says:

    Cut off the pensions of any deadbeats. This would save the government tens of billions, and might be what they need to pass health care reform.

  13. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    #7 and #11 There may be no law, just as there is no law that you have to pay off Vito (your friendly loanshark). In Vito’s case your broken joints will have healed while the government will still be ripping you a new orifice years later.

  14. The Aberrant says:

    #11 – That’s true. But that would be your 6th and 14th amendment rights to due process, not your 5th. 🙂

  15. Cursor_ says:

    Anyone that bothers to do the research finds that the people that get around the system the most is the people within the system.


  16. Raúl Castro says:

    I guess they were taking their example from Little Timmy Geithner?

  17. LibertyLover says:

    #14, Oh, I agree the own system is screwed up. But try pleading the fifth when asked if you owe any money.

  18. atmusky says:

    Big news some people don’t pay their taxes.

    The last time the IRS did a similar review of the general public was 2001 and they found $345 billion wasn’t paid. The problem/number was becoming so large that the IRS stopped the review and now only looks at federal employees.

    I can remember reading a few years back where data was provided that showed if all the taxes that were due over the last 50 years had been actually paid there wouldn’t be any national debt.

  19. electrohead says:

    Buddha say Don’t Believe anything you read even if Buddha writes it.


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