ATLANTA — A metro Atlanta nurse anesthetist has been charged with molesting and sodomizing anesthetized patients in dental and medical offices, and police say the videotaped abuses could involve 100 or more victims.
Paul Patrick Serdula, 47, who worked in dental and medical offices across metro Atlanta, was arrested Monday night on child molestation and sodomy charges. The arrest came after authorities found several videos showing him fondling and groping people who were under anesthesia at various offices, said Cobb County police officer Joe Hernandez.
And authorities reviewing the videos to find more victims say the assaults could go back years and involve residents of other states who were treated by Serdula while they were in Georgia. “The magnitude of this is almost surreal,” said Cobb County Police Sgt. Dana Pierce. Serdula, who is being held at the Cobb County Jail without bond, was first arrested Nov. 18 on three counts of unlawful surveillance after a woman found a tiny camera hidden in a bathroom stall at a Cobb County dental office. He was charged with unlawful surveillance and eavesdropping and released on bond.
He was re-arrested at about 10 p.m. Monday at a local Holiday Inn Express, and charged with aggravated child molestation, aggravated sodomy and aggravated sexual battery, among other counts, said Hernandez. At least one victim was a juvenile, he said. Pierce said detectives have talked to several patients who believe they are victims, and investigators are now searching the videos for more clues and more victims.
“This case is absolutely far from over,” he said.
He may be a crazed, psycho, serial rapist, but hey, he DID stay at an Holiday Inn Express!
If you’re allowed to murder someone while you’re asleep (or in some kind of Ambien-induced coma), then why not permit people who are asleep (drugged, whatever) to be raped?
Seems fair to me.
Holy crap, it’s Scott Baio’s ugly cousin Skippy.
I think the question is why was ONE person, this guy, or any other person, allowed to be left alone with an unconscious patient in the first place. I am very surprised that state law, or medical provider insurance policy, allows this to happen.
I know that male doctors always require a female nurse or assistant to be in the room when when he is examining or consulting a female patient. Mostly to protect the doctor from false accusations of improper conduct.
#1 – Uh moron, the rapist wasn’t drugged. RTFA!
First thought, if guilty of even a few of the charges, I hope he never steps outside a prison for the rest of his life.
Second thought, NEVER EVER VIDEOTAPE! It will always burn you in the end.
– #5 If there is any saving grace, it is the fact that this individual will never make another noise when he farts after just a few weeks in jail.
#4 – I didn’t say the rapist was drugged. What I said was that if murder is permitted if the murderer is asleep (or on drugs) then why not permit rape of people who have been drugged (by the rapist).
My point was to show the both examples are immoral and should not be allowed.
Wait, what’s that line in the middle of his forehead? It is a symbol he drew there like Charlie Manson’s swastika?
Hey isn’t that Trent Reznor?
Yah know some people deserve Roman style justice. They’d have shoved him into an arena with a knife and a few peers to fight it out with a pack of vicious animals. Ten victories and you get to walk. One defeat and you get eaten.
It doesn’t cost 45,000 a year either.
Yeah I know I’m being crude but the repeat rate for convicted offenders had to be pretty low.
All right the bleep didn’t actually kill anyone but he should get what he dished out which just might happen in prison. These people aren’t all that popular with inmates for some reason.
What a butt-head!
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Is this why my girlfriend goes to the dentist 3 times a week ??
– Mang from Atlanta
He got caught with his pants down.
#6 – You say that like it’s a bad thing!