Here is the latest conversation I had with money manager Andrew Horowitz…. new insights for anyone who invests in anything. This week we highlight a discussion about specific stocks to examine. Plus: Is the market setting you up for a crash?

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  1. Dallas says:

    Didn’t Horror Witz say the market was suppose to collapse in the second quarter?

    Is this the broken clock prediction where at least twice a day the clock is correct?

  2. ArianeB says:

    I see reasons for a collapse. The collapse last year had two primary causes: credit defaults in housing and a spike in energy prices.

    Oil is back up over $80, and experts are predicting defaults in commercial real estate. The factors for another collapse are there, but these things are difficult to predict. The recent spike in the market above 10,000 was partially driven by a “short squeeze” (people predicting a collapse shorting stocks having to buy the stocks back at a loss to them.)

  3. stopher2475 says:

    Dallas beat me to it.=)

  4. Grandpa says:

    Not correct. On the outside it appears credit defaults in housing and a spike in energy prices was the cause, but the bottom line cause is 10 years of outsourcing jobs – our standard of living. Fix the trade laws and wait 15 years.
    Then pray the Republicans don’t get in again and do it all over.

  5. Texasbacksass says:

    Hey there Dallas your own clockspring just may be wound a little too tight itself.

    Lighten up…things are what they are and will be what they will be.

  6. spsffan says:

    #5 10 years of outsourcing jobs? More like 40 years. But add to that about 25 years of spending spree, both public and private, a decline in middle class (the people who actually buy things) real income, a six plus year unfunded shooting spree in the Middle East, well, you get the picture.

    As for the stock market….nobody ever went broke underestimating the irrationality of the stock market. About the only thing that can be said is that over the very long term (15 years chunks, for example) it tends to be one of the more reliable ways to increase wealth.

  7. Postman says:


    your kinda have it right. The crash last year was caused by furor bush sabotaging the economy and not bailing out lehman bros. After that commercial paper busted a buck and triggered a deflationary spiral.

    It retrospect it has become clear that it was an intentional deliberate action by republicans to finally break the back of the middle class.

    Unfortuinatly for republicans it has triggered a Marxist revolution.

  8. meetsy says:

    And, the new administration is going to do better? Is that what I hear?
    Ummm….ok. We’ll see.
    I think both parties are broken, and it’s now a fast track to become a billionaire by going into politics. How else do you explain the amount of $$$ that exiting politicos have ….we don’t pay them in million dollar bonuses..

  9. hhopper says:

    Har! The market was up 200 pts. today.

  10. t0llyb0ng says:

    The economy is swirling ’round the bowl. In slow motion but swirling nonetheless. Can its death motion be stopped? Can the federal gov’t. begin to shrink? Can the money presses be halted? How does one stop a spiral galaxy from rotating?

    & somebody needs to take JCD’s clicky ballpoint pen away during recording sessions.

  11. Rick Cain says:

    The upbeat news was for the 3rd quarter, which was fueled mostly by government deficit spending through housing credits, cash for clunkers, bank bailouts, auto bailouts and TARP money given to states.

    The 4th quarter will be a disaster, watch the stock market lemmings sell like mad the moment the Q4 earnings reports hit the airwaves.


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