Read the article to find out more about each questions.

Why this universe?

What is everything made of?

How does complexity happen?

Will string theory ever be proved correct?

What is the singularity?

What is reality really?

How far can physics take us?

  1. Angel H. Wong says:

    #25 Alfred.

    It’s right there, next to the “Go Sox.”

  2. deowll says:

    They left off the main question. Why does anything at all exist?

    They have some theories about events after a certain point in time but that hardly answers the question does it?

  3. qb says:

    @Alfred1 A priori and circular? LOL, that made my day.

  4. qb says:

    @Alfred1 “when I view a house…the idea it evolved would be absurd”

    I’d love to see that house breath, eat, or reproduce.

    Seriously dude, you’re really cracking me up tonight.

  5. qb says:

    An infinite being bound by time? Stop it, you’re killing me.

  6. qb says:

    Let me get this straight, an infinite being exists inside a finite universe building things?

  7. qb says:

    Or are you saying he’s not in this universe, or existence, in which case he doesn’t exist?

  8. qb says:

    “The Bible is correct, the age of our universe is only apparent, not actual.”

    Oh, right. Round error.

  9. qb says:

    BTW, joaoPT FTW. Brilliant stuff.

  10. qb says:

    @Alfred1, first thing you’ve said that almost makes sense. Hannity is far more feminine than Hillary.

  11. Glenn E. says:

    “How does complexity happen?” is the key question for me. It shows that they really don’t know how to explain how systems get more complex, rather than less, as time progressed. If the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, really is a law (and not just a half-assed theory-wannabe, like Evolution). Then all observed systems should be running down, and falling apart. Because entropy is a bitch. It increases. And it doesn’t take off for holidays. Or operate in reverse, to satisfy Cosmologists or Evolutionists. As they apparently believe it does.

    No amount of Time accounts for this. None! It’s a Law, not a temporary inconvenience. If these “origin” freaks of science, were more grounded in the fundamental laws. They probably wouldn’t even bother applying for grant money. But they do, cause they think their pet hunches are the next best thing to sliced bread. And PhD.s gotta eat.

    In order for complex to have increased, up until the time we stated observing it. The universe would have had to be operating by different laws. Which is well beyond the purview of today’s science. So why do they even pretend to be able to know what happened? It’s like, their religion.

  12. Wretched Gnu says:

    Glenn — Complex systems are an extension and continuation of energetic propulsion that never “stopped”. It’s not like the energy that propelled the creation of our sun, and thence the earth and all its production, had “stopped” at any point, and then more complexity emerged from a no-energy state.

    What you call complexity, in other words, is part of an energy vector that just happens to have a span of trillions and trillions of years. We’re still on the emergence of that vector.

    What’s confusing you is the fact that we see sub-systems that wind down into entropy. But those processes are part of — not separate from — the totality. Hence the death of animals and plants actually feeds (and is necessary to) the further growth of the larger ecosystem.

    You’re living through an explosion of energy that began long ago and is not yet resolved.

  13. qb says:

    #61 Confirmed, p0wned.

  14. #44
    alf is that all you got
    i was hoping for some soul saving enlightenment but instead you are just guy who has no concept of time

  15. if the facts don’t work for you use the made up stuff
    brilliant alf you should be in politics

  16. smartalix says:


    Glenn E,

    The Earth is not a closed system, so entropy does not apply. The sun gives us a ridiculous abundance of energy, which powers the fecund engine that is nature.

    As for the creation of complex structures in biological systems, natural selection can easily explain over time the development of any complex biological system.

  17. skatterbrainz says:

    #9 – How far will our budget go?

  18. Rajiv Priyadarshi says:

    our mind cant’s carry that much memory, if we cllect that much of knowledge, then even the supercomputer’s can’t able to carry this information


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