Slashdot 10/11/09:

“T-Mobile’s popular Sidekick brand of devices and their users are facing a data loss crisis. According to the T-Mobile community forums, Microsoft/Danger has suffered a catastrophic server failure that has resulted in the loss of all personal data not stored on the phones. They are advising users not to turn off their phones, reset them or let the batteries die in them for fear of losing what data remains on the devices. Microsoft/Danger has stated that they cannot recover the data but are still trying. Already people are clamoring for a lawsuit. Should we continue to trust cloud computing content providers with our personal information? Perhaps they should have used ZFS or btrfs for their servers.”

  1. Killer Duck says:

    Please, someone tell me they outsourced the support to India.

  2. JimD says:


    Cloud Computing is just a plan to get users to PAY, AND PAY, AND PAY !!! And won’t be usable until the Telcos get REAL BROADBAND – 100 mbs – going, and that too will COST A FORTUNE !!!

  3. ECA says:

    Expecting technology to protect you is like Expecting your car to start Every day of your life.
    And that 1 cold morning, IT DONT.

    Its easy to forecast the worst, as IT WILL eventually happen, as everything happens eventually.

    The problem here, is those persons that DONT UNDERSTAND, that tech is only as good as the Cheapest part(windows is the cheapest, most costly part) and SECOND is the people Running it.. Even your roaster is going to DIE.

    your toilet will overflow.
    Your car battery will die.
    You car will run out of gas.
    Your house will fall down/burn down/…
    You will be late for work.
    You will Loose/quit your job..

    Its the same with the iphone..
    You keep ALL that data in your pocket and all your contacts and NEVER copy/backup the data.
    Loose it/have it stolen/DROP it and it DIES/your kid puts it in a BLENDER.. I HOPE you have a backup for that $500 phone/computer/pda/…

    Who will take the best care of YOUR TOYS/GOODS/HOME/CAR??? You will. Expecting others to do the job, is only having SOMEONE ELSE to blame/fire..and you still have no recourse.

  4. bill says:

    ECA is totally right!

    BACKUP your stuff yourself!!!!

    and then actually try RESTORING it yourself!!!

  5. duh365 says:

    The cloud is the OVERHYPED flavor of the moment. Even though the concept has been around for a long time, it’s still NOT ready for prime time.

  6. Postman says:

    Rofl!!!! Ft is now confirming these services had not been migrated to windows technologies yet. That means the servers were running some suxnix variant.

    Put that in your pipe and smoke it slashtards


  7. ECA says:

    If you have a product that you CANT backup, return it.


  8. deowll says:

    Of course you can trust them. You just can’t count on them so have copies of anything you really need somewhere else.

  9. Pixelriffic says:

    What I don’t get is the part about the Sidekick loosing data when the battery dies?? Never used one, but I have had several smartphones, and they all stored data on flash. A dead battery was not an issue. Secondly, they all backed up to a PC.

    Sounds like it’s a piece of crap to me.

  10. Phydeau says:

    CLOUD = Complete Loss Of User Data

  11. tranharry says:

    lol I am so shocked to see that living in WA these two giants of the NW T-Mobile and Microsoft weren’t smarter to store their backups off site so as to avoid these types of issues.

    I heard some big wig hollywood stars lost their contacts as well.

    Thing is I had the Sidekick 4 years ago, as soon as I needed a serious phone for serious business contacts I switched to a Blackberry immediately. Anyone that stores valuable contacts on a sidekick deserve to lose their info, those phones were so shaky…


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