Clouds Over Moscow Spook Citzens – Watch more Funny Videos

Found by John Smith.

  1. JimD says:

    Oh, Oh ! They’re Here !!!

  2. deowll says:

    Looks freaky but then you should read some of the posts on this blog.

  3. Uncle Don says:

    In the US and other “free” countries, we have Swine flu vaccine to depopulate. In Russia, they use aliens with “special radiation”.

  4. Bob says:

    So yeah, I have seen this one already. Next a big ass space ship will destroy most major cities, after that Will Smith will fly up to the mother ship and destroy it with a macbook.

  5. pcsmith says:

    Citzens is not a word. It is a misspelling of citizens.

    Maybe you should through in a (sic) into the headline since the original article was misspelled.

    The video could be a Punch Hole Cloud.

  6. andycatus says:


    Citizen. Throw in a throw.

    “I’ve learned that you shouldn’t go THROUGH life with a catcher’s mitt on both hands; you need to be able to THROW something back. “

  7. brm says:

    Has anyone tried to explain all these weird new clouds with solar activity?

    I mean, aren’t we experiencing a part of the solar cycle that no living human has ever seen?

  8. STF says:

    I also have nothing usefull to add!

  9. greggyx says:

    Cloud computing at it’s best Comrades!

  10. Zybch says:

    Looks like God’s anus.

  11. peter_m says:

    #10 & #11 are the reason I keep coming back to

  12. Tim says:

    Is i the clouds that spook them, or the FUCKING HOOVERING SPACECRAFT! RUN FUCKERS!

  13. GigG says:

    Wow, ABC’s budget for “V”‘s promotion must be huge.

  14. Hyph3n says:

    One the serious side… my guess is that the sun is low in the sky and mostly being obscured by the clouds. The only thing that it’s lighting up is a low hanging this cloud formation. Kind of the reverse of when the sun drops below the horizon at sunset, but still lights up a few clouds in the sky.

    That, or God’s anus as said Zybch.

  15. amodedoma says:

    #7 brm

    No relation to solar activity, but the last time moscow had similar lights in the sky it was because of a missle launch and it’s effect on the clouds.

  16. Winston says:

    “The video could be a Punch Hole Cloud.”

    Yep. Look at the second image on this page:

  17. hhopper says:

    Some nice cloud photos on that site.

  18. Jim says:

    Clowns are scary I don’t like them…Oh Clouds!!!!

    Sorry, my bad.

  19. Timuchin says:

    Thanks to Winston for other photos of the same phenomenon. The common elements are a full blanket of clouds with wispy clouds turning down around the edge. A clear air downburst.

    We see the same thing on a larger scale with hurricanes. A blanket of clouds with a clear air downburst in the middle.

    This one is only starting to push through very slowly.

  20. TheCommodore says:

    Shit – I knew I shouldn’t have left the saucer section parked in ‘Neutral’.

  21. admash says:

    Can’t be god’s anus. It is not centered over the White House.

  22. Rick Cain says:

    I once saw a cloud that looked like a nuclear blast (at least to me it did, I’ve never seen on live before). It was due to a very strong isolated updraft, which are common during the months of april and may in the central USA.

  23. pcsmith says:

    #6 You are right.

    Forgive me.

    I’m going with #14


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