Are they that desperate and afraid of losing that they have to resort to something so blatantly stupid that even morans should be able to see through it? Take a look at the survey.

Apparently the death panels myth wasn’t enough for the Republican National Committee. They’re apparently trying to start a whole new one — now, it won’t just be old people who will be refused care under Democratic healthcare plans, but all Republicans.

The RNC sent out a fundraising mailer recently. Couched as a survey, it contained one question that reads, “It has been suggested that the government could use voter registration to determine a person’s political affiliation, prompting fears that GOP voters might be discriminated against for medical treatment in a Democrat-imposed health care rationing system. Does this possibly concern you?”

This would be laughable if it weren’t so shameless, so irresponsible and so dirty.

  1. Ah_Yea says:

    Fusion, you’ll love this!


  2. BigBoyBC says:

    Why does anyone think this was unusual?

    It’s no different than the crapola that Democrats have been spewing since the 2000 election.

    Dirty tricks and lying are not exclusive to the Republicans, only idiots would believe otherwise.

  3. afraidtosign says:

    In Canada patients requiring expensive treatments are put on an interminable waiting list or denied outright. When this happens to a vocal critic of the medical system, it creates suspicion that doctors are striking back by letting their critics die.

  4. Uncle Dave says:

    #35: Of course both sides do it. It’s just that this is so blatant in talking down to their own people. Unless they actually DO think their people are stupid enough to believe it. On the other hand, they did buy the death panel BS.

  5. Somebody says:

    That’s crazy talk!

    They would no more do that than take away your car dealership based on your party affiliation.

    Oh, wait.

    In “her” book “It takes a village” Hillary did sort of muse about the good that could be achieved by denying access to medical care to people who don’t raise their children “properly”. (You know, Christians and Global Warming Deniers.) Clearly, the sheer power to be had by taking over health care has not been overlooked by those who really can’t be trusted with it.

  6. BigBoyBC says:

    It’s a foolish assumption Uncle Dave, to think that everyone who believes in “death panels” are only republicans…

    Ignorance and gullibility are quite well represented among both parties.

  7. Micromike says:

    I’m no longer disappointed by the Republican Party and have started looking forward to the future, eagerly, to see to what depths of depravity they will sink to. They seem determined to be the scummiest scum suckers who ever drew breath and I think they can accomplish that.

    They seem so much like a bunch of amateurs being led by criminal-clowns and it’s good to know the Democrats aren’t the only party capable of self destruction.

  8. Somebody says:

    To those of you so certain that Lord Obama would never do anything so over-the-top I offer this humble clue.

  9. Number6 says:

    “It has been suggested” is always a red flag that the author wants to put the idea into your head. Can’t find anyone to actually say the thing you want to base your article on? Just start with “It has been suggested …” and go from there.

    The only thing more infuriating than that trick, is the partisanship that blinds people so much that they don’t notice. That is, they pretend not to notice as long as it’s their side pulling the trick.

    And of course they are the first to scream when the other side does the same thing.

  10. noname says:

    # 15 bobbo,

    …”matter of fact EVERY system of health care” …Death Panels have been passed in Oregon. Just being rational….Very Ironic. Label something its not that sheeple reject when that something actually should be the label….

    I agree, Insurance companies should be called Death Panels, after all; as you say, it’s a matter of fact in EVERY system of health care.

  11. noname says:

    # 17 Jägermeister,

    I am going to continue voting Democratic, knowing how compassionate they are in offering Republicans free mental care.

    Just from the discussion in DU, you can see allot of Republicans need free and immediate mental care!!

  12. noname says:

    # 24 Alfred1,

    Where is the data?

  13. Uncle Dave says:

    #39: Didn’t say there weren’t. It just seems that an inordinate number of them are Republicans.

  14. Alex says:

    You know what’s great about this point?

    It illustrates precisely why Government run health care is *better* than private run health care. Why?

    If a private corporation runs a “death panel” to determine who gets care and who doesn’t, and decides from now on to deny health care to all of the lefty liberal loons, there’s not a goddamn thing you can do about it.

    But if government run health care decides to deny you access to your health care purely on the basis of your political party? The Constitution gives you a due process right to petition the government for a redress of this grievance.

    Accountability. It’s more than just money to some folk.

  15. Delta Dan says:

    It was funny once or twice, now it’s embarrassing much like limpbaugh’s “skrewels”, et al.
    “Moron” was coined in 1910 by psychologist Henry H. Goddard[3] from the Greek word moros, which meant “dull” (as opposed to “sharp”), and used to describe a person with a mental age located between 8 and 12 on the Binet scale.[4] It was once applied to people with an IQ of 51-70, being superior in one degree to “imbecile” (IQ of 26-50) and superior in two degrees to “idiot” (IQ of 0-25). The word moron, along with others including “retarded”, “idiotic”, “imbecilic”, “stupid”, and “feeble-minded”, was formerly considered a valid descriptor in the psychological community, but it is now deprecated by psychologists.[5]
    Following opposition to Goddard’s attempts to popularize his ideas,[6] Goddard recanted his earlier claims about the moron: “It may still be objected that moron parents are likely to have imbecile or idiot children. There is not much evidence that this is the case. The danger is probably negligible.”[7]

  16. FRAGaLOT says:

    would that still apply if we were in a state of emergency, and under martial law?

  17. FRAGaLOT says:

    I think it’s very hard to disagree that this country has NO MONEY to spend on free universal heath care, or anything else for that matter.

    This is why everyone is in a panic since if the US governmet offers free health care would totally undercut private medical insurances. This is why these companies are going apeshit at town-hall meetings during the congressional summer break. They just can’t compete with that. But then again most of these larger private companies are just as evil, corrupt and incompetent as any government ran institution. So would the net result be moot?

    So, the medical care we would end up with would be rationed, since everyone’s health care would consolidated into a single administrative body, which sounds like a clerical/administrative nightmare to organize. Talk about prime opportunity to expose incompetence, and exploit fraud.

    What DOES need to be done is health care REFORM, to get the ridiculous costs down, and THEN maybe we can talk about free universal health-care. But Obama wants to do this on one fell swoop so he can be put into the history books that he did it (yay!) and not take the time to fix the economy first, which he won’t be able to do even if he does serve two full terms. So he going all for broke… literally.

    All these talking heads keep throwing the phrases “universal health-care” and “health-care reform” as if it’s exactly the same thing, IT IS NOT! I wish people would make this distinction more clear to everyone.

  18. BigBoyBC says:

    Uncle Dave, do you have proof that an inordinate number of them are Republicans?

    Where is it? Links?

    Opinions are not facts, Uncle Dave!

  19. deowll says:

    I vote with #30.

    Health care is already being rationed and it’s going to get worse. We don’t have enough money for it to be any other way. There also aren’t enough health care providers for it to be any other way.

    Expecting the government to play favorites is as crazy as thinking that people will be running the system. Um people will be running the system. If people are running the system somebody is going to figure out how to game the system.

    Locally a few years back a elderly man died. Turned out he’d been using two or three different ID’s to get more medical care and cover all of his medical bills.

    They couldn’t make a positive ID and didn’t waste to much time trying. It was suspected that he was a well trained con artist you knew enough to game the system and with death looking him in the face I don’t blame him.

  20. RSweeney says:

    Surely no Democrat from Chicago would ever think of using government power against an individual or to support a special friend.

    We are not talking a virtuous Democrat of old, we are talking genuine corruptocrats.

    For heaven’s sake people, these are the guys who denied a children’s hospital building permit to make sure the “right” contractor got the job.

  21. EvilPoliticians says:

    This would be laughable if it weren’t so shameless, so irresponsible and so dirty.

    Just as shameless, irresponsible and dirty as proponents saying “trust us… more for less for everyone if you give us control”. Liars, frauds and crooks – in other words, politicians.

  22. noname says:

    This link describes well, RePUCKaTons and their Book on Republican dirty tricks.

  23. EvilPoliticians says:


    Impressive use of bookmarked cached pages. Yikes!

    But I am reading through it…

  24. Somebody says:

    #55 — noname

    I’d forgotten that Hitler was a member of the republican party.

  25. noname says:

    Republicans are such good people.
    They care about fair competition.
    They care for the elderly.
    They care for fare election.
    Republicans just care.

    Here is a heart warming story about AZ Republican State Senator John Huppenthal, that will just make you want to vote Republican.

  26. Mr. Fusion says:

    #50, Frag,

    This is why everyone is in a panic since if the US governmet offers free health care would totally undercut private medical insurances.

    So? What is wrong with putting the health insurance companies out of business? They have proven themselves to be totally inept at what they were originally set up to do. They help themselves, not their customers.

    Your premise that we can’t afford universal health care is bull. Currently America spends $2.5 Trillion every year on health care. That is everyone and everything.

    By removing the profit margin from the private sector and the inefficiencies of the current system we can lop at least 10% of that amount AND end up covering everyone.

    What most death advocates (anti-health care provocateurs) ignore are the high taxes imposed upon all employers and individuals that currently purchase their health insurance. Only they are called premiums instead of taxes.

    Talk about prime opportunity to expose incompetence, and exploit fraud.

    Say what? You can’t be serious suggesting a government system will be more inclined to fraud and abuse than the current set-up?

    Hell, the biggest scam is sending patients for tests to facilities where the referring physician gets a kick-back. Even worse, there are those physician owned facilities and the insurance company owned hospitals.

    What DOES need to be done is health care REFORM, to get the ridiculous costs down, and THEN maybe we can talk about free universal health-care.

    Reform? Like what? If reform is so important to the insurers, why haven’t they done this already? Why do I keep hearing about they “are going to institute reforms” instead of them just doing it?

    How does this reform help those currently uninsured and under insured?

  27. Tom McMahon says:

    “Repugs”?!?! Are you guys still in 5th grade?


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