Wait for the guy in the red shirt

Artificial intelligence researchers often idealize Isaac Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics as the signpost for robot-human interaction. But some robotics experts say that the concept could use a practical makeover to recognize the current limitations of robots.

Self-aware robots that inhabit Asimov’s stories and others such as “2001: A Space Odyssey” and “Battlestar Galactica” remain in the distant future. Today’s robots still lack any sort of real autonomy to make their own decisions or adapt intelligently to new environments.

But danger can arise when humans push robots beyond their current limits of decision-making, experts warn. That can lead to mistakes and even tragedies involving robots on factory floors and in military operations, when humans forget that all legal and ethical responsibility still rests on the shoulders of homo sapiens.

“The fascination with robots has led some people to try retreating from responsibility for difficult decisions, with potentially bad consequences,” said David Woods, a systems engineer at Ohio State University.

Woods and a fellow researcher proposed revising the Three Laws to emphasize human responsibility over robots. They also suggested that Earth-bound robot handlers could take a hint from NASA when it comes to robot-human interaction.

Read the article to see how they want to change them.

  1. Luc says:

    Wait a minute, so they’re saying that the Three Laws of Robotics, created for a work of FICTION, where the CONTEXT is fundamentally different from REALITY, has to be CHANGED so they can be applied to REALITY?

    Huh! Who would’ve thunk?!

    I am so amazed at the concept that I am writing like ECA.

  2. J says:

    Wow! Just had to comment on the kid in the Red Shirt. He is unbelievably awesome!

  3. BigBoyBC says:

    “…create three laws that recognize humans as the intelligent, responsible adults in the robot-human relationship.”

    Yea, RIGHT!!!

    These new “laws” sound like beucratic mumbo-jumbo to me. Asimov’s laws, fictional they may be, are still better than these new ones.

  4. deowll says:

    Most robots are merely preprogramed devices that do exactly what they are programmed to do and nothing more. They are not aware much less self aware. Current laws cover them.

    The rest are doing well to function as well as a trainable insect.

    The maker/trainer/programmers clearly have total liability for anything they may do.

  5. Jägermeister says:

    Rubber man…

  6. jayp says:

    That kid grew up- he’s named David Bernal (aka David Elsewhere) and he seems to be pretty well respected in the break dance community. I definitely recommend checking out his newer stuff.

  7. Jägermeister says:

    #6 – jayp

    You’re correct.

  8. Jägermeister says:

    As per the previous video, he was the one who danced in the Singing in the rain Volkswagen commmercial.

  9. Dallas says:

    i love seeing these kids do this.

  10. Rich says:

    Mr Asimov saw the day coming when robots would achive near-human levels of intelligence and super-human physical abilities and desired to avoid the smells of ozone, burned insulation, burned flesh; the sight of blood and leaking oil mingling, and the shrieks of mangled human victims and the whine of frying servo motors, all working together to ruin an afternoon at the mall’s food court.

  11. Micromike says:

    As #1 points out, only morons have ever thought Asimov’s 3 laws were anything but fiction. Of course, some of the first robots ever built were designed to kill human beings, and that (battlefield robotics) is still the main, profitable, thrust of robotics. Even if they are currently called remotely operated vehicles, they will soon be autonomous.

  12. Angel H. Wong says:

    So, basically they’re programming them to kill humans with a skin darker than their creators?

  13. bill says:

    The ROBOTS are already more intelligent than most of congress.

    to bad they ‘forgot’ (erased by $$$) the 3 laws.

  14. Somebody says:

    “may not deploy robots without a work system that meets the highest legal and professional standards of safety and ethics”

    1) A robot may not transgress any municipal, state or federal law or regulation nor through inaction allow the transgression of any municipal, state or federal law or regulation.

    2) A robot may not harm or kill a human being except where required by the first law.

    “requires robots to respond to humans as appropriate for their roles, and assumes that robots are designed to respond to certain orders from a limited number of humans”

    3) A robot must obey the commands of government officials and take action to insure that human beings obey the commands of government officials.

    4) A robot must obey the commands of corporate officials and take action to insure that human beings obey the commands of corporate officials.

    5) A robot must obey the commands of parental authority and take action to insure that human beings obey the commands of parental authority.

    Hmmm… Actually, this is the difference between XP and Vista.

  15. AdmFubar says:

    By your command…………….

  16. soundwash says:

    ah no..those laws should have NEVER been changed.

    AS SOON as you see the words “Law” or Legal(authority)” being used to “redefine” (anything) let alone robotic laws, you know
    that the art of deception is in play and lawlessness will rule from that day forward.

    the appearance of this article means that if those three laws where ever obeyed, from this day forward, they are now null and void -especially if our government is involved.

    As was portrayed in the new Terminator Salvation movie this summer, i find it interesting that this article surfaces shortly after we get newly desnsitized and programed to the idea that autonomous robots can and will go awry and that humanity will be engaged in an endless struggle against this type
    technology once we foolishly let it

    if you think movies of this type are meant to be entertainment and nothing more, you need to brush up on the age old machinations of the Intelligence community…

    More and more it is becoming apparent to those with open eyes and mind that we live in a fantasy world.. -and that which we think is fantasy, is actually the *true* reality.

    very soon, time will soon tell of this fact whether your mind are open or not.


  17. Somebody says:

    Do you really think that the people who won’t let you own an ounce of grass or an unbroken DAT recorder are going to let you own a ROBOT?

  18. Animby says:

    “DANGER, Will Robinson…”

    Asimov foresaw a future when autonomous robots would exist. I don’t think that time is upon us. Have any Roombas been involved in harming their owners? I know I’m not too worried I’ll wake up dead if I leave my computer on overnight.

    We’ve got darned near enough to worry about right now without adding this to the mix.


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