Congress doesn’t want to join its own plan.

Rep. Dean Heller, R-Nev., told colleagues Thursday that members of Congress should be required to join any federal public health benefits plan created by Congress.

“I do not believe the federal government should be running health care in our country and levying massive tax increases on America’s small businesses,” said Heller in urging support for an amendment to the proposed plan. “However, if this administration and the majority party are going to force government-run health care on the American people, then members of Congress should be required to enroll in that plan. “If the government-run ‘public plan’ is good enough for millions of our constituents, then it should be good enough for members of Congress,” he said.

He asked the committee reviewing the America’s Affordable Health Choices Act to adopt the amendment requiring Congress to participate in the plan. The amendment, however, was rejected by the committee 21-18.

  1. soundwash says:

    i still cant believe anyone can even THINK of allowing the feds to have one more ounce of control over ANYTHING, let alone our well-being. especially given the rampant corruption that has been going on on the hill for over a century now.

    This bloody health care NON-ISSUE is being used as a distraction to keep us from taking a magnifying glass to congress’s complicity in the current wholesale raping of our country and it’s people.

    if you people think the current lunatics controlling the debate give two shits about “affordable health care” well then, your bigger morons than i give you credit for.

    As Guilherme has pointed out, they want no
    part of this “wonderful plan” -other than to fulfill their vision of having a boot stamping on your face – forever.

    only a blithering, mind-numbed idiot cannot see this.


  2. Get Er Done says:

    If Congress was enacting a mandatory health care plan for all that was eliminating private insurance, sure, the argument would be valid. This is not the case. They are trying to insure those who have no health care. Thus they and many millions of others have continued freedom of choice which is what America is supposed to be about.

    At this point, after watching the Fox gang members and all the selfish pigs vomiting and farting in everyone’s faces, I am getting sick of the drama, and unfortunately, if I need treatment, I will have to go to the emergency room which costs about 12x what it would cost if I could be treated by a local doctor who accepted the National Health Care reimbursement. Fortunately, the hospital will bill your insurance or your tax dollars anyway.

  3. MikeN says:

    They also tried to let the public into Congress’s health plan. That didn’t pass either.

  4. nospam says:

    Hell, those jackasses won’t even read the bill and now you expect them to eat their own dog food?

  5. ECA says:

    common error.
    HOW do you get capitalism to WORK as capitalism.
    When a corp controls ALL(dont mind the names, they are all the same) how to you kick them in the shins, and MAKE them do the job they ASKED to do.

    You really dont want to SUE them, that is only transferred to those PAYING for the health plan.

    Everyone thinks this will cost FORTUNES..
    But look at what is SHOULD DO.
    1. medicaid and medicare?? gone
    2. Companies dont have to pay it anymore, they charge the employee 8% to PAY IT
    3. force prices on Major medical supplies IN 1/2 if not lower.
    4. testing facilities should be able to spread out and have more locations rather then 1 for an entire state.
    5. proper record keeping, IF’ they can get their act together.

  6. LibertyLover says:

    #37, They are trying to insure those who have no health care. Thus they and many millions of others have continued freedom of choice which is what America is supposed to be about.

    So, if someone doesn’t want insurance they don’t have to get it?

    What if they have a job and don’t want insurance?

    What if they aren’t smart enough to “know” they might need it at some time in the future?

    This “only for the uninsured” was tried in Hawaii and it failed miserably. Everybody took their kids off their current insurance and promptly bankrupted the system in less than one year.

    The same thing will happen nationwide instead. Companies will start changing employment status to “part time” and “temporary” to get around the law. And employees will not gripe too loudly because, well, they have “free” insurance.

    Nothing will change except people’s taxes will increase and we’ll have a program in the same boat as Hawaii’s.

  7. Weary Reaper says:



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