• Another night of meteors. Go outside and check it out.
  • Looks like Nokia-Microsoft deal targets RIM.
  • Judge tells Microsoft to stop selling MS-Word.
  • Bing making money for advertisers, sez researchers.
  • RealNetworks DVD copier is now verbotten.
  • Patch Tuesday was a 19-holes gold course.
  • NASA says too many asteroid to stop them.
  • Zero-watt PC coming.
  • Top 10 Wikis.
  • Today’s show brought to you by NoAgenda.mevio.com and the Noagendastream.com. Listen to tomorrow’s show around 9:30 PDE where we talk about Vivek Kundra.

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  1. qb says:

    I’m no fan of Microsoft but the lawsuit is certainly patent trolling.

  2. deowll says:

    Do any of you use XML? To the best of my knowledge I don’t.

  3. deowll says:

    I did some rearch and it seems I use formats that do. The judge blocked Microsoft Word products that have the capability of opening .XML, .DOCX or DOCM files (XML files) containing custom XML,” according to a statement released by attorneys for the plantiff, i4i.

    MS must appeal or settle.

    The good news is that they can still legally use ODF; snicker.

  4. Improbus says:

    You know what patents are for? Employing lawyers. The world would be a better place if all knowledge (not personal information) was shared. When did obscene profits become a right?

  5. Greg Allen says:

    >> deowll said, on August 12th, 2009 at 6:54 pm
    >> Do any of you use XML? To the best of my knowledge I don’t.

    OpenOffice uses a variation of XML, as I understand it.

    Not that it matters to the end-user.

  6. The Pirate says:

    Patents – 10 years.
    Copyright – 5 years.

    Anything else is cultural theft.

  7. Postman says:


    Wow, I disagree. I think Patents are just about right. I think copyright should be reduced to what it used to be, that is the life of the original copyright holder or artist.

  8. Mr Diesel says:

    #4 Improbus

    “You know what patents are for? Employing lawyers. The world with be a better place if all knowledge (not personal information) was shared. When did obscene profits become a right?”

    If you had the opportunity to make your life and your families lives better by making money off of a patent you came up with you wouldn’t do it?

    The only thing that has kept me from patenting about 6 things over my life is the money required to get the patent.

    I guess if I managed to grow better tomatoes in my garden you wouldn’t want me making money off of how to do it or selling them in the first place.

    Nothing wrong with someone making money off their ideas. Nothing wrong with that at all.

  9. Weary Reaper says:

    #8 – Diesel

    Nothing wrong with someone making money off their ideas. Nothing wrong with that at all.

    You know, you’re exactly right!

    It’s really too bad that’s not actually the point at issue here.

  10. Improbus says:

    @Mr Diesel

    I agree with you but patents have become the purview mostly of large corporations. I have very little sympathy for them. Large corporations use the patent system as club against inventors such as yourself.

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    #8, Mr. Diesel,

    I agree whole heartedly. See? You do have some redeeming qualities.


  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    #4 & 10, Improbus,

    The part that offends me is the claim patents are solely for lawyersrolls. As Mr. Diesel correctly points out, these people like to be paid for their work. I know I do.

    Although this is a copyright issue, a few years ago I did some work for a sports team where I was to get $5 for each copy sold. The team president took the final proof and made his own copies that he sold. My work was wasted.

    Now, why should some small software company write a program only to see the largest software company in the world not only steal it, but put their own copyright on it? So the small company sold their patent to someone offering real dollars. Why shouldn’t the company that bought the program earn some money off their investment?

  13. Mr Diesel says:

    #9 Weary Reaper said

    “#8 – Diesel

    Nothing wrong with someone making money off their ideas. Nothing wrong with that at all.

    You know, you’re exactly right!

    It’s really too bad that’s not actually the point at issue here.”

    Except that if you had bothered to read my entire post I was referring to Improbus’ comments.

  14. Dale says:

    I agree with The Pirate.

  15. Weary Reaper says:

    #13 Diesel

    Except that if you had bothered to read my entire post I was referring to Improbus’ comments.

    That doesn’t really help much. You’re still exactly right about the wrong thing.


  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    #13, Mr. Diesel,

    Now I disagree, that IS the issue.

    MicroSoft was caught using code someone else had patented. They refused to pay royalties and so the patent holder got an injunction to stop them.

    The patent holder, whether they wrote the code or bought the patent, still own all rights to that code. That is how they make their money.


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