A new lawsuit from a Beverly Hills, Calif., man alleges that Apple conspired with the Italian mafia to secretly track him, transmit threatening messages to his iPod, and insert the word “herpes” into the song “Still Tippin'” by Mike Jones.
Not just his iPod, Gregory McKenna is convinced that many things in his life were bugged, including his bedroom, living room, upstairs bathroom and Toyota Camry. McKenna alleges in his lawsuit that two iPods he owned – an iPod shuffle bought on eBay and an iPod mini purchased in an Apple Store – were affixed with receivers that allowed the Mafia to transmit threats to him…
“The recording of death threats and other evidence,” the suit reads, “prove that APPLE INC. conspired with the Mafia and other Defendants to manufacture, distribute, and sell illegally bugged iPods and other electronic equipment to Plaintiff to perpetuate the stalking, extortion, and torture.”
Filed Wednesday in a U.S. District Court in Missouri, the 124-page complaint lists Apple among a host of other defendants, including the St. Louis County Police Department, a local auto mechanic, and “unknown agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.”
He claims the Mafia wants to coerce him into working as a male model.
Well, the evidence is clearly stacked against Apple. 🙂
Well, If I had a nickel for everytime the mafia tried to coerce me into male modeling…
I’d still be broke…lol
I think the guy is “Still Tripp’n”
Normal people just don’t understand how hard it is out there in the real world for the beautiful people.
I don’t think we should mock the afflicted
I’m not mocking him.
20mg a day will do the trick.
Hm, you’d think he’d stop buying Apple products and use a Zune.
This is what happens to Apple Fan Boys who get into their love affair a bit too deeply.
What’s the point of this post?
Webcams are all interconnected to the TSA, don’t you know!
He claims the Mafia wants to coerce him into working as a male model.
I think he’s having delusions of glandeur.
I’d love to see statistics about just how many people are out-and-out nuts like this — I suspect it’s a surprisingly large number.
[You mean like all the people who think the moon landing was a fake? – ed.]
Maybe someone can explain this to me, since I’m not American. Why does this even get filed? Isn’t this a complete waste of time and money for the legal system? Isn’t there a process in screening claims to be filed to avoid stupidity like this? Not criticizing(not yet, anyway)just curious.
Is there an App for that?
I’m with #9, not up to snuff.
Of course Apple works with the Mafia, not in this case. But I will bet that most Mafia types and their family members have ipods. They were all LEGALLY obtained of course.
#7 It would be worse with a Zune. They would squirt their messages of hate!
Just think if he had a Kindle… I shudder to think it.
A goldfinch nipped off another one of our pepper plants today.
#17: Goldfinch with peppers–now them’s good eatin’!
#13 I’m pulling this totally out of my a**, but I believe anybody can file a lawsuit, even one like this. The process of determining if it proceeds any further is up to the judge. Those named in the suit will probably have an opportunity to ask the judge to throw it out as soon as it is assigned to the judge.
He probably just did it for the lulz.
Not surprised he filed the suit (Apple has been stalking me for years with help from La Raza and a couple of interdimensional greys). My surprise is that he, presumably, found an attorney to help him! Can someone get me that attorney’s name? I’d really like to get a restraining order against Twinkies.
How is this story unusual for us Apple faithful? Okay, I forgot. Usually, we are Defending Steve’s honor at all costs. My bad.
Why do I think this is the same guy who has the Zune logo tattoo.
In #12 I said:
“I’d love to see statistics about just how many people are out-and-out nuts like this — I suspect it’s a surprisingly large number.”
and the (an?) editor editorialized:
“[You mean like all the people who think the moon landing was a fake? – ed.]”
YES! And the Birthers and Truthers too!