Baldwin County – May 27, 2009:
A Foley physician said what appears to be the first case of HIV/AIDS cure in the world is getting little mention in the media.
Dr. Awadhesh K. Gupta, medical director at Foley Walk-In Med Care, said he first heard of the medical breakthrough in April when he attended the Annual Conference of the American College of Physicians in Internal Medicine in Philadelphia.
It’s a conference Gupta tries to attend every year.
“This is the most prestigious organization of physicians in Internal Medicine and is responsible for certifying post graduate training in Internal Medicine. It is also one of the oldest,” he said.
According to Gupta, who has been practicing medicine in the South Baldwin area since 1997, the cure was first reported in early 2008 by a group of physicians from Germany at the annual conference on “Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections” in Boston. The New England Journal of Medicine, one of the most prestigious medical journals in the world, finally published the report in its Feb. 12, 2009, issue, Gupta said.
So why has the news of the first case of HIV/AIDS cure received so little attention where the public is concerned?
“I can’t be sure as to why so little publicity,” Gupta said recently.
“My guess is that most scientific researchers are somewhat stunned that a clinician — not a research scientist — has been able to come up with the cure. Most of the big research money and big name American institutions are somewhat embarrassed to acknowledge that the very first case of HIV cure is not coming from their institutions.”
The cure, instead, is coming from Charity University Hospital in Berlin, Germany, and the doctor is Gero Huetter, who works in the Department of Hematology, Oncology and Transfusion Medicine at the same hospital.
Asked about the reaction of attendees at the medical conference in Philadelphia as regarded the news of an HIV/AIDS cure, Gupta said, “Unfortunately, because of the hectic schedule, I did not try to engage too many physicians. However, the doctor presenting this information seemed extremely excited about it.”
I was ready to call Bs on this but:
gives us the reason why. The cure is too expensive/risky to be a general response. “The Cure” as oppposed to “a cure” is still unknown.
We just need a pill that produces the same effect as bone marrow transplant. Maybe it is a help?
We talked about this with Ron Collman on FiB32 last year- June 2008. Discussion is at the end of the show…
Medical stories of this magnatude coming from a doctor at a walk-in medical center light up the BS meter.
Is it a cure or just a medical anomaly? It’s why a double blind study is needed to prove it’s a “cure” for a very small amount of people. A large amount of money has been spent on a disease that is 100% avoidable by behavior modification and only affect less than 1/300 of 1% of the US population. HIV/AIds is truly a political disease that has enriched many of the fraudulent scientists sucking on the teet of Government Grants.
Oh, of course… The Americans and their BS-ometer.
Cut the crap and look outside your country.
Its just bad to see innovation happening in other parts of the world right? GET USED TO IT.
Maybe less McDonalds and a bit more of traveling around will help you.
Why is it that HIV/AID and Global Warming seem to go together. HIV/AID is caused by Human behavior and nothing else, like VD, and other STDs.
Global Warming isn’t caused by Human behavior and we can’t beat a quick enough path to speed every penny we have on both.
Oh well, we’ll be paying an extra $1800, to start with then it’ll get to be more, to our elite political masters to they can have an income while most of the American people don’t. All so that we can accomplish nothing at all, the same with both.
Sad, really sad….are there no nationalist leaders left to lead us??????…….Is everyone a Globalist, has everyone been bought off. What have they been promised?
Trade with Communist China is not Free Trade!
#2 Marc Pelletier
Love your show. Thank you.
…and is Michael Jackson still dead?
Notes the treatment was “widely reported in the media” with citations to WSJ, Time, and a few other low-circulation publications.
I just love how they keep hunting to kill dead viruses.
Big researchers are usually more interested in Treatments than Cures. There is little money in Cures, Treatments generate far more revenue.
#2 Marc Pelletier
I agree with #8 – your show is excellent! Thank you!
I work in the field and I can say that Bone marrow transplant is NO CURE for AIDS , nor any disease whatsoever, do you know the cost and risk of bone marrow transplant? You also need a compatible donor. Pretty easy to call for a cure in the western world , but say that to Africa! Unless we come up with a vaccine, the fight is far from over!
Thanks LDA an Philip!
Small molecule compounds and antibodies that restrict viral access to CCR5 definitely play an important role in treating HIV, very exciting…
oops, guess that is not the way to edit comments in this forum, my apologies…
Bah.. any cure they come up with will require some convoluted method that will cost $200k-$300k.
(besides, the cure for hiv/aids has
been around for decades)
They’d never advertise a cure for HIV or Cancer because there is NO MONEY in cures.. why cure someone when you can sell them “hope” by hooking them on BS drugs & therapy that often have side effects that are worse than the disease.
you can sell them “maintenance plan”
to make them “comfortable” for life at $30-400k a year.
This way, you have a customer for life.
if you cure them. well, you’ve just
lost a customer for life.
Drug companies have to answer to their share holders. Like any other market, they need you to keep buying their
Of course a cure would come from
outside the research community. the
research community is payed to find
the most complex load of crap
available to “cure” something.
#1 If this Gutter guy had half a clue
he’d leave the bone marrow where it belongs and apply a 22kilo gauss
magnetic pulse along the bone to induce back EMF eddie micro currents in the viral cells. simple.
The ability to “deactivate”
all manner of viruses, HIV and viral based Cancer included, has technically been around since the late 1800’s.
Blood Electrification and Magnetic
Pulsing will deactivate the virus.
-and it can be done in-vivo
Bio-Electric medicine would replace
almost all drugs..and without half a
page of side effects.
But hey, you know what the FDA says:
“only a drug cure a disease”
Want to get rid your HIV problem:
here are a few patents that did it.
US Patent #5,185,086
US Patent #5,188,738
US Patent #5,139,684
US Patent #6,539,252
It was re-discovered in 1990 at
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
here in NYC.
-the Russians figured this stuff out
*ages* ago..
I’ve been using bio-electric technology based on the principles outlined in the patents above for infections, wound care, and your basic cold since 2007.
It works beyond my wildest expectations. -my parents swear by it.
For starters, i recommend reading the book
“The Body Electric” by Robert O. Becker.
-after that, you can read about it
compliments of Uncle Sam here:
“Biocompatible electric current attenuates HIV infectivity.”
If you have trouble pulling the data
from the NIH site above, here is an
extract of the above link:
having been a steady “customer” of
the medical industry for 29yrs, i’ve
had plenty of time to experiment with
what works.
i only wish i learned about this and a few
others things in grade school, like any self respecting nation would want for it’s people.
SO…if anyone still thinks “healthcare”
is about health..well..you must have gone to college. *rimshot*
argh..whats up with the “a” tag in wordpress?
clicky link from above
“If you have trouble pulling the data
from the NIH site above, here is an
extract of the above link:”
Still, to attenuate infectivity is no better than what HAART treatment actually does.
The actual problem of treatment is not with infectivity but with HIV reservoir
Look here for a breakthough (still far from a cure) :
I am here to testify on how I was healed from my HIV/AIDS disease by DR.ARIBA the great spell caster, I was having a serious headache though I take treatments the headache never goes off, I was told to go for check-up, I did the result was that I am havingthe HIIV and that was the symptoms, I was not myself ever since that day, everything went worse day by day, I was hoping for death, I was told about a great spell caster whop can heal any disease in this life, I collected his email which is dr.aribaspelltemple@outlook.com quickly I emailed him to see if my disease can be healed, he told me that I am at the right place, that I should not bother that everything will be fine, I believed him base on the testimonies I had seen on the internet, he asked me to buy some items which I bought, he cast the spell and told me that there is a holy water that will be sent to me, I paid for the courier service, my parcel arrived I took the cure as prescribed by him, I started feeling normal, I thank DR. ARIBA, if you are having serious problem you can contact him via his email which is dr.aribaspelltemple@outlook.com orcall his mobile line on +2348163979933.
Giving hope for a possible cure keeps the HIV/AIDS victims from committing suicide and keeps money coming in — to promote HIV/AIDS vector behaviors. Yes, the medical / industrial establishment want society to be half-sick. Hippocrates and hypocrisy be damned.
Back in the 30’s they found out they could cure gonorrhea by giving you something that caused you to run a very high fever for a fairly long time. The disease of choice was on strain of malaria. It caused the high fever and they could treat it.
This sounds like more of the same at a much higher cost.
If it doesn’t kill you, it might cure you.
Soundwash: Magnets, huh? And in South Farica they believe having sex with a virgin will do the job. Personally, I think sex with a virgin sounds a lot more fun than magnets. (And I don’t care much for virgins!)
One hundred percent avoidable by behavior modification- hmmm good thing they started testing blood bank supplies because I would hate to have to skip that life-saving transfusion.
Hello my dear P.V.A. peers, you may know me as “The mah dildo” But please refer to me as PROFESSOR CONDUCTION/!?!?!?!
I am here to inform you all that aids is delcious and im going to eat a ciggerette as soon as i get home.
please stop been jokers and lets pray and work hard to find the cure of HIV and cure the world. the people that they are effected with HIV were jokers before, so this disease is not a joke or funny at all. we are all from one world,so we do not know when it will come to us. there is no way anyone can say i will never get it all the country in the world is fucked up by HIV, SO THERE IS NO ONE CAN RUN FROM THIS DISEASE. WE NEED TO PRAY AND WORK TOGETHER TO SAVE FIRST OUR LIFE AND THEN OTHERS.
Moving home in Germany is extremely expensive, indeed the few miles from my little village to the barn cost me 2000.00 Euros, as much as it might have require me to pay having a UK removal firm to move my household goods all the way from Wales to southern Germany. Labour costs in Germany make moving house very expensive, perhaps one of the reasons why the labour marketplace is less flexible – people would rather stay put once they’ve moved to a location.
my name is Tessy i was suffering from hiv/aids my pcv which is my blood level was very high, i was worried about my cd4count and viral load.. i heard about the power of Dr Oko healing medicine i apply for it and the doctor gave me the medicine and spiritual healing prayers to say and told me that the power of the healing drugs can cure my hiv/aids and he also told me to for get about the pcv, cd4 and viral load.. i really used the medicine and i was cure from hiv/aids i urge you all to get the DR SALAMI healing medicine, you reach the great man that produce the healing medicine through his email address at: salamispiritualspelltemple@gmail.com
I am here to testify on how I was healed from my HIV/AIDS disease by DR.ARIBA the great spell caster, I was having a serious headache though I take treatments the headache never goes off, I was told to go for check-up, I did the result was that I am havingthe HIIV and that was the symptoms, I was not myself ever since that day, everything went worse day by day, I was hoping for death, I was told about a great spell caster whop can heal any disease in this life, I collected his email which is dr.aribaspelltemple@outlook.com quickly I emailed him to see if my disease can be healed, he told me that I am at the right place, that I should not bother that everything will be fine, I believed him base on the testimonies I had seen on the internet, he asked me to buy some items which I bought, he cast the spell and told me that there is a holy water that will be sent to me, I paid for the courier service, my parcel arrived I took the cure as prescribed by him, I started feeling normal, I thank DR. ARIBA, if you are having serious problem you can contact him via his email which is dr.aribaspelltemple@outlook.com orcall his mobile line on +2348163979933.