The Nazis open the Arc of the Covenant

The patriarch of the Orthodox Church of Ethiopia says he will announce to the world Friday the unveiling of the Ark of the Covenant, perhaps the world’s most prized archaeological and spiritual artifact, which he says has been hidden away in a church in his country for millennia, according to the Italian news agency Adnkronos.

Abuna Pauolos, in Italy for a meeting with Pope Benedict XVI this week, told the news agency, “Soon the world will be able to admire the Ark of the Covenant described in the Bible as the container of the tablets of the law that God delivered to Moses and the center of searches and studies for centuries.”

  1. DJ says:

    OK, it’s Saturday, so where is this thing?

  2. qb says:

    Paulos suddenly pulled the plug and may show it in a museum later. Vatican conspiracy theorists love this kind of stuff.

    Meanwhile they are scrambling in Israel near Qumran (Dead Sea Scrolls area) looking for a cave that contains it based on research by Ron Stewart. It’s all very entertaining.

    There probably is some historical interest here but the reality would be far too mundane for most people (see above).

  3. Sufferer of Fools says:

    “The fool hath said in his heart, ‘There is no God’…..”
    Atheists, agnostics and skeptics, take heed: God’s Word is infallible. Deal with it. I know it is a hard thing to do since you have so much invested (your eternal destiny, for instance) in denying its authority.
    For centuries ye and your ilk have been desperately attacking my Sacred Scriptures in an effort to maintain your comfort zone. Particularly, in regards to their historicity, and scientific validity. But, much to your dismay and chagrin, the Holy Bible has withstood, in granite-like resistance, this hostile test of time. God love ya.
    With nearly every shovelful of dirt, archaeologists have been verifying the biblical record for the last 150 years.
    Scientific theories, as we know, are not real science. Obviously. For they can not be scientifically proven. Scientific facts, however, support the Bible’s world view far more conclusively than the evolutionary model or other secular pipe dreams that have been championed in our popular culture.

    Christians, take note: The Ark of the Covenant does not appear in the heavenly scene until the latter part of the Tribulation Period, after the Two Witnesses have been killed by Antichrist, resurrected and raptured. The Ark, you see, may still be hidden somewhere on earth at this very time.
    Or, it could be that the Ark, featured in the 11th Chapter of Revelation, is the actual prototype for which Moses’s version was later fashioned, as was the case with all of the other various implements that inhabited the Tabernacle. Israel’s Tabernacle (and Temple), after all, was designed to be an earthly representation of heaven to the people. A model of God’s throne room. Think about it.

  4. Grown-ups with Imaginary Friends are Pathetic says:

    #76 get a life

    Fact 1
    The Bible is a badly written and translated collection of bronze age books containing lots of stories stolen from earlier religions (e.g. virgin birth, world-wide floods)

    Fact 2
    Nobody is going to save us – we’re all f*&ked

  5. Sufferer of Fools says:

    GUWIFAP has urged me to get a life.
    Fact One: I have, and it’s eternal.
    Fact Two: If the Bible is so poorly written and so obviously plagerized,….Why bother attacking it so visciously as has been done over the centuries. Why not let it just collapse like a House of Cards?
    Fact Three: I’ll tell you why, because pointy-headed intellectuals can’t leave it along because they are tormented by its incredible supernatural contents. Accurate historical data, scientific facts that are just now being discovered and, of course, prophecy.
    Fact Four: The reason so many cultures have their own stories about world-wide floods is because THERE WAS A WORLD WIDE FLOOD! The reason various religions include legends about “virgin births” is because GOD told Adam, (father of all the nations) in Genesis 3:15 that a promised Messiah would come through the “SEED OF THE WOMAN”. (Duh.)

  6. Sufferer of Fools says:

    #75 seems enamored with Anu, the 12th Planet, Atlantis/Mu, Zechariah Sitchin and the whole “Coast-to-Coast” agenda, which includes David Icke afficianadoes, Trekkie geeks and others.
    Question 1: What reputable pre-4000 B.C. documentations do these folks have for their anti-credible claims?
    Question 2: Who created the extra-terrestrials who came to earth and “seeded” our planet in such an evolutionary fashion? Don’t just kick the can down the road, dammit, tell us who is created Anu? I have to know.

  7. Grown-ups with Imaginary Friends are Pathetic says:

    Sufferer of Fools – do you actually believe the bible is literally true (I mean all of it)?

    If so this could get interesting (I thought people like that were extinct!)

  8. sufferer of fools says:

    Righteous Indig.,
    I know that there exists countless ancient texts. There are also apocryphal books. There are myths and legends. There are many, many religious writings. The Vedas, the Koran, the Book of Mormon, for instance.
    The question is: which of their claims can be supported historically, scientifically and archaeologically, and of a far more impressive nature, which of these books dare speak prophetically about the future?
    I’m sure Sitchin would reference the Bible before launching off in his speculations. The Bible has revealed the past and the future without err.

    Like the evolutionist, who hopes against hope, that there will someday be discovered (among the billions and bilions of fossils buried within earth) just one transitional form demonstrating how one species can evolve into another;…. the unbeliever “prays” that undeciphered ancient texts will eventually prove, once and for all, that the Bible is not the Word of God. Good luck!
    That’s what the skeptics were wishing for when the Dead Sea scrolls were discovered at Qumran. Sorry. The DSS wound up verifying biblical revelation, rather than disproving it.

  9. sufferer of fools says:

    Righteous Indig.,
    I know that there exists countless ancient texts. There are also apocryphal books. There are myths and legends. There are many, many religious writings. The Vedas, the Koran, the Book of Mormon, for instance.
    The question is: which of their claims can be supported historically, scientifically and archaeologically, and of a far more impressive nature, which of these books dare speak prophetically about the future?
    I’m sure Sitchin would reference the Bible before launching off in his speculations. The Bible has revealed the past and the future without err.

    Like the evolutionist, who hopes against hope, that there will someday be discovered (among the billions and bilions of fossils buried within earth) just one transitional form demonstrating how one species can evolve into another;…. the unbeliever “prays” that undeciphered ancient texts will eventually prove, once and for all, that the Bible is not the Word of God. Good luck!
    That’s what the skeptics were wishing for when the Dead Sea scrolls were discovered at Qumran. Sorry. The DSS wound up verifying biblical revelation, rather than disproving it.

  10. Sufferer of fools says:

    I actually do believe that the Bible is literally true. Jesus took it literally and that’s good enough for me.
    Tell me which part of it isn’t true. (This could get very interesting) No fair getting your info from the leftist ramblings of the History Channel. Do your own homework.
    As for my being extinct. That fate will claim unbelievers facing the Great White Throne judgment. To those whose names are not written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, the Second Death awaits.

  11. BigLies says:

    Soooooooooooooo? What happened? Never heard anything after Friday!

    Big farce! A Golan – Globus Production! Same people that brought you In Search Of Noah’s Ark and Big Foot!

  12. Rick Cain says:

    Yeah right, it will be as believable as that Bigfoot a guy had in his horizontal freezer.

  13. Thomas says:

    To all quoting Revelation…Amen to #76

    Go back to Exodus and re-read the instructions God gave to Moses. God tells him to make the tabernacle and it’s elements after the “pattern” that He shows Moses.

    Now read Hebrews 9:23 – “the pattern of things in the heavens…”

    The ark that Moses built was based on a pattern of the real article in heaven?

    The real question is where is the Mercy Seat –

    Remember the Ark of the Covenant and the Mercy Seat were two separate pieces of furniture in the tabernacle. It is supposed by some that Christ will rule from the Mercy Seat during the Millennium.

    Also, go back and re-read the account of Phillip and the Ethiopian eunuch. He was “of great authority”, in charge of all her treasure. What was he doing in Jerusalem?

    Once the Ark is found it will certainly be a good reason to rebuild the temple. Interestingly, there is a newer model that shows Solomon’s original temple being North of the Dome of the Rock. If this proves out, the Jews can rebuild the temple without touching the Dome of the Rock leaving it in the outer court – exactly where John describes it to be in Revelation…something to think about –

    Even so, Come Lord Jesus !

    Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved Acts 4:12

  14. dinglish says:

    My word, what a farce. Number one, if it is the ARK, container of the 10 Commandments, doesn’t it seem logical (haven’t seen alot that in these comments) that two things would’ve occurred?
    1.) God would’ve made it clear it’s real or fake. OH, that’s right, several of you don’t subscribe to the Creator theory. You just happended along, with no real function or purpose. Don’t belive in any Divine rules of conduct, either. Or any Divinity of Christ. ‘salright, it will all be made clear soon enough. Probably not in my life time, don’t have alot left. But, I’ve come full circle through belief & non-belief, fundamentalist, Mormon, and just plain believer. I don’t believe this is the Ark. I believe we might be shown it’s true location in God’s time, not ours. And, certainly not in a manner that 60 Minutes or any talk show host can benefit from the discovery.

    2) Most important, once found, the impact of the Ark on humanity would be enormous. Beyond our capacity of understanding. I know this is just my opinion. Not that of the average, cynical tech-saturated American. But, while I do subscribe to the theory of evolutin (who knows what Adam & Eve looked like? We started as one thing & developed into our present day homo sapien. Not much improvement, not from a cultural, love thy neighbor perspective.

    Take care, cynics, eating your words may not taste as good as you’d like..

  15. Kevin Quinn says:

    They found the Ark of the Covenant where Moses placed the 10 Commandments, in a cave under Golgotha.

  16. Hi I was in Panama recently and the ark of the covenant was discovered. The lost city of El Dorado is discovered in Chiriqui Panama. It is quiet intersting to see who is now taking responsibility for the exciting news. check out their link at Chiriqui archaeological sites. Exciting new news, revealed and exposed.


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