Click pic to feed the sea kittens

If there is anything sacred in Vermont’s music scene, the Green Mountain-grown jam rock band Phish tops the list, but apparently even they can’t avoid the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals’ seemingly endless public scrutiny.

On Friday, PETA Special Projects Manager Michelle Cho issued a letter to area media outlets outlining a request that the band temporarily change its name to the “Sea Kittens.”

The letter, addressed to Trey Anastasio, Jon Fishman, Mike Gordon and Page McConnell, says the request is an attempt to gain empathy for fish, “because few people are aware that fish are actually smart animals with personalities.”

You know, after that intellectually stimulating discussion on atheism and the Roman sea god, Neptune, with my goldfish last week, I’m now wondering if they might have a point. He was quite adamant on the subject just before I fed him to my cat.

“For example, they communicate and develop relationships with one another, feel pain when injured (their lips are particularly sensitive, and they use them like we use our fingers), show affection by gently rubbing against other fish, and even grieve when other fish they like die,” the letter continues.

[…]”Phish has a long history of promoting social justice. Renaming the band Sea Kittens would be a great way to help sea kittens rock on, free from fishing nets and hooks, even if just for a day,” the letter says.

  1. Sea Lawyer says:

    These people are brain damaged.

  2. Pete says:

    They should stop these people from reproducing…

  3. Fat_Anarchy says:

    You feed your goldfish to your cat?


  4. theBadSteveO says:

    What’s with all the PETA stuff? First the fish throwers then Obama smacking a fly on camera, now this? Smells fishy to me. Oh, maybe I should have said smells sea kitteny.

    I’m guessing it’s just the spring membership drive. People love stuff like this. Can I get a PETA totebag with my membership?

  5. Jägermeister says:

    PETA is doing this to get attention… and helps them.

  6. Uncle Dave says:

    #3: Well, yeah. Gotta fatten the cat up before I feed him to my python.

  7. AppleIIGuy says:

    Can PETA temporarily change it’s name to Brain Damaged?

  8. LibertyLover says:

    #6, LOL

  9. McCullough says:

    #6. Yeah LOL! But also not funny, and yet funny. I’m torn.

  10. BigBoyBC says:

    Peta is Drain Bamaged

  11. father time says:

    The people that speak the most words are the dumbest. Ignore them and they will fade away. Please.

  12. BigBoyBC says:

    AltaVista Babel Kitty?

  13. spearfish says:

    yeah, these crackpots sent a letter to spearfish highschool in sd a few months back asking them to do the same thing…everyone thought it was a joke at first. turns out they are serious.

  14. qb says:

    I boiled lobster tonight and ate them with butter. But only after playing chess with them first.

  15. Ron Larson says:

    This has to be from The Onion.

  16. deowll says:

    These people feed fish to their pets then blather about this?

    Why are these people allowed to vote and have credit cards?

  17. Mikey Twit says:

    “This has to be from The Onion”

    Sadly, it isn’t. It’s the real deal.

  18. qb says:

    Phish looks like a bunch of real seal clubbing, SUV driving maniacs. Maybe PETA should be thinking about habitat destruction and population depletion which is a actual, honest to God problem.

  19. Nimby says:

    I’m a scuba diver. Nothing pleases me more than hovering weightless off a reef and watching the carnage as these huggable sea kittens attack and devour each other. Then, later, I devour a couple of them. Ain’t life grand?

  20. Ziggy says:

    It would be great if Phish responded by renaming themselves to “Ph*ck PETA” instead.

  21. phiend says:

    Get a life PETA

  22. righteous indignation says:

    Explain to PETA how plants also react to being threatened or the nearby plant being injured etc and the fact water they drink has micro life as does the air they breath. Then we can have a lotto as to the exact time and day PETA becomes extinct because everything they breath eat drink is alive and intelligent so they have to stop it all and just die.


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