A teenage girl is suing a tattoo artist for £10,000 after she allegedly asked him for three stars on her face – but ended up with 56.

Eighteen-year-old Kimberley Vlaminck paid £55 for ‘the graffiti that has ruined my life’ in her Belgian home town of Courtrai. She claimed the Romanian tattooist who performed the artwork misunderstood her French and English.

She claims she fell asleep while he was doing his work… and awoke to ‘this nightmare’.
‘It is terrible for me,’ said Kimberley. ‘I cannot go out on to the street, I am so embarrassed. I just look horrible.’
‘I think he didn’t understand what I wanted. He spoke only fractured English and French. article-1193384-055D93D8000005DC-693_306x543

‘But I explicitly said in my native tongue, French, and also in a little bit of English when he looked confused, that I wanted three little stars only near my left eye.’
Rouslan Toumaniantz, who runs the tattoo parlour called The Tattoo Box in Courtrai, denies her claim.
He said she knew ‘exactly what she wanted’.
He added: ‘She was awake and looked into the mirror several times as the procedure was taking place.

‘The trouble all started when she went home and her father and boyfriend threw a fit.
‘They are saying things now like I doped her or hypnotised her. What rubbish! ‘She asked for 56 stars and that’s what she got.’ To remove the stars would require surgery costing £8,500.

Tattoos are definitely not my thing, but I have to assume there would be some pain and noise involved. Therefore, we shall apply the BS detector.

  1. meetsy says:

    ummm, after looking at the video. and seeing the Tattoo guy…..I don’t know…the moral here “chose the tattoo person based on how SANE he LOOKS”. What an idiot.

  2. gquaglia says:

    Imagine what they’ll look like in 30 years.

  3. faxon says:

    Great. She outdoes the idiots on the worst mugshot website. She is getting the attention she wished for. Dolt.

  4. Nimby says:

    The bullshit meter needs a higher scale.

    Language problem? What? Did she hold up 56 fingers?

  5. Greg Allen says:

    What’s the big deal? She looks like half the 18 year-olds here in Portland.

    … and only £10,000? Here in America, it’s not worth suing for less than a million.

  6. Sea Lawyer says:

    #32, the law in most western countries thinks she is. Apparently she old enough to be a nicotine addict, so she’s old enough to get a stupid tattoo on her face.

  7. wirelessg says:

    i am not a tattoo fan, but she looks alright to me, just get a makeover that accents the stars including a tan, leverage the bad publicity into some appearance fees and local modeling, and drop the case against the maori chief because it is 100% Grade A BS.

  8. I kinda like that tat, although I’d never do my face personally … as for falling asleep while getting tattoo’d on your face … not a chance!

  9. Nadrew says:

    I’ve fallen asleep during tattoos. I’ve slept at the dentist. No drugs involved.

    I kind of like the tattoo. Not so bad really. Probably no corporate job in her future. But, so what. Anyway, she doesn’t seem the corporate type.

    Is that her kid? If so, she was pregnant at what, 14/15? That would make not thinking things through, somewhat of a habit for her?

    In the past, tattoo artists would not do face work, but that was quite a while ago. Before facial tattoos became so common. And, though not mainstream, I see them quite a lot recently.

  10. Alex says:

    The tattoo madness has jumped the shark. Hopefully it will end soon.

  11. Personality says:

    The ones on the forehead had to sting… right against the bone. Bone head

  12. Benjamin says:

    Wouldn’t that stuff women smear on their face cover it up? At least temporarily while she saves up the money to remove the tattoos with a laser.

    I would think there would be redness when she gets them removed. In the book Stars my Destination, the main character is captured by natives and given a full facial tattoo of a tiger. When he is rescued the tattoo is removed, but when he gets angry or excited the impression of the tattoo becomes visible. He has to stay calm and in good temper or the tiger comes out. A lesson learned there.

  13. BrimstoneAshe says:

    BS meter off the chart. Very often, tattoo artists will basically draw it out on your skin first, making a stencil if you will. And considering she got stars on her nose, under her eye, forhead, right by the ear, there is no way she could have fallen asleep during that. And there are two stars that were obviously left empty intentionally, which I’m sure she would have confirmed as well.

  14. Lowfreq says:

    #47 is right. After many a tattoo, I can tell you that a tattoo artist thrives on reputation. He wants his client to get exactly what they asked for and tell their friends about who did it. Most won’t even talk about giving a tat to anyone that is drunk or or high. They don’t need type of negative press. It seems odd that she went to have tat done by herself. Wouldn’t you want trusted friend there to make sure your getting what you want? Every tat shop I have been in (US,Canada, Netherlands, UK and Germany) has had a friend looking on. Lastly, she fell asleep? There isn’t a bullshit meter big enough for that one! There is no way she fell asleep during the tat process. Yes, it hurts. It’s needles for pete sake! And let’s say she ‘passed out’. Do you think the tat artist would continue? I highly doubt it.

  15. Aaron_W says:

    When I got some tattoos they artist put the stencil on and then had me look in the mirror before he touched me with the needle. This sounds like BS to me. And I can see anyone falling asleep with someone doing that to her face, that would hurt quite a bit.

  16. JustinFromPA says:

    Even just 3 stars is ridiculously stupid to have put on your face.

  17. orangetiki says:

    Pull off those stickers. I’m calling shenanigans. keep that meter pinned

  18. orangetiki says:

    PS in the beginning you can see one hang close to the edge of her mouth. I doubt that’s scabbing up that high. Also like someone earlier wrote, they stencil out what you are getting first. How do you only stencil 3 and do all that? Also how do you sleep while a tattoo needle is prickling YOUR FACE!! Esp right under the eye? I don’t even know where the ink sits with that one.

  19. righteous indignation says:

    There IS a witness… the article said:

    Toumaniantz – himself covered from head to foot in tattoos and piercings – said he would help pay for half of the treatment to remove the tattoos.

    ‘I maintain that she absolutely agreed that I tattoo those 56 stars on the left side of her face,’ he told newspaper La Derniere Heure.

    ‘A witness, a woman who was present, has already been questioned by police, and she confirms it.

    ‘But be that as it may: Kimberley is unhappy and it is not my wish to have an unsatisfied client. There is a way to remove the tattoos with the help of a laser. I accept to pay for half the cost.’

    He’s being more than fair, he’s being generous. Later it also says he’s getting written consents from now on.

    I think those two were made for each other.

  20. Poppa Boner says:

    Apparently she also has 20 nipple rings – in each breast.

  21. faxon says:

    I think every visible tattoo is offensive. If you need to deface your body, keep it under your clothes. Why do men who get their calves tattooed always have to wear pedalpusher girl pants?

  22. tattooedlucy says:

    As a pretty decently tattooed gal, I can tell you a few things.
    First, No tattooist is going to freehand stars.
    Second, They will always stencil them out to make sure of placement.
    Third, Yes.. I have nodded off during some tattoos.. but only on the calf or thigh. NEVER on any bony parts. I remember every second of my feet, chest, wrists… There is no bloody way in HELL she fell asleep during her nose tattoo.

  23. girl with issues say what?! says:

    She totaly deserved that!
    1. why would you have a guy who looks like a psyco who broke out of an institution do that to your face?!
    2. If you already look like that much of a loser, why would you even want to make it even a little worse?
    3. it doesnt look that bad. Maybe if she tried to do something with herself instead of just rolling out of bed and tying her hair up in the GROSS bad-impression-of-a-“messy bun”,
    she could do her makeup or something to make it look good.
    4. why the hell does everybody sue for EVERYTHING?!
    5. its her fault. even if she did fall asleep (which she didnt) you should have stayed awake

    the BS scale needs higher numbers
    what a loser

  24. Spencer says:

    You can tell that she is lying because i saw a video on aol and she looked like she was to everybody!!!! that girl is not smart. she is a BIG FAT LIAR!!!

  25. Spencer says:

    you can tell that she lied to everybody

  26. Tattooed Jenny says:

    I think your face is offense. To each his own. As being a very heavily tattooed female in the state of Arizona, I cover up my art for work and go to a lot of trouble for it due to the judgemental cottonheaded ninny muggins such as yourself. If you don’t like someone’s tattoos and are offended by it- DON’T KEEP LOOKING AT IT.

    As for this “child” that claims she only wanted 3 stars, I call BS. I have been getting tattooed since 1994 and every artist uses a stencil and assures correct placement of the tattoo. You would think this little fruit tart would have remembered the stencil especially on her nose. I have 17 fingers tattoos and I didn’t fall asleep during a one of them. I call shennanigans on her antics and I think you should suck it and join 2011 the century of freedom and expression. Sorry to disturb you but women are allowed to vote now too. 🙂

  27. Tattooed Jenny says:

    I was also wondering if this delightfully clever girl was aware that Jerry Garcia was indeed missing his favorite wife beater.

  28. A Watcher says:

    Watch the heavens, watch the sky, watch as the days go passing by. “It” will come this I know because a watcher told me so. Now I know what I must do for I have become a watcher too. When you know the end is near, watch and wait for “it” to appear. The watchers know things not of this world. They have been watching man since they were put on this earth. Watch “it’s” coming, will be here soon. Now you’ve been told the watchers are here, watch and wait because this all you can do unless you become a watcher to. 

    Remember the watchers are watching you!!!


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