NEW YORK (CBS) ― Mayor Michael Bloomberg had a run-in with a reporter during a press conference on same-sex marriage on Thursday. The incident shocked many and now the disabled blogger wants an apology. Here, Speaker Christine Quinn tries to explain situation to the mayor. Needless to say, Mayor Michael Bloomberg doesn’t like to be interrupted – regardless of the reason. But that’s precisely what happened during his same-sex marriage press conference on Thursday. “This is a too important to be disrupted,” Bloomberg said. “Maybe we just take everything outside.”

It was a moment of silence anything but respectful. Bloomberg stopped mid-sentence when he heard a tape recorder playing in the audience. Wheelchair-bound reporter Michael Harris, a blogger for, had no idea, but it was him. “We ultimately found that I had an audio recorder in the pocket of my overcoat which was hanging on the chair next to me that had fallen on the floor,” Harris told CBS 2 HD. Someone had accidentally pressed play, and Harris couldn’t reach it. That didn’t stop the mayor from staring him down.

“Having the mayor do this to me, with TV channels carrying this live, not only locally but nationally was incredibly embarrassing, was incredibly degrading and I quite frankly felt humiliated by the whole ordeal,” Harris said. The mayor glared at me and said ‘stop it,’ and I couldn’t figure out what he was talking about.” New York City Council Speaker Christine Quinn leaned over to tell Bloomberg that Harris was in a wheelchair, but when asked later, Bloomberg was unrepentant.

So, I wonder what he meant by “Maybe we just take everything outside.”?

  1. Borat says:

    The blind guy is standing there thinking WTF is going on? And, was probably thinking, “fuck, now I’ve lost my hearing too.”

  2. chuck says:

    What’s a tape recorder?

  3. Traaxx says:

    This is such BS, either the jerkoff press people want to be treated as crippled or as capable as any other reporter. Since every reporter I’ve ever meet was such an assholes in general, I’ll bet he deserved such treatment. Every reporter thinks they are special little creatures, writing their small little features, it so funny that people would rather read the small bloggers and not the reporter plodders.


  4. Jägermeister says:

    #30 – Special Ed


  5. fireman9234 says:

    That is why I love living in the south. Most people who were raised here would never consider doing what the mayor did and if it had been done to someone from here. They would not be crying about it now. Both actions show you can’t take someone from the north anywhere!!!!!


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