DALLAS – Frank Larison is a disabled veteran with more than 14 years of service, including more than a year of combat duty in Vietnam. The 58-year-old former Marine now finds himself under attack by his Dallas homeowners association for displaying seven decals on his vehicle supporting the Marine Corps. “To me, it’s being patriotic, and it shows that I served,” the veteran told FOX 4. The board says the decals are advertisements that violate HOA rules, and must be covered or removed.

Otherwise, the homeowners association for The Woodlands II on The Creek — where Larimore has lived for eight years — says in a letter it will tow the car at Larimore’s expense. The board also threatens to fine him $50 for any future incident. Larimore says the decals, ranging from the Marine emblem to Semper Fi slogans, aren’t advertisements for anything. “You can’t buy freedom,” he reasoned.

Some neighbors are outraged.

“That is his identity,” said neighbor Mary Castagna. “He goes to a lot of the veteran meetings, and it means a lot to him. Everyone else agrees with it; it doesn’t bother anybody.” “He’s in the Marines, and he’s proud of it, and I don’t blame him,” said neighbor Paul Hardy. “If I’d gone through what he’s gone through, I’d be kind of proud of it myself.” The letter from the board states you can’t have any form of advertisement anywhere on your car on your property. FOX 4 cameras spotted bumper stickers for political parties, health causes, and other non-commercial interests on the property as well.

I’m not a fan of the Chinese produced cheap yellow ribbons that it seems everyone has on their vehicle these days. But I think the HOA should, for lack of a better term, go pound sand.

  1. BigBoyBC says:

    Wonder what the HOA would say if he painted his roof white to help fight global warming?

    I lived in a area with a HOA that was a bunch of old fart’s who had nothing better to do than tell people how to live their lives.

  2. audion says:

    HOA’s are dumb, and give voice to obnoxious NIMBY busybodies. But, I wonder where Mr. Aggrieved Marine Lover was when the HOA was working their magic on everyone else.

  3. jccalhoun says:

    If you are dumb enough to live somewhere with a home owners association then you live with the consequences. Home owners associations are good examples of how having a little bit of power can go to someone’s head. If people didn’t buy houses in areas where they existed they wouldn’t be a problem though.

  4. Cursor_ says:

    Many of HOA rulings are against constitutional rights of freedom of speech and expression.

    This is one of those instances.

    If I were him I would see about getting the CLDC to take the HOA to court and set in motion a correction to these kinds of groups that curtail freedom.


  5. ECA says:


  6. Floyd says:

    A homeowner association in the city I live in tried to keep a vet from flying an American flag daily. The vet sued. The HOA lost.

  7. Macbandit says:

    Couldn’t a case be built on the fact that by not enforcing this rule for 8 years that a rule of precedent had been set?

  8. chris says:

    The homeowners association in my neighborhood is like a geriatric mob. When someone is doing something bad(crazy man up the street) or questionable(lawn business and group home for lawn business workers) they are nowhere to be found. If you are a non-dangerous and generally rule following type they will harass you to no end.

    I would rather have the real mob. Every now and then you give them some cash, but when someone disrespects the neighborhood they catch a beating.

    Why aren’t those supposedly libertarian Republicans using this is a political issue in the suburbs and exurbs? There are plenty of people in HOA communities who would vote for anyone who would banish these annoying vampires.

    Move elsewhere? Try finding a community of single family homes built in the last 20 years that doesn’t have an HOA. That will limit your options.

  9. ECA says:

    I figure an HOA is unwelcome in city government..
    the only laws that CAN infoce would be State and city..Otherwise they are stupid.

  10. N74JW says:

    Where can I send this guy more USMC stickers or paraphernalia? I wasn’t a Marine, but I would be damned if some silly HOA told me what I could or could not stick on my vehicle. I’d tell them to bite me, then I’d tell the same thing in court…

  11. WaynePhilips says:

    Commie Bastards! Watch the animated movie Over The Hedge. The HOA in the movie is run by someone who would pull this crap. This story falls in the category of truth that is as strange as fiction.

  12. marty0577 says:

    Semper Fi, Tell em to shove it. This whole story is rediculous. Most all HOA’s are bullshit anyway, he could win this one in court.

  13. Improbus says:

    He is a Marine. In Texas you can shoot trespassers. Wait until the HOA comes to your house. Shoot them. Problem solved.

  14. deowll says:

    HOA is just a bunch of ultra liberals showing what they really think of vets.

  15. BigBoyBC says:

    Wonder how many of the HOA have Obama stickers?

  16. BigBoyBC says:

    I just watched the video, at least one…

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    In most States HOAs are the law. They are not a government so they don’t have to obey the Constitution. When you buy your house, you do have to sign that you will abide by the HOA’s bylaws. In almost every case, your sole recourse is to move if you don’t like it.

  18. Floyd says:

    #15: I’m an Obama fan, but I’m with the Marine, as I’m a Vietnam era vet. The HOA can pound sand as far as I’m concerned.

  19. 9yo says:

    Semper Fi

  20. BdgBill says:

    All HOA’s everywhere are run by elderly assholes with nothing better to do than drive around in golf carts looking for rules infractions.

    I will never live in another home with any kind of an HOA.

  21. George says:

    They prohibit any form of advertisement? I’m sure every one of the members on the HOA board are violating that rule if they own a car. There’s not a car on the road that doesn’t get the dealer’s name and logo pasted on it.

  22. TheSwabbie says:

    Many years ago back in Florida a HOA was started in the community where our family lived. My father did NOT belong to this association NOR was he legally bound by any of their arbitary decisions since they came in almost 15 years AFTER we had built our house. One time my father was painting the house and 5 men came up the driveway..they presented themselves as board members of the HOA. They told him to CEASE AND DESIST PAINTING! He did NOT have a permit to paint his house that color nor did he have permission from the Association. Oh my God. You must understand. My father was an Alabama born redneck. It did not go well, at all… besides, my father was a Law enforcement office… a State Trooper. Two of the men ended up in hand cuffs 3 were on the ground… I was carefully cautioning my father that he needed to take it easy on them… the look I got was priceless and unmistakeable – it was to “Backoff”. He filed suit against the HOA for harassment and every other charge he could think of.. he filed charges against the men for everything he could possible think of. It was only after lengthly coddling by their lawyers did my father relent. They NEVER, EVER contacted or set foot on our property again. We sold that house and left that area. However, I will never forget the sight of those 5 men as my father took them down. I wish Frank all the best – these nut jobs at this Dallas HOA have Nothing better to do. They are old retired men with nothing but time on their hands now, and they use destructively and stupidly…just like the men did 20 years ago.

  23. killer duck says:

    From searching the net, looks like the HOA president is a 63 year old, female, Democrat. She can be reached here:
    The Woodlands II on the Creek HOA president:
    Royal/Fair Oaks Crossing
    104 Homes
    President – Darenda Hardy

    I hope someone DDoS’s this bitch’s phone and email, and signs her up for some magazines.

  24. DESERTPOVOST says:

    Mr Fusion: What an ignorant little street lawyer! Try again! All Codified law in the US be it. Penal code, Business law, HOA CONENANTS! or even freekin pro Baseball rules must conform to the framework of the constitution or be subject to being over ruled in case law. Case law overrules codified law and is appealed up to the supreme court. Also in all 50 states CC&R Covenants must conform to local, State and federal law (which of course is subject to the constitution). For your information about 20% of all CC&Rs written before 1970 contain sections limiting the sale of CC@R covered propterty to Jews, Blacks, Asians etc. These rules are in fact Un-enforcible. As long as a they are ignored the HOA is not in any trouble.. But try enforcing them and see how long your not under the Constitution BS lasts. Next time don’t open up on something you know nothing about and let the grownups talk Ok. Now run along and play!

  25. judy kozul says:

    God Bless this man and all others that served or are serving. They should take those people who are harassing him to Iraq and Afganastan, and let them walk in front of our tanks to check for roadside bombs! For their info flying the American flag is acceptable. Are they Terrorists?? Probably so. Let’s keep fighting for our rights. God Bless you Mr. Marine.


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