Click pic to read all about this tasty treat from this year’s Bacon Camp

That’s right, a bacon cone filled with scrambled eggs, topped with country gravy and a biscuit. Arteries, it’s hardin’ time!

  1. Ubiquitous Talking Head says:

    Don’t fuhgit tha gravy.

  2. Dallas says:

    A better idea: No gravy, and make it into a “Bacon Party Hat” instead.

    In that case, the bacon grease drips down and trapped in the biscuit. One discards the biscuit and you have a healthful breakfast.

    Dallas Bacon Party Hat ©

  3. orangetiki says:

    I’m just waiting for someone to deep fry this and sell it on the Atlantic City boardwalk.

  4. sarge says:

    yikes – i can feel a heart attack comin’ on….who came up with the idea!!

  5. eaze says:

    any pork meat is disgusting, pigs eat their own shit! you would think swine flu would be slowing down the bacon craze.

  6. Paddy-O says:

    Looks great, I’m about to make breakfast.

  7. OvenMaster says:

    “Bacon: Nature’s candy” — Craig Ferguson

    Y’know, he’s right.

  8. Luc says:

    It won’t kill anyone if consumed only occasionally.

  9. BubbaRay says:

    Why didn’t the vendors at the State Fair Of Texas think of this one? They’ll deep fry anything!

  10. Paddy-O says:

    # 8 Luc said, “It won’t kill anyone if consumed only occasionally.”

    I remember my mom’s mother, aunts, uncles, etc., were farmers and ate stuff like this daily. They lived into 80’s & 90’s. So, no harm.

  11. Faxon says:

    For once, I agree with Paddy-cake. I grew up on bacon, I am now 60, and in very good health. If you have a bacon breakfast every other Sunday, you will not drop dead. However, if you watch the news, you will be dead of Swine Flu any minute, no matter what you do. That, or a pirate will get you, or whatever the next news cycle brings. Ummm. Bacon…. Nature’s candy, salty and handy.

  12. bobbo says:

    Then theres Paula Dean and her heart attack burger + egg + bacon + donut recipe. “A Slice of Heaven” Who knew how fast she was travelling?

  13. L0C0 says:


    for artery clogging goodness try the “Costa Azul” it’s a bacon wrapped shrimp stuffed with mozzarella cheeze, oh yeah it’s deep fried.

  14. Dave W says:

    Oh, come on. If you had bacon, egg, a biscuit and gravy on a plate, it would be just regular Denny’s fare. Heck, you might have to add hash browns to fill the plate.

    But, wrap it all into one and everyone gets all artery obsessed.

    Oh, it needs a slice of Velveeta as a “garnish”. :).

  15. OvenMaster says:

    #10: Paddy-O: Farmers could eat like that every day because they worked damn hard all day long, so cholesterol never had a chance to build up in the arteries. They burned off the fat through hard work.

    Today’s desk jockeys and couch spuds would need at least eight daily hours of fitness clubs and exercise to replicate that fat burn.

    The old-timers got it right. 😉

  16. JimR says:

    Faxon, Paddy, you may be one of the lucky few that will avoid a heart attack or stroke. Unfortunately, the older you are, the more cholesterol build-up you have. It’s more probable than getting cancer from smoking. If you stop smoking, the damage can reverse itself… not so for arteriosclerosis. Yes, lots of exercise might reduce the rate of buildup… but even if you are a hard working farmer you are not immune.

    I had a heart attack at 48. I thought I was very healthy as well. In fact, when they did the coronary catheterization, my heart’s arteries were “wide open and clear” EXCEPT for a single narrowing where the f**king cholesterol decided to build up. My heart was otherwise in very good condition… that of a 25 year old.

    My dad recently died slowly of a series of strokes at 85. I don’t care how many anecdotes you hear about people eating animal fat and living to 85 or 90. The FACTS are that they had a degree of arteriosclerosis and managed to sidestep dying from it. And, from first-hand observation, if you have a stroke and live, you’ll probably wish you hadn’t. It was horrible to watch.

    I recommend that everyone avoid animal fat completely (especially bacon), just as I recommend that you don’t smoke and don’t inject yourself with heroin.

    Take care.

  17. Jumpin' Jersey Joe says:

  18. Don says:

    Mmmmmm, cholesterol!


  19. Mojo Yugen says:

    I think we have a nomination for next year’s Nobel prize in breakfast.

  20. Maya says:

    I found the recipe for it….mmm, deep fried goodness!


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