This woman is all the way round the bend; but, she’s a hell of a driver. I love it when she stops and hops out of the Scion – gives the coppers what we called the Italian Salute where I grew up – jumps back in and continues on her merry way.

  1. dm says:

    Daisy traded in the General Lee for a Scion.

  2. Mac Guy says:

    My cousin has a Scion XB like the one in this video. Great on gas, but the hamsters can’t crank the wheels fast enough.

  3. pfkad says:

    The accompanying narrative — the woman (Robin?) in particular — is banal and annoying. No teleprompters for live action, huh?

  4. Miguel says:

    They say she didn’t have any weapon… A car is a pretty good weapon.

  5. Ajlouny says:

    Looks like something pissed her off and so in return threw caution to the wind. Great video.

  6. riker17 says:

    Just a fun video to watch and I am happy that it ended peacefully. What are the odds that this woman will try to sue the officers for some form of harrasement and that some feminazi lawyer will take that case?

  7. John Paradox says:

    ChiPs and a dip?


  8. A Soldier and a Father says:

    # 3 pfkad said, on April 11th, 2009 at 7:36 am

    The accompanying narrative — the woman (Robin?) in particular — is banal and annoying. No teleprompters for live action, huh?

    How dare you speak that way of the beautiful Robin Meade!!!

    and the news, in general, banal. At least she looks good reporting on it.

  9. pandora drives her box says:

    I actually own one of these. It’s a well built little car not as top heavy as it looks it can get out of its own way but with only 108 puppies under the hood don’t expect much else. They handle more like a juice box than a sofa. Certainly not a Scion commercial it’s not the current body style. Like most car companies that come up with a good idea for a car and want to update it, Toyota has over fed the original Xb and now it’s just a fat squared off wagon built on a corolla platform.” yawn” Glad I got one of the originals.

  10. Publius says:

    Notice the cops also pulled her pants down?

    Humiliation thrown in for good measure. A trick learned from the Guantanamo experience?

  11. The_Vector says:

    I saw a SCION XB in Columbus, OH with the license plate of TOASTER. They had a bumper sticker that said “You have just been passed by a toaster!)

  12. BubbaRay says:

    I’ve driven an original XB and it’s not a bad little grocery store car. Seems pretty well built and I guess after watching that video it will out-handle my expectations.

    That’s one angry woman behind that wheel! I wonder if she has demo derby experience?

  13. sargasso says:

    Wikipedia, the Scion xB. There’s a 2.4 liter, 158bhp model.

  14. Road rage says:

    This is why they need guided missiles on the helicopters instead of cameras. Idiots like this NEED to have their asses beat by the cops!! News stations are idiots for giving these imbeciles any of their 15 minutes of fame. It also shows the intelligence level of the viewers of these stations.

  15. Jägermeister says:

    Ugly car.

  16. Zybch says:

    But what about the swarm of bees attacking the White House??

  17. Zybch says:

    And Dave Arneson is dead? I never knew that.

  18. Ron Larson says:

    This is why I no longer watch news on TV. A bunch of clueless idiots babbling about nothing.

  19. BubbaRay says:

    #19, And almost all of it is bad news! GIGO. Garbage in, garbage out. Why watch?


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