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Girl, 14, arrested after posting nude pics of herself on Myspace | KOMO News — Apparently the concept of exhibitionist is lost on these idiots. So this girl is a sexual predator? A threat to society?
Conundrum of the day. A 14-year-old girl gets naked and stands in front of a mirror. Is she looking at child porn? Should she be arrested for that too? The worst case scenario for this girl is that she is grounded by her Mom, not charged with a felony and ruined. What is wrong with these people? Where is the common sense in this country?
A 14-year-old New Jersey girl has been accused of child pornography after posting nearly 30 explicit nude pictures of herself on MySpace.com – charges that could force her to register as a sex offender if convicted.
The case comes as prosecutors nationwide pursue child pornography cases resulting from kids sending nude photos to one another over cell phones and e-mail. Legal experts, though, could not recall another case of a child porn charge resulting from a teen’s posting to a social networking site.
MySpace would not comment on the New Jersey investigation, but the company has a team that reviews its network for inappropriate images. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children tipped off a state task force, which alerted the Passaic County Sheriff’s Office.
The office investigated and discovered the Clifton resident had posted the “very explicit” photos of herself, sheriff’s spokesman Bill Maer said Thursday.
“We consider this case a wake-up call to parents,” Maer said. The girl posted the photos because “she wanted her boyfriend to see them,” he said.
Investigators are looking at individuals who “knowingly” committed a crime, he said, declining to comment further because the case is still being investigated.
The teen, whose name has not been released because of her age, was arrested and charged with possession of child pornography and distribution of child pornography. She was released to her mother’s custody.
If convicted of the distribution charge, she would be forced to register with the state as a sex offender under Megan’s Law, said state Attorney General Anne Milgram. She also could face up to 17 years in jail, though such a stiff sentence is unlikely.
The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children should be looking for “missing” and “exploited” children rather than persecute this naive show-off and ruin her life and the family’s life. Good work. This trivializes and marginalizes real sex crimes!
Found by Aric Mackey.
Reuters publishes child pr0n on interwebitubbies!
How can NJ possibly harass this 14 year-old girl when a “respected” news agency like Reuters can get away with publishing trash like this from Holland?
Shame, shame.
I think most of you are missing the point. 14 year old sluts have always exsisted. To protect them we make it illegal for adults to ‘take advantage’ of them in anyway. This is a case where the letter of the law diverges from the spirit of the law. Protect children – by all means, but this girl needs councilling not a crimimnal record.
This girl wasn’t just posting pics for her boyfriend. That is bogus. If she is savvy enough to have a Myspace account then she should have figured out the privacy settings. If she only wanted her boyfriend to see all THIRTY of them, why not send an email? Send picture texts? She is making some story up which makes me fear there are far more problems at hand than poor judgement.
Seems like the issue sort of comes down to the state having to correct and discipline these kids because the parent obviously had no clue. I can bet that I was 14 far more recently than most of you and girls that would do this type of behavior are not the norm. This society that we live in with kids doing grown up things has to do with parents not giving a shit and letting them be raised by the internet and MTV. Most 14 year olds are insecure about their bodies and their appearance which doesn’t lead to taking nude pics of themselves. She is seeking some attention she isn’t getting from home.
I do think it is ridiculous that the authorities are getting involved but the mother wasn’t doing her job.
#65–Stephie==you don’t know this girl’s mind, you don’t know her knowledge of MySpace or computers. That said, everything you posted was a product of your own emotional state for whatever reasons you may have. I don’t know you well enough to guess either.
“I do think it is ridiculous that the authorities are getting involved but . . . ” /// Was it Shakespeare or Henny Youngman (he was an old style comedian Stephie but pick your own old comedian) that said “but me no buts.”
#1 I could not have said it more succinctly or eloquently as you did.
Men are the root of all evil.
#6 “Stupid little bitch. She should be tossed into some prison with a lot of pedophiles for a few days to teach her a lesson.
Same with her neglectful parents, NO 14 year old should have unsupervised internet access.”
Good idea. Ruin her entire life, prevent her from ever getting into college or getting a job, all over a stupid mistake. gg legal system.
#10 “I’m sorry, but until a kid reaches the legal age IT’S NOT enough to trust them and hope they won’t abuse that trust.”
Confirmed troll. Shut the hell up.
Hmmm. . .where do i start? #6. .thats pretty f***ed up 2 say sumthin lik “Stupid little bitch. She should be tossed into some prison with a lot of pedophiles for a few days to teach her a lesson.” and wtf? “NO 14 year old should have unsupervised internet access.” WTF iz that suppost to mean? now i’m not one to judge bcuz i’m only 15, but i’m pretty sure that i can ask any1 if they want to be supervised (including you, and everyone on this page) and 999999999999999999999999. . .ect. . .of those ppl, would probably say “NO”. next: #7. .YOU R RIGHT! geez, i wish mor ppl on this page thot lik you, most of the ppl on this page have “NO” common sense AT ALL. .i’m only 15 and i can make a huge wager betting that (I) have mor common sense, and am mor REALISTIC than some ppl on this page. .but i’m not putting you down, i’m agreeing with you =) next: #10. .I don’t really have a comment on you. .yet. .#13. .wow, right again. . .#14. .WTF? ur a f***ing dumbf**k. .#19. .this persons got a point. .if you can be in a lockerroom wit naked ppl. .between 6th grade and on. .then y iz it illegal to post pics of yourself? it’s your body. .#20/21/27. .Get a load of this guy. .what a faggit. .NOBODY WANTS TO KNOW WHAT YOU DID TO YOURSELF U FU**IN QUERR. .and #22. .you did the right thing. .thats one less querr online. .lma0. . .#26. .yea, bobbo. .that comment wazn’t really helpful. .#36. .yea, but they alwayz get off easy. .i mean c’mon let’s face it. .”THEY ARE COPS, COPPERS, COPPER BADGED FAT PIGGED A$$HOLES. .but once in a blue moon you will finally run into a cop that actually cares for his job. .and that kind of “cop” is the kind that actually “cares”. .”no homo”. .but anyways, #38. .and YOU? idk wat the fu** ur sayinn that sh** 4. .if you don’t lik the internet so much. .then y did you take your “precious” time 2 comment on it? FU**in DUMBA$$. .think about what you say. .b4 you say it. .#42. .dude, if i knew you. .i would throw a book AT YOU. .and then i would BURN YOU. .#43. .yup, that sounds lik a solution i would use =). .unlik all these other dumbfucks. .#44. .yea, this chik is only “14” and she had to deal with some cops? now come on. .we all know how violent they can be. .#45/46. .EXACTLY. .another sensible person. .if only everyone else had that kind of “knowledge” lik you, me, and a few others on this page. .but thats 2 bad. .if we didn’t have stupid ppl (lik most ppl on this page) then the world would be 2 compettitive. .lol. .and liberty lover. .just ignore all those other dumb-asses. .obviously they don’t hav normal sized brains lik you and me. .#61. .yea, that’s also true too. .most of these ppl that say that they are protecting and serving us, are actually doing more harm to us. .than they are protecting. .#62. .yea, wtf is up with this? seven newborn babies in cups of water “naked”. .oh, so it’s wrong for a 14 yr old girl to post up nude pics for her man, and well other ppl too. .but its ok to put up pictures of naked babies? for everyone around the globe to see? Our government needs to get their shit straight. .#64. .another intelligent,logical person,lik myself. .how iz she suppost to get a job, or go to collage, if she haz a criminal record. .now i know, well, we all know that she put nude pics up on myspace for everyone to see, but that doesn’t give you assholes a right to take away her ability to have a career, or a high education, or some other third thing. .simple punishment and a ticket isn’t to hard to do, is it? if it is. .then you ppl have some real issues. .ahh finally. .NUMBER 68. .haha ha, yea sure, and women are just perfect huh? Let me guess. .your married to a woman huh? lma0. .anywayz. .if anyone wants to talk to me more, you can add me as a friend on myspace (even tho that wouldn’t be the brightest thing to ask, especially after something lik this) but my myspace URL is myspace.com/darkwork7, or if you want e-mail, i got three. . . “darkwork7@hotmail.com”, “darkworks-shit@hotmail.com”, and “darkworkseven@yahoo.com” the e-mail i used for myspace if you want to luk me up, is the first one. . .
LibertyLover, you shouldn’t be reading your kids diary, its just wrong, you have to respect there privacy. The bathroom door thing is creepy, your doughter (and the boy) probaly just needed a good sex talk 😛 O.O
I agree 😀
#19 haha good point, and lol That is what I was looking for “would it be illegal to take a picture of yourself and look at it” HA, (if your under 18), it probaly would be.
im 14 myself, and i most likey agree with a few of the people above due to a rebelious stage im going into, or an authority issue, but, the fact is it is just hormones and it is also instincts to have sex with the opposite sex, this would also explain her getting nude for a camera…. but I can’t really explain that part ,:P, anyway, she just needs a good sex talk and be told to control those “urges.”. “The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children should be looking for “missing” and “exploited” children rather than persecute this naive show-off and ruin her life and the family’s life. Good work. This trivializes and marginalizes real sex crimes!” definetly