1. Cursor_ says:

    This would have been awesome…

    IN 1978!

    Now its just lame.


  2. Vakuutus says:

    Thanks for sharing information and i appreciate it.Looking for more discussion and waiting for new topics here.

  3. BubbaRay says:

    I still enjoy watching music being produced by unconventional means. Nothing like air ionized by a few million volts to entertain. I still wish he had a keyboard rather than a sequencer, though. I can just smell the ozone. Thanks, Gasparrini.

  4. Rabble Rouser says:

    How appropriate.
    For those of you who don’t know, Dr. Who is still on! They brought it back a few years ago on BBC. Now it has much better effects! The story lines are still good, and it’s been doing quite well here in the States on SciFi. There’s even been a spinoff, called Torchwood, which is also good SciFi.
    Here’s the BBC website: http://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/
    and the SciFi Channel’s site: http://www.scifi.com/doctorwho/

    Sorry people, I am just a big fan of all things Dr. Who!

  5. Improbus says:


  6. Bud says:

    What would have been cool is if one of the coils had arc’ed to the fool on the stilts!
    THANKS Entertainment! 🙂

  7. Li says:

    I saw this a few days ago; this group, ArcAttack, has made some major advances in the Zeusaphone design. I can’t wait to see what this instrument is capable of in a decade or so.

    BTW, I hear that witnessing one of these performances in person leaves quite an impression; there are all sorts of lower harmonics that are produced that are not caught well by small microphones.

  8. qsabe says:

    Puffs of smoke, heated burst of air, any disturbance of that nature will cause an arc to occur and could have been better directed for cinematic effect. Throw in a little dry ice and your, like wow, back in the 40’s science fiction movies.. Wanna play this game, look in electronic junk or swap shops for a neon sign transformer.

  9. FRAGaLOT says:

    @1 Cursor_ you’re an asshole. just because it’s probably older than you doesn’t make it less awesome. Otherwise Star Trek, superman, batman, and Star Wars would, by your logic, be lame today.

    @4 There is also “Sarah Jane Adventures” which is a more kid friendly show, but still rather good. Torchwood is a very mature/adult show. Doctor Who itself is more middle-of-the road as far as mature content.

    @5 yes indeed, it rocked, i cried, i admit i’m a nerd. I jizzed in my pants.

  10. CRIPES! What CRAP.

  11. Les says:

    Sorry, my impression was:
    Doctor Who Theme Performed NEXT TO Tesla Coils

  12. zammie says:

    Telsa was a bad@ss and saw into the future (this could have been to all the high voltage he exposed himself to).
    A couple of comment to this video. Why in 2009 can’t some people shoot half way decent video (being digital and with image stabilization and all) !!! Oh I forgot – it’s Youtube. Sorry.

    Lastly before I get back to the Star Trek marathon, I think this would have been if someone was electrocuted. Then he would have been like Doctor Death, which is way cooler than Dr. Who.

  13. Alsatia says:

    Gah. Couldn’t they have chosen a version of the theme that sounds more like what’s in use on the new series? I’ve been a huge Who fan since 1986 & that sounded like it came from 1986. 🙂

    Seriously, if you haven’t seen the new series and base your opinion of it on memories of the old one, you are making an enormous mistake. It is hugely improved, and I’m not just talking about effects, either.

  14. Cursor_ says:

    #9 I am about as old as Dr Who thank you.

    Which predates Star Trek and Star Wars.

    Now Supes and Bats got me beat for age.

    It is lame to me as it looks like something that would have been shown on That’s Incredible or Ripley’s believe it or not with freakin Jack Palance!

    Might as well drag out a ragtime band playing Freak on a Leash!

    THIS is not what Tesla had in mind. He didn’t sit down one day and say… hmmm I will invent a device that transmits electricity through the air so I can play Ta-Ra-Ra Boom-de-ay!

    Like the people with huge amounts of time that set up the microwaves to play jingle bells, then VIDEOED it! These are people that clearly had marked on their report cards, Does Not Use Time Wisely.

    Lame is lame


  15. I feel your blog really useful and inspiring me. Thank you.

  16. Forsikring says:

    Given the huge interest in this topic I`ll be cranking up some more pointers on how to tackle this issue , taking in account different use cases.

  17. Doctor Who Theme Performed On Tesla Coils … What would have been cool is if one of the coils had arc’ed to the fool on the stilts!


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