A 24-year-old Brit woman has pleaded guilty for allowing her three-year-old son to smoke.

Kelly Pocock was arrested and charged with cruelty to a child under 16.

Natasha Dudley, 25, a family friend, was astonished to see the child puffing away while his mum was on the phone in the same room.

She said it looked like the youngster had been smoking for “years”.

Worried Dudley used her mobile to film him and showed the video to social workers who alerted cops.

Shocked Judge John Curron said that the case was “appalling”.

“This is one of the most extraordinary I have ever come across,” The Sun quoted Judge Curron as saying.

Prosecutor Jonathan Rees said: “She found him under a bed with cigarettes. He was smoking one and Miss Dudley said it looked like he had been smoking for many years.

“When the boy was taken downstairs he went into the living room where he picked up a cigarette butt from an ashtray and smoked it.”

Here’s another, longer article on this story.

  1. Dallas says:


  2. bobbo says:

    No pet rats for him!

  3. Pmitchell says:

    That kid is so white trash I will bet his hair will grow into a mullet all by it self

  4. newglenn says:

    “Miss Dudley said it looked like he had been smoking for many years.”
    He’s been alive for less than 4 years.
    Was his face prematurely wrinkled?

  5. Dugger says:

    We need counseling from Vinni Vedecci from SNL.


  6. Luc says:

    Live fast, die young.

  7. Luc says:

    [Duplicate comment deleted. Please don’t double post! – ed.]

  8. AlanB says:

    The smoking’s not a shocking as his beer belly.

  9. bubblesMcGirk says:

    puhleeze… he’s not even inhaling… he should try some of the sweet skoals… Thats for the kids.

  10. syrinx says:

    The mom never went to jail according to the linked article.

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    So Cow-Paddy’s generation is smoking more. After so much money and energy has been spent trying to stop them.

  12. bobbo says:

    “You know” my dad took me aside and told me smoking was a nasty habit and that I shouldn’t start. He told me I could smoke if I wanted to, all I had to do was pay for my own sticks.

    Dad knew I was a cheap bastard and was saving my money for a car. I also remember the next door neighbor who was “shocked” my mother let me drink coffee in the morning. I still love that cup of joe but I do have the monkey on my back and have to have cappacino instead.

    Net result: whats bad here is people “giving” the kid cigarettes.

  13. Lou says:

    You should see the great joint the kid rolls.

  14. Kanjy says:

    Sure, he may be only three, and maybe it’s because he’s smoking, but he looks at least 7 to me.

  15. Wretched Gnu says:

    Talk about late-term abortion…


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