So we hire foreign companies to spy on US?

  1. MikeN says:

    Don’t worry, Obama said he would closely monitor the wiretapping to make sure Americans’ rights and privacy were preserved.

  2. Jeff says:

    We have been doing this for years. It is pretty easy to get by most US statutes when you hire foreign help.

  3. sargasso says:

    “Hello, My name is Chip, and how may I tap your telephone today?”

  4. Paddy-O says:

    # 2 Jeff said, “We have been doing this for years. It is pretty easy to get by most US statutes when you hire foreign help.”

    Correct. The Brits help us out a lot in this area.

  5. eyeofthetiger says:

    Inslaw, Inc.

  6. bill says:

    So what? What have you got to hide I would ask?

  7. Named says:


    Is your toilette paper at home the Constitution?

  8. Named says:


    Serious question. Let’s say you run a really awesome company, and you’ve got in your pipe a killer product in the pipe just waiting for your release. And you’re chatting with your suppliers, partners, clients as usual… Then, all of a sudden, some Israeli company out of nowhere scoops you and releases the product. No extradition will help you… your patents are worth shit. And you know it’s not your parters suppliers or anything… What are you going to do? Thank your lucky starts that you have nothing to hide?

    Industrial espionage is very real.

  9. Paddy-O says:

    # 8 Named said, “No extradition will help you… your patents are worth shit. ”

    Unless that other company tries to sell something you patented in the U.S., Canada, EU, Japan, etc., etc…

  10. Jopa says:

    He he he… Israel rules!
    I actually have a friend that works in Verint. It’s a nice company with some interesting “products”.

  11. Sinn Fein says:

    ~Congress 1970-something

    *However, they may hire as many foreign intelligence contractors as they want, to do as many things for them as they want and BEST of all, Congress has plausible deniability.

    America did not invent the SCAM, it merely perfected it.

  12. Sinn Fein says:

    And the same goes for off’ing foreign leaders when we need or, want. OY! Blackwater, an Israeli affiliate.

  13. Rabble Rouser says:

    Isn’t unrestrained free market capitalism great!

    ANYTHING, for a buck.

  14. CountSmackula says:


    My phone sex sessions with your mom.

  15. GF says:

    Alexander Graham Bell might be the evilest man ever to exist. Bastard 😉
    Just look at the pain he has caused with his so called miracle of communication:

    1.Caused the disintegration of the nuclear family. Momma is now a thousand miles away.

    2.Telemarketers, nuff said.

    3.Spying by big brother and my damn girlfriend wanting to know where I am every 10 minutes.

    4.Horrid ring tones, like Rick Astley or Ricky Martin. I think I see a trend.

    5. Voice mail hell.

    I can’t go on there is just so much pain…

    Damn you Alexander, damn you to call center hell!

  16. Angel H. Wong says:

    Well, better Kapowski than Sanjay I say.

  17. orangetiki says:

    What? You mean they didn’t trust the Chinese with this?

  18. Angel H. Wong says:


    Chances are that they already did, why do you think they are doing all these atrocities and all the U.S. government is doing is pleading like a little girl rather than a man with goose egg-sized balls?

  19. Someone says:

    And don’t forget that about 90% of all North American wired and wireless phone accounts are maintained, billed and provisioned via a software infrastructure made by Amdocs, which also happens to be an Israeli company. All the major carriers use it. Just Google “Amdocs conspiracy” and see what you come up with… It’s virtually impossible to make a phone call in the US without creating an Amdocs call record.

  20. B. Dog says:

    The video is no longer available– censorship?

  21. deowll says:

    I watched it. I don’t think they care what you think unless you do more than moan about it. Just be careful what you say all the time everywhere

  22. robojamie says:

    This is a perfect example of the difference between the tolerant/post-modern society and the intolerant society.

    In China they understand that their internet is filtered and that their traffic is being monitored and if they want to do something that is not allowed they have to seek other means to do it (VPN, Proxy). In the United States we have an illusion of an open internet with a tolerant facade that masks some pretty nasty stuff. Which is worse?

  23. dig says:

    This seems like it’s something that came up a few yrs ago with a company named Amdocs.

    Google “Amdocs spying”

  24. Lou Minatti says:

    Nice job there, McCullough. Shilling for a known Jew-baiter popular with the Alex “Asshole” Jones crowd. Well done. Do you have any 9/11 troofer videos to promote, McCullough?

    [Sure, would you like some Lou – ed.]

  25. BubbaRay says:

    # 4 Paddy-O said,

    # 2 Jeff said, “We have been doing this for years. It is pretty easy to get by most US statutes when you hire foreign help.”

    Correct. The Brits help us out a lot in this area.


  26. Greg Allen says:

    I am convinced that my phone calls and emails were illegally monitored by the Bush Administration when I lived overseas. I don’t think I was personally targeted but, best I can tell, any American living in the countries I did had their civil rights violated.

    I don’t want this to go away just because Bush’s term is over. I demand to know who violated my civil rights, who ordered it and why. I don’t need to see the behind bars but I demand that the full truth be told.

  27. Deep-Thought says:

    Business as usual. The Israelis have the best surveillance equipment or backdoors therefore. (aka. supplying Parts)

  28. McCullough says:

    #26. Would it make you feel better if it were Germany, or Mexico? Would that be OK with you. But since its Israel its Jew Baiting…yeah. What the hell is wrong with you?

  29. Paddy-O says:

    # 28 Greg Allen said, “I am convinced that my phone calls and emails were illegally monitored by the Bush Administration when I lived overseas.”

    Based on?

  30. jealousmonk says:

    Pure conspiracy (and probably TRUE) but… “Fabled Enemies” says this has been going on all along.


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