Carbon Credits – Save the Planet — Adam Curry and I talked about this on this week’s No Agenda (to be posted shortly). He found a definitive website from 2005 that showed an example of the currency of the future. Carbon Credits.

Carbon Credits have the potential to be the next great currency. Despite us not really wanting them at all, we will have to do something that stops us having more hurricanes like the one we had yesterday in the southern US. Hurricanes cost a lot of money and insurance companies are going to say that unless parties are seen to be taking all possible action to minimize the weather’s destruction, we won’t pay out. Insurers will find any reason not to pay out. It might be almost mandatory to have Carbon Credits one day and there seems to be no alternative world currency that escapes local political intervention that we can all trust. Carbon Credits are going to hold the same value where ever you are because CO2 has a global impact.

If anyone thinks that this makes any sense (especially the last sentence) then please explain in the comments.

  1. geofgibson says:

    What a pile of horse shit. People will believe anything.

  2. Thomas says:

    Actually, I think Carbon Credits are the congratulations you get after letting off a good one, which would explain by Gore has so many.

  3. JimR says:

    One way to reduce carbon is the… wait fir it…

    carbon carbon credit credit card.

  4. Rich says:

    pedro said, “Isn’t Carbon Credits what you have to pay if you wanna pass gas?”

    If that’s the case I’ll soon be broke and on the dole.

  5. GF says:

    It’s a ponzi scam Enron would be proud of.

  6. soundwash says:

    /blah blah blah

    carbon credit/tax will be exposed as the biggest fraud 50yrs or so…

    the only purpose for any type of carbon credit/tax is to fund the new one world government that is just around the soon as they remove the USD as the world reserve currency..which, is just around the corner..

    the notion that if you buy one of these,
    somehow less pollution will result is absurd.

    many of these scams result in someone placing a placard w/your name on it around a tree that already exists somewhere on the planet.

    -cant wait until they start measuring your lung capacity so they can send you a CO2 tax bill at the end of the year..

    resonant-radiant energy/vacuum engine/overunity device technology has been around since the 1800’s…as evident by the hundred’s of patents given to such devices. many recent projects that explore this tech get their funding canceled as soon as they enter the final phase of start producing *usable* amounts of power…

    the ability of 19 & 20th century people to produce relatively free energy using what amounts to common household items, would meant the death of the energy industry as we know it today, -had they been allowed to commercialize such technology.

    one need only take a look at the works of thomas moray, jules guillot and of course, nikola tesla to name a few..

    the most recent current day proof of similar tech could be found in stan meyers patents, (circa 1980-1995+) of which NASA purchased the rights to many of his designs.. he found the resonance frequency of water and thus was able to demonstrate upwards of 1700% efficiency in hydrogen output for given input of energy to separate from water..

    or how about the Lutec 1000 permanent magnet generator from australian inventor john christie.. from what i remember back in 2002-3, he put in 800 watts and got out 24Kw.. he’s got proof, patents and scalability potential to 1 megawatt..
    iirc, the 24kw generator was slated to sell for
    around five grand..

    -this thing should be a household item..

    energy is the true currency of the human race.
    if the common man was allowed to be forever offgrid, trillions in profits and taxes would be lost…

    simply put:
    nobody *in power* (energy or governmental) is interested in clean, free or low cost energy unless it will fill their coffers with squillions of dollars.

    the very existence of such proven tech completely null & voids and legitimacy of those pushing *carbon anything*

  7. bobbo says:

    Irony: soundwash beginning his opus with “blah,blah,blah.” Was it a self criticism? If so, why not followed? If it was a criticism of others – – – – heh, heh, heh!

  8. JimR says:


    Interesting that you see can carbon credits as a scam, but are flamboozled by the Loonytec 1000.

    It only has an efficiency rate of 28%.

    James Randi has offered one million dollars if Christe and Brit can demonstrate that their device works as claimed. That was years ago. So far they only have scam money from fools.

  9. JimR says:

    re:#39, bobbo…”Irony: soundwash beginning his opus with “blah,blah,blah.” Was it a self criticism?”


  10. Glenn E. says:

    Carbon credits sound like another scheme to kill off the middle class. We’re taxed enough already. The poor don’t drive, and the rich can well afford any tax, or know loopholes to avoid it. That just leaves the middle class to be exploited. And it’s not going to make the vast majority of them richer. So it will just make more of them poorer. Thus the super-rich’s wealth will increase in value, simply by reducing the middle class as competition. When we’re all poor, they’ll be treated like kings, again!

    The carbon credit sounds like a scheme to sell us the air we breathe, based on it being a touch less carbony than some arbitrary level. Ignoring the fact that plants add carbon to the air (at night), and animals, and the oceans (all the time). So even if we stopped driving gas fueled cars, there’s no guarantee that nature wouldn’t compensate for the CO2 drop. Who decides what’s a clean level for the air? A bunch of guys who stand to cash in, that’s who!


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