City hit by ‘legal to pee’ prank

People should ignore signs telling them that it is legal to urinate in certain public places in Nottingham, the city council said.

The signs, which were put up by pranksters in and around Nottingham, are designed to look official.

They feature a toilet sign and include the words: “Public Urination Permitted After 7.30pm”.

Nottingham City Council is now urging the public to ignore the notices as it sets about removing them.
The notice reads: “In an attempt to reduce late night public nuisance, during the holiday period, Nottingham City Council has designated several public urination areas across the city.

“This urination area will be cleaned daily between the hours of 5am and 6am.”

  1. bobbo says:

    During Carnivale in Rio de Janiero a parade took place in a public park. 1000’s of people, no toilets. “The Public” used an alcove formed by some shrine and a few trees. The piss formed a standing pool before it got absorbed. Smelled to high heaven.

    Don’t know what the ladies did. I think their bladders have an extra convolution==like stomachs on cows.

  2. Special Ed says:

    I don’t think I could hold it that long.

  3. MotaMan says:

    I’ve on occasion had to pull over and let my kid out of the car to water some bushes – Freaks me out that I could be charged with some sort of crime…

  4. Mister Mustard says:

    Any place that does not have readily available facilities for urination and defecation should provide an au naturel substitute. What are people supposed to do, shit and piss themselves.

  5. LibertyLover says:

    This is funny. With the goobermint putting so many signs up and passing so many laws, how is someone supposed to know what is right and what isn’t?

    I wonder how long before this becomes a problem with speed limit signs. We’ve got kids putting fake license plates on cars and running red lights, it’s the next step.

  6. Special Ed says:

    One of the advertisers on this page said George W. Bush’s IQ is 125. I think they missed a decimal place.


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