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While Time magazine may be naming Obama as Man of the Year, Muntadhar al-Zaidi’s “shoe-icide” will be the cultural meme that symbolizes how we as a nation feel about the man he’s replacing.

According to his brother, the shoe thrower may have been too injured while being subdued or in custody to appear at his arraignment. What will they do with what many in Iraq consider a national hero?

  1. Dallas says:

    Too funny and very therapeutic.

    FYI…I scored a hit on my 3rd throw!

  2. HMeyers says:

    Maybe this guy will set a trend.

    Instead of the angry Palestinian blowing up some restaurant in Israel, he can go there and throw a shoe at a Jew and get satisfaction.

    This is a big step up and a positive direction for Muslims.

    Don’t bomb places, just throw a shoe to express your displeasure.

  3. Ron Larson says:

    #2 I dunno… that is one slippery slope. Next, why not rocks? Why not grenades? Why not airplanes in to skyscrapers?

  4. Improbus says:

    @3 – Ron Larson

    They already tried those.

  5. Dallas says:

    Shoe throwing at president incentive – you may get a daughter!

  6. Miguel says:

    I find this extremely offensive for you President and your Government. After all it is the dignity of the United States of America that’s being mocked, and this shoe-ldnt be taken lightly.

    I scored 9 hits, anyone beat that?

  7. grog says:


    george w. bush can be commended for sticking to his ideals and principles despite the fact that only about 30% of americans agree with him, leaving the rest of planet earth to disagree.

    that takes courage and dignity, lots of it.

    i got 12 NYAH NYAH!

  8. Dallas says:

    #6 Actually, throwing shoes is not a big deal here. My mother threw shoes at me all the time as a kid when I arrived late for dinner 🙂
    Personally, I couldn’t care less what other countries think of shoe throwing or your other bizarre behaviors.

  9. jcd'slovechild says:

    What’s next?

    Throw a hooker at Clinton?


  10. Buzz says:

    At last count there were a dozen “games” based on this premise on the Web.

  11. Greg Allen says:

    Is there a way to throw shoes at the millions goofballs who RE-ELECTED the worst president in recent history?

  12. Nolimit662 says:

    I GOT 14!!! HA

  13. MotaMan says:

    I’ve told my family that under no circumstance should I be “Embalmed” or “Stuffed” by any person let alone someone who went through mortuary science school to spend their days working as freaks…

    My wish is to be placed under a large amount of high explosive so that my shell can be instantly atomized… but I’ll take a pine box and cremation if I don’t leave enough money and a crazy enough buddy to handle the details of my “atomization”

  14. Dave W says:

    While shoes apparently have special meaning for Muslims, here in America, we prefer pies. Cream pies for the timid, blueberry if you really want to stain the Burberry.

  15. Buzz says:

    This just in: There are now 47 variations of this game on the Web.

  16. Buzz says:

    This just in: There are now 3127 variations of this on the Web.

  17. SnotLikeBlasterpoop says:

    The problem with this game is that we’re throwing shoes at the most important person on the planet. America is the most important country and her leader is the most important person. It’s very sad that will soon be BHO but it’s a truth that must be accepted.

    (only got 4 hits, but managed all 4 in a row.)

  18. Uncle Dave says:

    #17: It’s very sad that Bush was shoe-toss worthy.

  19. Raffi says:

    Many of us with not much to do, sitting in our living room, doing nothing but consume and complain.
    To start with the all famous “Shoes” yes the shoes very fanny. But, hold on a minute, and please explain, back in 1972, if my president had ordered me to go and kill, I had to because my “President” had ordered it so. Now some dirty half educated a## #### throws his shoes at my president and I & You & We & Us sit and laugh about it?.
    Hey! hold it, you are mistaken. The president is the keeper of the flag. He is the head of state, which by many other words means the head of family. He is where the Buck stops. Consider it well.

  20. Buzz says:

    This just in: There are now approximately 241,000 variations on this game on the Web.

  21. Uncle Dave says:

    #19: That’s what this schmuck has done to the presidency. He treated the office with no respect so why should we?

  22. Paddy-O says:

    # 21 Uncle Dave said, “He treated the office with no respect so why should we?”

    Neither did Clinton.

    Both were drug users from the ME generation. Let’s hope that Obama (same profile) does better.

    I think he will.

  23. bobbo says:

    #22–Paddy ==do you insult every reader of this blog on purpose or do you really confuse Clintons casual drug experimentation and lying about it with Bush’s coke abuse to the point of being AWOL from the Guard.

    You actually equate the two? For fun, or are you that twisted?

  24. Paddy-O says:

    # 23 bobbo said, “do you insult every reader of this blog on purpose or do you really confuse Clintons casual drug”

    You’re babbling again. BOTH are drug using boomers. Add Obama to this. Clinton & Bush showed disrespect towards the office.

    Live with it. Hopefully, Obama has grown up. It appears that he has. Clinton & Bush never did.

  25. Steve says:

    He was quick to react when it was his own head.
    Back on 9/11 he just stayed with “My Pet Goat”.

  26. Mister Mustard says:

    #25 – Paddy-RAMBO

    >>You’re babbling again. BOTH are drug using

    Surely even Paddy-RAMBO can’t be that much of a dunderhead.

    Dumbya was an alcoholic cocaine addict, and was arrested for his misbehavior (in addition to going AWOL, and other crimes for which he was never punished).

    Clinton took a couple of hits on a doobie that somebody sparked up at a party. Personally, I can’t say I don’t know ANYONE who hasn’t done the same.

    The aocoholic cocaine addicts, on the other hand, are fewer and farther between.

  27. Glenn E. says:

    If they still have circuses over in them foreign lands. They could replace “Whack-a-Mole” with “Shoe-a-Prez”, as an arcade attraction. As long as it was Bush’s head popping up thru the mole holes. It could catch on.

  28. bel says:

    why other people got 35 scores?
    sad to say,i got only 16…just missed only one..
    wonder why some got 35? is there any trick to make bush pop-out more?

  29. coffee fiend says:

    these shoe throwing games are too funny


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