
US anti-kidnapping expert kidnapped in Mexico | KOMO News – Seattle, Washington | National & World News

A U.S. anti-kidnapping expert was abducted by gunmen in northern Mexico last week, a sign of just how bold this nation’s kidnapping gangs have become.

U.S. security consultant Felix Batista – who claims to have helped resolve nearly 100 kidnap and ransom cases – was in Saltillo in Coahuila state to offer advice on how to confront abductions for ransom when he himself was seized, local authorities said.

Found by Aric Mackey.

  1. bobbo says:

    I don’t see any irony. I do see a known risk of his activity?

    From the article: “What we are doing is we’re offering our support to the family and hoping for the best.” /// I guess that means they aren’t admitting to putting up any ransom money?

    So why was this guy kidnapped? Ransom worthy in his own right??? As in, if he recommends ransome payment, then he might be good for it. BUT if he routinely denied ransom payments, then “Lets get ironic on his ass!” I could see THAT.

    Could you possibly have a track record of helping in 100’s of kidnappings and not be a conduit for money? But if you were, criminals kinda putting a kink in the cash exchange formulas.

    Too many missing facts to guage whether or not irony exists and if so, by what manner.

    99% Illegal drug law based right? So, another case of such laws directly injuring someone who (assumedly) wanted nothing to do with drugs. MAKE DRUGS LEGAL, and the only injury will be to those wishing to take the direct risks.

    Stupid otherwise, and isn’t that the status quo?

  2. ECA says:

    They might even kill him to MAKE HIM SHUT UP..

  3. DarkFox says:

    Ironic would be for a kidnapper to be kidnapped.

  4. DCI Gene Hunt says:

    Unless you are a Alanis Morissette … then this would be irony ….

  5. BdgBill says:

    Mexico is the right armpit of the Western Hemisphere (Haiti is the left).

    A few years ago I worked on a project for a big oil company. This involved following the PanAmerican Highway from the Panama / Columbia border through Panama, Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador and Guatemala. We traveled in a convoy of SUV’s with proffesional security.

    I asked why we were not following the highway into Mexico. The answer was that it was “much too dangerous”.

  6. DCI Gene Hunt says:

    About ten years ago I took a bus from upstate New York to Lorado Texas, walked across the border then took the train into the center of Mexico (Guanajuato). In the northern US, people were quite vicious. In Cincinnati someone kept trying to get me to leave the station with them. A guy on the bus palled up to me then tried to sell me cocaine. I was petrified through most of the trip, at least until I got to Nashville where people were at least friendly (even if they did want me to find God).

    In Mexico people became incredible friendly. A guy traveling with six kids bought me a coffee (while his kids taught me Spanish). Big scary looking guys with machetes hanging from their side helped me find my train stop (they aren’t very well marked). In Guanajuato itself the streets were alive with clown, wandering musicians, lovely painted murals, and general culture.

    People are poor and that definitely sucks, but then Mexico people are poor because the country is poor. In the US people are poor because the US doesn’t know how to look after its own people.

    If there is any right armpit of the western Hemisphere its the American North East, especially upstate New York and Ohio….

  7. Special Ed says:

    WTF is the problem? He just added to his list of qualifications. Worst case is they’ll feed him some nasty Mexican food and he’ll get the Hershey squirts. They are holding him for some new weed whackers, lawn mowers and trailers.

  8. Wretched Gnu says:

    Oy… when will people learn what “irony” means? That poster image ain’t irony — it’s just an unexpected reversal.

  9. Angel H. Wong says:

    For some reason the movie “Traffic” pops in my head.

  10. brendal says:

    Gee-what are my chances then? Pretty good!

  11. jbenson2 says:

    Fences? Fences?
    We don’t need no steekin’ fences.

  12. deowll says:

    I’d say it might be very good idea to stay out of Mexico if you look like you or your family might have money. This would be true even if you’re Mexican.

  13. Lou says:

    Don’t think I will hire that guy.


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