How hard is it to identify the ‘roid user?

Is Roger Clemens Seeking a Pardon? – MLB FanHouse — FYI

Way back in February, a lawyer for Brian McNamee made headlines when he said that he thought Roger Clemens would escape any criminal prosecution for perjury by receiving a presidential pardon. Clemens is friendly with the former President Bush, as he mentioned during Congressional hearings, and the feeling was that relationship could pay off with a reprieve.

Now that the current President Bush is nearing the end of his term, traditionally an occasion for numerous pardons, Clemens’ name is again coming up in discussions of potential pardon recipients. An Associated Press article mentions him alongside people like former Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez, American Taliban member John Walker Lindh and imprisioned financier Conrad Black when discussing who might get pardoned.

Both Lindh and Black have applied for pardons, according to the article, while there’s no evidence that Clemens has done so. He’d need to do so before the President could issue a pardon. It doesn’t matter that he hasn’t been convicted of any crime, see Ford’s pardon of Nixon, but if he did apply for one and get it, there would be a major caveat.

  1. teliscop says:

    it’s the dude in the purple bikini. Only a ‘roid user would wear a purple bikini.

  2. How hard is it to identify the ‘roid user?

    All of them … and this guy too.

  3. Yuk how unhealthy is all i can say
    Its like women who body pierce or have tattoos
    What man ever said “Boy do i ever find that.. attractive”
    Mutants from another world

  4. tyates says:

    “It doesn’t matter that he hasn’t been convicted of any crime, see Ford’s pardon of Nixon, but if he did apply for one and get it, there would be a major caveat.”

    Do they issue “Get out of Jail Free” cards?

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    If granted a pardon, it would only be for the Federal charges. He could still be found in contempt for lying to Congress, something outside the Presidential pardon power.

  6. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    I think Bush ought to pardon Don Siegelman.
    A true victim of the Rove/Cheney/Bush political grinder.

  7. Lewis Perdue says:

    ‘Roid user must be the one in the middle with four arms

  8. JimD says:

    They are ALL USERS !!! The one on the right is the ABUSER !!!

  9. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    Anyone taking bets on full pardon for Scooter Libby. He already got commutation on his prison sentence, but I believe a true soldier in Cheney’s gang will get the full pardon.

  10. chuck says:

    “Both Lindh and Black have applied for pardons, according to the article, while there’s no evidence that Clemens has done so. He’d need to do so before the President could issue a pardon.”

    – Actually he doesn’t need to apply. During the last few weeks of Clinton’s term, when he issued several hundred pardons, including to a few who did not apply.

    The “usual” method is to apply for clemency through the justice department, who then issue a list of recommendations to the President. The President is free to add anyone to the list if he wants to.

    Mark Rich did not apply for clemency. He was a fugitive at the time, and if he had applied through the justice department, the first thing they’d ask is for him to turn himself in.

    The authority of the President to issue a pardon is absolute: he can name anyone, for any crime (including cases without any conviction, etc).

    I wouldn’t be surprised if Bush issues a blanket pardon to everyone in the Justice Department or the Dept of Defense, against any and all war crimes, human rights violations, etc.

  11. Paddy-O says:

    # 6 Mr. Fusion said, “If granted a pardon, it would only be for the Federal charges. He could still be found in contempt for lying to Congress, something outside the Presidential pardon power.”

    Umm, no. Only restriction is regarding impeachment. Other than that, it is absolute.

  12. Mister Mustard says:

    #7 – TML

    >>I think Bush ought to pardon Don Siegelman.

    Yes, he really should. I doubt whether he or President Cheney-Rove really want anyone digging around in that can of worms. Sobebody’s ass is bound to end up in a sling, and it’s not going to be Siegelman’s.

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    #11, chuck,

    I wouldn’t be surprised if Bush issues a blanket pardon to everyone

    While I agree, there is some doubt of the legality of not naming specific individuals and their specific crimes. Although Carter’s pardon of all the draft dodgers was questioned, it was never challenged.

    Second, although a pardon doesn’t need to be requested, it does need to be accepted.

  14. JimD says:


    (see more recent article: Bush “I was wrong” !!!)

  15. hhopper says:

    Bush is such an idiot I wouldn’t be surprised if he pardoned O.J. Simpson.

  16. Paddy-O says:

    Bush could pardon Cheney & crew, resign & have Cheney pardon him…

  17. Mister Mustard says:

    #17 – Paddy-RAMBO

    >>Bush could pardon Cheney & crew, resign &
    >>have Cheney pardon him…

    That’s too convoluted for a simpleton.

  18. Paddy-O says:

    # 18 Mister Mustard said, “That’s too convoluted for a simpleton.”

    Well, I didn’t say it would happen… 😉

  19. deowll says:

    I’m sure that all of those men were just using the best means available to reach their full potential.

    They were all working out for hours every day and taking junk meant to meet their special needs or however you want to say it. They weren’t vegans either.

    Besides photoshop can make anyone look that way.


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