1. eyeofthetiger says:

    I wonder what penguin taste like?

  2. Paddy-O says:

    Luck? They weren’t hunting it.

    [And exactly how do you know that? – ed.]

  3. soundwash says:


    -maybe, -killer whales like to play with their
    prey before eating it.. ever see one flip a penguin
    some 20-30feet in the air with it’s tail a few times before chowing it down?

    -gotta admire an animal with a sense of humour..


    (smart penguin nonetheless)

  4. soundwash says:

    1# eyeofthetiger said,
    “I wonder what penguin taste like?”



  5. Todd Peterson says:

    Contrary to popular US belief, the Killer Whale is the planet’s largest predator.

  6. Zybch says:

    ANd here for people who don’t want the frigging annoying soundtrack spoiling the clip (though the music in this one isn’t a whole lot better).

  7. Zybch says:

    #5 Unless you include sperm whales hunting and eating squid I guess.

  8. Dallas says:

    Happy ending! Great find.

  9. LibertyLover says:

    Maybe I don’t know how friendly Orca’s are, but I don’t think I would have let their food sit on my rubber raft.

  10. Moe Brown says:

    Boy was that penguin ever lucky
    The odds were sure in his or her favour

  11. bobbo says:

    I’ve always been amazed with Orcas. When diving, kayaking etc===they leave silly hoomans alone–not even curious enough to bite us once per pod to see what we taste like. I can see when “in the water” they can sonor us and tell immediately our fat content is not high enough which makes me wonder about fat swimmers.

    Then I think “most animals” are that way — fairly specific about their prey. The thing about sharks is that they just aren’t as smart as orca.

    Gods incredibly intricate design. I wonder why he didn’t make all animals our enemy when we fell from grace?

  12. nhkuan says:

    I was so worry that the killer whales would attack the boat. And they would have a great dinner that day.

  13. amodedoma says:

    It’s amazing how stupid some people are. Orcas chase penguin. Penguin jumps into zodiac and humans are amused. I’d say the chances of the orca attacking the boat are 50-50, had it been an adult macho chasing the penguin the video would have ended much differently. Darwin award for these folks.

  14. Zybch says:

    #1`1 – and of course sharks lack the ability to detect fat density from a distance and have to use their teeth. Thats why most times a shark bites a swimmer or surfer sitting on his board doing his best ti imitate a fat seal they release them after the 1st bite as its not what they expected or wanted to eat.

  15. I didn’t get a sighting like that on my Antarctic trip. Damn that’s good footage!

    #1 – eyeofthetiger,

    Pen goo ins is practically chickens!!

    #2 – Paddy,

    It sure looked like they were hunting the penguin to me. How was your last Antarctica trip? Did you see a lot of occurrences of penguins and killer whales playing peacefully together?

    #5 – Todd Peterson,

    Contrary to popular US belief, the Killer Whale is the planet’s largest predator.

    They’re certainly one of the largest. There are larger however. Blue whales are the largest carnivore, as well as the largest animal, that ever lived. True they only eat krill. But krill are not vegetables.

    If krill don’t qualify as animals for you, perhaps the sperm whale at 50′ and 50 tons eating giant squid count (as noted by #7 Zybch)

    You do have an excellent point though. Most humans do not look to the ocean when they look for megafauna. Such humans think of elephants as large and debate about polar bears versus kodiak bears for largest carnivore. They are indeed wrong.

    #11 – bobbo,

    Actually, there’s a lot of good new evidence that sharks, especially great whites, are quite intelligent. Not being mammals themselves though, perhaps they have a harder time telling humans from seals, especially humans on surf boards.

    Funny thing though, a lot of humans can’t tell fish from mammals either. I heard an NBC news report one morning about shark bites in Florida. They ended with “experts are warning people to stay away from these dangerous marine mammals.”

    My wife and I looked at each other and cracked up. Then they came back from commercial and had a debate asking “I don’t know are sharks mammals or fish?” response “I don’t know. I’m not a marine biologist.” Sheesh!! If our own species can make such mistakes we shouldn’t be so judgmental of sharks.

    #13 – amodedoma,

    You have to be actively stupid to win a Darwin Award. Had the killer whales attacked the boat, this would have been a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Odds of survival of a trip in a zodiak boat in Antarctica are probably higher than your odds of a lengthy weekend drive, so certainly not stupid.

    BTW, I’d be really surprised if this had turned out that way. Dolphins (including the largest member of the family, killer whales) are incredibly smart and only very rarely attack humans. This would have been highly uncharacteristic.


  16. amodedoma says:

    First of all if it were me I’d’ve given chilly willy the boot immediately, if the predator goes for the prey that zodiac’s toast. Don’t need the orcas to kill ya, that water temp will do it plenty fast.
    As far as I’m concerned taking a passive attitude in a potentially life threatening situation is inherently stupid. Fortunately evolution has a way of weeding these individuals out.

  17. #15 – Scottie

    >>How was your last Antarctica trip?

    Paddy-RAMBO missed the trip. He was too busy rearranging statuettes etc. on the desks of high-placed government officials in Washington. He’s the unofficial feng shui consultant for the Executive Branch.

    At least for another 57 days. HAW!!

  18. #16 – amodedoma,

    As I said before, I think when you’re driving on an interstate, you’re in a much more life-threatening situation than anyone in that zodiac.

    However, I will try to remember not to take any boat trips with you. First sign of a shark you’ll start chummin’ with your chum.

  19. LibertyLover says:

    #15, If our own species can make such mistakes we shouldn’t be so judgmental of sharks.

    You consider TV reporters to be part of our species? You sure think mighty highly of those guys 🙂

  20. #19 – LibertyLover,

    Check my blog moniker again. It’s not that I think highly of the reporters. It’s that I don’t think highly of our species.

  21. Greg Allen says:

    >> nhkuan said, on November 23rd, 2008 at 7:37 am
    >> I was so worry that the killer whales would attack the boat.

    That was my thought, too! It looked like in inflatable to me — easy for the whale to knock over.

    I would have been tempted to throw the penguin in into the mouth of the whale!

  22. AlanB says:

    #15 Misanthropic Scott said:

    >>#13 – amodedoma,

    >>You have to be actively stupid to win a Darwin >>Award.

    Actually you have to be actively dead. No award for this boatload.

  23. amodedoma says:



    Can’t see very well but I don’t think this orca was even chasing prey, just decides to bellyflop on that kyak.

    But you go ahead and be friendly with the predators, I’ll keep my distance thank you.

  24. 888 says:

    one freaking annoying soundtrack substituted by even noisier and equaly annoying soundtrack, WTF…

  25. #23 – amodedoma,

    Keep your distance if you like. It’s fine with me. I’d also suggest keeping your distance from the highways and byways of our nation. And, definitely don’t cross any streets here in New York City where the pedestrian fatality rate is the highest in the nation.

    And, most of all, that video of the killer whale and kayak is false.


  26. vplum says:

    Cute video. Oh, and too bad evolution hasn’t yet weeded out amodedoma… supercilious, condescending jerk.


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