Hilton’s new ad urges Palin to ‘show some skin’ – Access Hollywood – msnbc.com

Paris Hilton has some fashion advice for vice presidential hopeful Sarah Palin: show some skin.

In the same tone as her FunnyOrDie.com response to John McCain’s campaign ad, which pitted Barack Obama as the “biggest celebrity in the world” alongside a montage of footage featuring Britney Spears and the heiress, Hilton took on a host of presidential questions in the November issue of Harper’s Bazaar.

“My advice to Sarah Palin is, you’ve got a hot bod; don’t keep it to yourself,” the heiress said. “Why wear a pantsuit when you can wear a swimsuit?”

At least she wasn’t giving that advice to Hillary — or McCain!

  1. Ron Larson says:

    OK Paris… go to Alaska in winter and wear a bathing suit. Have fun.

  2. Brandon says:

    Just what we need, a Sarah Palin sex tape. No THANK YOU!

  3. Hugh Ripper says:

    #3 She could at least show some more cleavage when she does those cheeky winks during debates.

  4. Daniel says:

    #1: I betcha you’re Sarah Palin and are hiding your real ID 😉

  5. Michelle says:

    Good Morning!

    Can you guys please have the posts open in a new window? I keep closing out.


  6. brendal says:

    We’ve already seen Palin in a bathing suit…

  7. Rick Cain says:

    I dunno, if Hillary hit the gym for a few months she could be quite the GILF.


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