– Orlando

Children are no longer welcome at Walt Disney World’s swankiest restaurant.

Victoria and Albert’s in the Grand Floridian Resort and Spa says children under ten years old are no longer welcome.

The restaurant’s general manager says based on research and feedback, it was the right move to make for a better dining experience for adults.

I think this is an excellent move. There’s nothing like having a special dining experience ruined by screaming, unruly kids. There are ‘family’ restaurants and there are ‘adult’ restaurants.

  1. Ms. Nipple Pierce says:

    Good, if they can’t control the little bastards-keep them out and the parents too!

  2. RockOn says:

    Kids are ok in a restaurant, like ’em better fried than boiled… 😉

  3. Paul in NC says:

    I agree with Disney’s decision 100%. Parents cant seem to keep their unruly unbehaved offspring under control and then they get mad at YOU for telling them their kids are being too loud!

  4. Mister Manners says:

    And people ask me why I throw food.

  5. comhcinc says:

    more than that. i like having adult convo’s and don’t feel comfortable doing that around kids. hell i don’t like to drink in front of kids either

  6. Jägermeister says:

    Sounds okay to me. Just funny that it’s a company who base their business around kids that did it. 😉

  7. Brian says:

    Amen, there are very few things worse than trying to enjoy a great meal and have to listen to yuppie larva yelling and banging on the table.

    2 weeks ago we were in Vegas, my wife and her two sisters were eating at one of the nice places in the Venetian. A family with a small brat was seated right next to them and the mother gave the brat a spoon to play with. The kid started banging the spoon on the table, a marble table at that. The parents of course did nothing. My wife took her spoon and started banging it at the same pace as the monster. Finally the mother noticed and took the spoon away.

    People, if you are not going to control your brats leave them at home. And no, no one else thinks they are cute or smart or special, we just think they are brats.

  8. the Three-Headed Catâ„¢ says:

    Jäg, Disney stopped being a ‘kids-only’ outfit decades ago. You’re living in the past, as Jethro Tull would have it. 🙂

  9. Jägermeister says:

    #8 – THC

    Yeah, I guess I need to catch up with reality. 😉

  10. Brian says:

    Nothing wrong with it…if the kids want to eat, send them to an age-appropriate restaurant. It’s no different than a Disney financed film that’s rated PG13 or R.

  11. Cursor_ says:

    So for the kids that can behave themselves and have been raised as foodies by foodie parents, they are banned.

    Great. Hmmm I wonder if Uncle Walt would have done that??? Oh that’s right Steve Jobs is emporer of Diznee now and we all know how open Jobs is.

    Is it too much for a restaurant manager to be bothered to come out to a table that is unruly and ask them to leave? Oh that’s right, they want to PLAY like they are a manager and sit around drinking with their mates as the place turns into a wreck!


  12. jim h says:

    I hope this is just the beginning of a trend that sweeps the entire restaurant business.

  13. edwinrogers says:

    Can’t they just stun them with electricity, like salmon?

  14. Esih says:

    Great! Now if we could get other business places like grocery and department stores to do the same there might be a place to shop in peace. People who think that having a kid with them gives special privileges need to realize not everyone feels that way.

  15. BubbaRay says:

    Per the picture, I suppose screaming kids are worse than being seated in the kitchen.

  16. the Three-Headed Catâ„¢ says:

    #14 – M.U.B.

    “No wonder the world is in such a mess! Have we become so hedonistic and narcissistic that we won’t even allow kids to eat with us anymore?”

    It’s neither hedonistic nor narcissistic to recognize that:

    A. Not everywhere and not all times is / are safe or appropriate for children.

    B. People who, for whatever reason, want to be in the company of other adults.

    In response to _Cursor_, on that bit, there is no shortage whatsoever of places kids can go with their parents. But their IS a shortage of places for adults to go to enjoy the appropriate company of their own kind.

    I prefer not to wait until the brat spills an entire bottle of Chateau La Tour on my fucking Lobbs. That is effectively prevented by said brat – and his very-likely-rude-and-inconsiderate parents as well – being elsewhere.

    That’s called being proactive. Besides, I’ve had enough of kids for TWO lifetimes. It’s someone else’s turn.

  17. zoredache says:

    }} # 11
    }} Is it too much for a restaurant manager to be bothered to come out to a table that is unruly and ask them to leave?

    I think this is a case of preventing the problem in the first case being munch better then curing it after it happened.

    The temper tantrum that would be displayed by the parents of the children when asked to leave would be even more distrubtive and annyoing.

  18. AdmFubar says:

    it’s NOT a small world after all………
    it’s NOT a small world after all………

  19. Brian says:

    Why are people even upset about this? Damn people wake up! It’s not like it’s a Disney themed restaurant that kids can’t go to, it’s simply an upscale eatery that wants to cater to ADULTS.

    If you want to eat with your kids, take ’em somewhere else.

  20. drben54 says:

    I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had a $100 dinner with a date ruined by a screaming child. In one case the kid ran up to me table and put his hand in the food.

    My own stepkids went out to the car immediately if they acted up, in even a family place. I went with them, still hungry and letting them know I was upset. My ex picked up the doggy boxes. It was once a year we didn’t go out, until the kids were old enough to be left with a sitter.

    Sorry, I’m with Disney on this one. Parents need to either keep the kids quiet or keep them home. It’s sad that the minority of well-behaved children must suffer for the actions of most. I consider my stepkids to be good kids, but expecting them to sit tight in a restaurant at 3 and 6 (their ages at the time) was too much. Now of course they are OK.


  21. Vinny says:

    Victoria and Alberts STARTS at $125 per person. $60 more if you want wine (pp) and many of the items on the menu have a premium price above that.

    At that rate, you darn well better be assuring me of a quiet meal if I choose one. Otherwise, I’ll be up in some rich dad’s face telling him ‘if you want to spend $125 for your kids to be loud, why not spend another $250 to treat my wife and me, because your brat is ruining my dinner.”

    BTW- I have 2 kids, and would a) never take them to such a restaurant and b) have never had a scene in a restaurant, because 5 seconds into it we’re already at the curb. Why should you suffer because my kid is having a fit?

  22. Awake says:

    Banning annoying kids…
    What’s next?
    Banning smoking in bars in order to not annoy nonsmokers?
    Banning cellphone use in restaurants in order to avoid annoying the people close by?
    Banning cellphone use in movie theaters?

    After all, what makes people think that I have a right to enjoy my event in peace.

    Next thing you know, they will actually expect parents to have some respect and consideration for those around them, and take their crying little brat out of the (church / theater / restaurant).

    Noooo…. the rights of one trump the rights of anyone else.

  23. qsabe says:

    Generally you guys all have your heads up your asses. Kids have always been banned from bars and places of that sort. It’s OK… But you twits would prefer there were no kids anyplace.
    Who is going to support your worthless butts in later years.

  24. Jägermeister says:

    #24 – qsabe – Kids have always been banned from bars and places of that sort.

    Obviously not the one in the article.

    But you twits would prefer there were no kids anyplace.

    Hehe… I hope you don’t work as an analyst.

    Who is going to support your worthless butts in later years.

    Immigrants, H1B workers and illegal immigrants.

  25. MikeN says:

    Having kids eat at restaurants? No way, they’re loud and irritating, keep them away!

    Having kids exposed to porn and sex? Absolutely, they’ll have to do it eventually, better to get them started as soon as possible!

  26. DeLeMa says: MikeN, they don’t HAVE to have sex.
    Just say no..don’cha know..

  27. meetsy says:

    my kids always behaved in restaurants…they were expected to. Seems that parenting is what is out of style.
    Disney is a family theme park…I can’t imagine going to a “fine” restaurant at Disney. It sounds like an oxymoron.
    So, would one need to pay admission go enter the theme park to go dine there? Why in the world would I ever want to do that without my kids?

  28. the Three-Headed Catâ„¢ says:

    Are you being dense deliberately?

    It’s about banning kids from THIS PARTICULAR RESTAURANT. There are about 50 other restaurants at the resort. They allow kids.

    But they gotta be forced on everyone everywhere, right? Adults have no right to go anywhere kids can’t, is that it?

    This is about an expensive, elaborate fine dining experience. It ain’t fuckin’ Chuck E. Cheese.

    and Meetsy – you must not get out much.

    Walt Disney World is a very large place. VERY. PART of it is a theme park. PART of it is a RESORT, which includes some very deluxe hotels, golf courses and such. It ain’t all kiddie rides.

    Most of the place is deliberately, elaborately planned to be family-friendly. NOT ALL OF IT.

    …and more MikeN “logic.” Oh, brother.

    So, not permitting children into one particular restaurant = deliberately exposing them to pornography.

    With thinking skillz like that, be glad they don’t administer an IQ screening for entry to the restaurant. You’d starve.

  29. bindegal says:

    You are a group of grumpy old f!!!!s This have nothing to do with restaurants, you just been so dehumanize that you hate kids. Yes there are places where you don’t take kids, I wouldn’t take kids with me to my favorite Massage Parlour or Opium Den, but that’s for the sake of the children.
    You see, when grown Humans take care of kids, they think whats best for the kids, not what would easy and cosy for old sour farts!

  30. floyd says:

    #32: Read the article again, slowly if necessary. Kids are banned from ONE expensive restaurant in Walt Disney World (WDW). The rest will seat kids. I strongly suspect (haven’t been to WDW or Disneyland) that there are baby sitting services available if Mom and Dad want a nice dinner without the kids.

    When my kids were young, we took them to McDonalds, Burger King, or Wendy’s (they were hamburger fans) or maybe a pizza restaurant. A nice restaurant would have been the wrong place, though they were usually well behaved. They went to better restaurants when they were older, of course.


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